I had one of those not so good “mommy moments” yesterday (aka mini-meltdown). You know the one, where you are tired of picking up the same toys, over and over. Tired of saying “No!!” And you are tired of well, how shall I say this?
…wiping things.
I mean really, how much wiping can one woman do in a day?! Yeah, there are the typical kid/baby wipings that we all know so well. : ) Bottoms, hands, faces, post-meal high chair… And then there are all the house wipings. Table, counter top, floor, front of the fridge. I really feel like I need to just strap one of those huge Lysol wipe containers to one side of my belt and baby wipes on the other. Of course that won’t work too well since I haven’t really worn a belt since we had a different president.
Oh a different president. Now that would be nice…….
Oh sorry – I’m back…
If someone asked for my job description right now, I think the first thing I would say is “Master Wiper.”
I can see my future in which my right hand is simply “stuck” in a wiping-something hand cramp.
In another random mention, last night I had a horrible nightmare concerning one of my children. Actually it was really early this morning when you are sort of awake but kinda fall back asleep, you know? Anyway, it was just awful and so I have to ask – why have I not remembered a dream in ages and when I do it has to be something terribly disturbing? What is up with that? Can’t I at least remember a pleasant dream once every month or so?
Guess I’m gonna have to have a talk with my subconcious about this. And now, I am trying to “wipe” it from my memory. Unfortunaltey I don’t think a baby wipe is gonna take care of it this time.
That is so funny… I am with you on being a master wiper!
I have the same problem with dreaming… I don’t ever remember them but if I do, it’s usually one I would prefer to forget.
Hope you can wipe it away!
At my house I am “The Poop Checker”. Still, I’ll take this job over the port-o-potty guy’s job anyday!
oh…i had a mommy melt down too! i was picking up things and putting them where they go when i just started crying because i realized that i am the only one in the whole house that knows that the hamper is only 3 feet from where they put their clothes and the cabinet only 3 feet from where they put their things….and on and on….ugh!!!!!!!!!
My mommy melt down was last week…oh the memories. I’ve tried to “wipe” it away as well. The wipes, oh the wipes, oh where would we be w/out them?
You know, I don’t mind wiping the baby butt. Even with rancid poo. No problem.
The thing I REALLY hate wiping is the nose. Not only is it gross, but the accompanying head thrashing in an effort to keep the nose from being wiped? That’s the worst thing ever.
Also, I hate dreams like that! I hope you have better dreams tonight . . . about something totally hawt . . . like Brad Pitt.
I’ve been having a lot of those dream lately, too…except that I can’t really remember details in the morning, just a vaguely uneasy sense that lingers for hours. Here’s hoping for pleasant dreams to *wipe* the bad one away.
And oh yeah, I can relate to the Master Wiper thing too. Oh my can I!
Master wiper—where would that go on a resume lol
You are so right about all the wiping! Once I had two kids my standard shopping list started including paper towels (the really soft, expensive ones so I wouldn’t irritate my little ones’ sweet faces), antibacterial wipes for the car, toddler potty wipes and of course, baby wipes. My kids are teenagers now so I’m down to the soft paper towels and antibacterial wipes – and sometimes I still find myself wiping their noses.
Oh, and thanks for visiting my blog!
Ugh the wiping! And the toy picking up! THAT never seems to end. In fact I’m typing with some toys surrounding me…how does that happen?
Hi Elaine
I have found your blog from a comment you left on Colleen’s blog (And baby makes five)
I wanted to let you know that I visited and have thouroughly enjoyed reading your entertaining blog.
I too can relate to being the master Wiper. Love how you categorised the different types of wiping, only a true master wiper in all their wisdom could do that!
Warmest wishes
Ha! You should make yourself a Master Wiper award. I certainly know the feeling!
I had a disturbing dream like that about my little guy when he was a baby and I can still recall it vividly. *shudder* One thing is for sure, it made me extra careful about some things that were in the dream. Who knows, maybe it was a warning from above.
You are so right about the wiping! It’s like playing “wax on” “wax off”!
I dream of the day when the only butt I’ll be wiping is my own . . .
Man, the wiping wouldn’t me so bad if I weren’t wiping the butt of a octopus on speed (I’ve so used this one before, but it really does fit . . . ).
Hi Elaine! I found your blog because you commented on mine! How did you find mine?
Anyway, I’m cracking up at this post because I often feel the same way. Going back and reading some of your posts, it seems like we have alot in common! I’m also a SAHM to 2 kiddos, a 4 year-old son and a 5 month-old daughter.
Stop by again and visit. I’m adding you to my favorites list, so I’ll be back to check in.
Aw, I am sorry about the dream. It seems that I only remember those ones too, and they have been many lately. damn hormones.
Hope you have an amazing week with less wiping and more fun,
I have mad wiping skillz too. We should probably look into producing something that will cure repetitive wiping syndrome…