I’m sitting here watching a re-run of “Will and Grace” and missing the good ole days of “Must See T.V.” How random is that?
Ok, so here’s the rest of my randomness for today.
*I’m getting a little bored with the running. I still want to do it but sometimes I am running (since I can run for 20 minutes straight now!) and I’m like “When is this going to be over?” So, some tips on how to keep going without getting bored are appreciated. Thanks.
* I can’t believe that Debra Messing is wearing a blouse in this episode with no bra and totally showing her little ones to the whole world.
* The B Man has been whining SO much lately that I almost can’t take it. Any tips on how to cease the whining before I have to do TONS of “wining” would be GREATLY appreciated.
*Little G ate his own ice cream cone pretty much by himself today. I am too lazy to get up and get the pictures off of my camera so I will leave them for another post. Let’s just say it was prophetic that I took his clothes off first.
* Last weekend we celebrated Tim’s Grandfather’s 91st birthday. We are SO lucky to have three of Tim’s grandparents in our lives and the boys lives. We had a lovely visit with Tim’s aunts, uncles and cousins that were visiting for the occasion as well. And the cake was REALLY good.
* I had my first soy milk today and it wasn’t bad. I think it will take a little getting used to and the idea of COMPLETELY avoiding dairy is kind of a hard concept for me right now. (all of this because of that S.B. book that I read and mentioned a couple of times). I mean hello… butter.
* “LOST” was good but it kinda made my head spin. So this whole thing is about time travel? Not sure how I feel about that… hmmmm… What about the polar bears of yore and the black clouds and such?
* I DO NOT like taking the trash out when it’s 30 something degrees out.
* I ordered over 350 prints last week and they are now sitting on my desk along with all the other scrapping that I need to address. What I need is a weekend retreat to get some work done. I think I will look into that. I’ve NEVER been this behind (and no, I’m not whining. Really I’m not…and even if I were, at least you don’t have to actually HEAR it!)
* Please keep praying for my family. There is too much going on right now and we ALL just need it. Thank you in advance.
* Now I’m watching “Frasier” and I miss Roz. And this show makes me want coffee. At 11 o’clock at night.
*Anna left her VERY favorite blanket here today. I can only imagine what bedtime was like at her house tonight. (hope it was okay Lisa!)
* I miss my husband and can’t wait for him to come home Friday.
*I’ve reconnected with my best friend from childhood on Facebook and I hope that she and I can get together soon since she lives just a few minutes from my parents.
*THE Bloggy Giveaways Carnival starts again on Monday, as in THIS Monday, Jan. 26th. I will have a giveway here (or maybe even two) so make sure you get in on the fun! (See button top of left sidebar).
Alright, guess that’s about all for today.
Happy Thursday!
Wow, quite a number of random thoughts, they can get a bit overwhelming sometimes eh?
I too am years behind on my scrapping. If only I could find a couple days to do nothing but create my personal pages.
Love your blog!!
Only if you’ll read my random… I loved Frasier’s dad, and the dog, and the recliner, and I can’t believe you let the baby eat ice cream cone alone, ice cream is a half naked, outdoor treat around here ;-), I had a crush on Niles, he was too good for Daphne…
Wow I am so impressed with the 20 minutes stragiht on running! That’s awesome! I ran for the 1st time in months yesterday, and made it to 12 minutes! Not bad for my 1st work out in forever
I wish I had that problem of being bored, though.. I am too busy wondering if I’m going to survive to be bored! lol I have to listen to my iPod when I’m running though or I do get really bored! I am totally a fan of randomness! 
Hurry, let’s retreat and scrapbook the weekend away. I wold have to bring the baby with me though. Not sure if that’s what you have in mind : ).
I was also a little disappointed by Lost. Where are all the answers they kept talking about? All we got was that it was time travel and we sort of already knew that.
Good job on the running-I wish I could even get out the door to do so!!
And if you find all the helpful advice on whinning, let me know…I have one who does it ALL.THE.TIME. lately!! Its driving me insane!
Ok- so much to comment on. I am choosing two things.
1) When I run I just crank my ipod. It’s *ME* time. I just lose myself in music and life. I also pray a lot… and take that time to reflect. Sometimes, if I am really busy, I make lists in my head and jot it down when I get back home.
