Exactly a week from now I will be in Napa, California with three of my gal pals hopefully enjoying a nice glass of California red. (Hey, it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere right?)
It will be my first trip to that part of the country as an adult of wine- drinking age. Can you say “Rock on!?” I hope to have a collection similar to this picture when it’s all said and done. Is that bad?
Yeah, I might be just a tad bit excited.
It will also be my very FIRST time away from Little G overnight. Just typing that makes me tear up a little. Seriously.
I mean don’t get me wrong, I will miss The B Man too, but it’s different. I’ve been away from him overnight many times. And let’s face it, he’s four and excited to hang out with Daddy. I have NEVER been away from my G overnight. It’s only 4 days and 3 nights but I am thinking that maybe I should have paced myself and tried one night first.
But alas, I didn’t and the trip is almost upon us. I am confident that we will both fare just fine but I am pretty sure that leaving him is going to be EXTREMELY bittersweet. I mean it’s not like I can smell his sweet little baby hair from 1,000 miles away. Okay, moving along before I become a blubbering idiot.
On another topic related to the trip, we are planning a little side trip to Trader Joe’s. I’ve heard many great things about this place, both from my friend Heather, who is going on the trip and has been there before, and from fellow bloggers. Unfortunately though, since they are only located in the Northeast and the Western part of this great country I’ve never been before.
Have you been to Trader Joe’s? If so, I’d love to hear any suggestions you may have of things to buy while there. I can see the future and the crystal ball says that I have a HUGE chance of being overwhelmed and wanting to buy anything and everything that will fit in my suitcase. So, if any of you can help me narrow it down I would really appreciate it!
Oh and if you know of a winery that is a “can’t miss” you are welcome to let me in on that little nugget of knowledge too. : )
You are going to have so much fun—don’t worry about Little G, he’ll be fine and you’ll be a better mommy after your break
No help with Trader Joes–I’m a Whole Foods gal (we do have a few of those here in Dallas
What the heck do I know? My wine comes in a box! heh heh
I’m green with envy – haven’t been there for a few years now. Have a GREAT time
Have a great time!!! Napa is fabulous. We went there on our honeymoon. The wineries open at 11 am so prepare yourself.
As far as Trader Joes, so much of their stuff is so great. Enjoy perusing! Austin will only eat their mac n cheese or homemade. All of their chocolate products are wonderful too!
Oooooh, you lucky thing! Both for the wine, and Trader Joes, and especially tha gal pal time!
And, I understand the whole bittersweet to be away from your baby thing. The only time I’ve been away from N overnight is my trips to the hospital!
oh honey this is sooo a trip i would love to make some day!! promise to come back with all the details and lots of pics
Oh, girl!! You are going to have so much fun! Of course you will miss little G, but it will be so good to rejuvenate your soul with good friends and good wine!
Never been to Trader Joes, but have heard wonderful things too. Make sure you take some pictures for all of us Texans
I’ve not been to Trader Joe’s, but I too have heard good things about it. Enjoy your trip – sounds like a fabulous time!!!
Ive never been to Trader Joe’s so I am no help sorry! Come to think of it, Ive never been to a winery either…Today I am useless
But I really hope you have a great time! It’s always fun to get away with the girls!
ooh, have an amazing time! I am a wee bit jealous, no girls trip for me this year:) Your kids will do just fine, and so will you.
Trader Joe’s! (adjust my glasses) My grocery store? Really? Okay. Well I suppose if I didn’t have it, I’d wish I would, so I feel you.
Actually you can probably skip Napa altogether because they have a great wine selection. I heart their Maple Pecan Cluster’s cereal, (the most fattening in the pantry), and their multigrain pancake mix. Great frozen food too, but I doubt that will travel well ;). Great time to be in Napa, enjoy.
I will say Rock On!!! Have a fabulous time!! I am completely jealous. I have only been once and it was quite a while ago.
I LOVE Trader Joe’s. It is fabulous and fantastic. You can’t go wrong. Definitely get something chocolate!
Wine tours are SO FUN. Have a great time!
You are going to have an awesome time!!!
Trader Joe’s is my main grocery hang out. They have these chocolate peanut butter cups that are to die for. Definitely get those! They also have great organic peanut butter and jams. Oh, and their applesauce is super yummy (they have flavors). I second the cereals. And another sweet treat that you MUST try are the O’s cookies (like Oreos, but so much better).
Have a great time!:O)
How fun! Have a fabulous time!
O’s are the best at Trader Joes!! YUMMY!!
And I left Anya to go to San Fran on a girls weekend when she was 14 months. It was also 4 days. You will make it. And he will do fine. Leaving is the worst, but as soon as you are on the way, you will begin to relax like you haven’t in a long time.
Hang in there, it will be all worth it!!
ohhh this sounds like a fun trip! i hope you have a great time!
So jealous of Napa – LOVE LOVE LOVE it there! Have a picnic lunch at V. Sattui – they have a lovely imported foods type place where you can get some great crusty bread and fresh cheese and proscuitto (sp?).
Trader Joe’s has the best peanut butter filled pretzels and they also have awesome almonds (both salted and unsalted). I love it there too! You are going to have such a great trip!
It’s going to be awesome! So happy for but mostly JEALOUS….
Have a great time. I don’t have suggestions for either, but enjoy yourself and make sure to take lots of pictures!
In case you are like me and can’t afford the wines from Napa don’t be sad! Trader Joe’s has plenty of fantastic options for you. Here are my Top 10 Trader Joe’s Wines. Enjoy the trip!
You are going to have a BLAST! Both you and your little guy will be just fine.
I am insanely jealous that you get to go on a trip like that, btw. I totally need to plan a girl’s trip!
I love Trader Joe’s! Make sure to get a bottle of the “Two Buck Chuck” – yes, that’s what it’s called. It’s fantastic and it costs $2.00. No, really. It’s good.
Oh – and I really love their frozen food section in general. When I was flying solo with my kiddo when hubby was in Iraq I ate many a frozen meal from Trader Joe’s!
I’m so jealous – have a great time!
I’m sure you’re going to enjoy your trip!
If I lived closer, I would order a bottle of red wine
Oh.My…I seriously need you to pack me in your suitcase!
I sooo need a vacation!! Have a blast!
Oh, and I’ve never been to trader joe’s either, but I’ve heard that Sprouts is almost identical to it…and, sprouts is cool, but its no HEB Central Market! You will have to let us know what you think!
I love trader joes I don’t get there nearly enough, enjoy wine country I am so jealous I have always wanted to do a girls trip there!