2) LOST sucked. I was so mad. I was yelling at the TV. lol Andy thinks (knows) I am nuts, but he was very concerned last night. I DO not like the time travel, and I feelt more LOST about the dang plot, now, than I did before. SIGH. ANDDDD– We said the same thing about the smoke monster and the bears.
Love your random! And boy, do I miss Will & Grace. Actually, I miss Jack & Karen cuz they totally MADE that show!!
Are you doing your running on a treadmill? I get so bored too. 20 minutes straight is FANTASTIC!!
I love reconnecting with old, lost friends on Facebook!!
Most importantly, prayers have been sent your way!
Also, could you share any whining/wining tips with me that you receive!
I loved Will & Grace!!
That is some serious random!
I get bored when running too. I try to focus on how awesome I will feel about myself when I am done. It is amazing what a little ego can do for you? I also like to think about blogging ideas.
As for the whining, just be persistent! Don’t give him what he wants unless he asks in a non-whiny way. Ignore the whining! It is hard to do, but that is all that has worked for me.
Praying for your family.
Jodie loves to go on scrapbooking retreats. Since I don’t scrap I think it is funny, but she loves them.
I love me some Will and Grace, except I named my sons Will and Jack without thinking of the tv show, so now I need it to just go away.
Of all those things, I find myself stuck on the soy milk discovery. I am SUCH a wimp to try it already. For some reason, I think it’ll taste like egg nog.
Okay, I’ll try it. Maybe.
Love the randomness!
We do mostly soy at our house. I’m not a fan of milk at all, so I could care less (however, even the plain does not make good mac n cheese).
And, the running? Maybe an iPod? Or some new music on the iPod? Or a little reward for yourself if you complete so much?
That is one of the many reasons I hate running. It is too boring!
I don’t scrap chronologically, otherwise I would always feel behind! Just scrap what you FEEL like scrapping, don’t worry about doing it “in order”.
New playlist on the iPod for when you go running?? Download the latest cool tunes?
Sorry about the whining. I think it probably comes with the age. It won’t last forever (something new and just as annoying will take its place, LOL).
Oh, and look me up on Facebook! Hannah Jacobsen Blair.
Boredom is a huge factor in running at times, especially on a treadmill. I have tried the various methods:
– count ceiling tiles
-listen to sermons on my ipod
-make lists of stuff I could do when done
-count my steps, lose count and start again (x100)
-sing to myself
-go mentally numb.
That is by no means a comprehensive list, but a start nonetheless. I’ve run for 3 hours straight, and there is some interesting stuff you can say to yourself!!!
I use to run and as of Feb, I am going to get back at it. Right now I am concentrating on eating right and consistent exercise. Anyway, I had to run outside or I would be board to death. Now even exercising. I watch some TV but when I get board I have to crank the ipod to a cardo workout cd that I have on it from costco. Its fast and gets me going again.
i miss will and grace, that show was so funny. at least its always on lifetime or some other channel.
I like your randomness!
My 16 yo step daughter will only drink soy milk on her cereal, and I have to say, I can’t stand it! No dairy? No chocolate milk? No cheese? No butter? No!
I’m looking forward to the bloggy carnival, too, but I still don’t know what I’ll be giving away. Probably something crafty. I took the easy way out and did a gift card last time.
Hi there! I have been wanting to stop by and say hi b/c I have seen your blog on other blogs (4 little men and Mommy and her boys and seeking sanity, etc). I am a SAHM and I have two boys also (Jackson, 10 and Jacob, 5). :))
Just wanted to say hi and I will be checking back in!!!
Have a good weekend!!!
Love, Cissa
Don’t even get me started on the amount of printed photos that I need to file…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE will and grace
Bored working out? Solution = books on tape. Hey! this will even help solve your wanting to read more books problem too!
I bet the time will pass faster if you’re listening to a great story!
You have too many random thoughts. I want to comment on all of them and there’s not time. :o)
I miss the days of must-see tv, too. seriously – there’s nothing good anymore!
I’m intruiged by Skinny Bitch but am not letting myself read it, as it’s caused a revolution in everyone I know that’s read it, and that CAN’T happen to me considering I’m married to the biggest carnivore on the planet!
I don’t know if I would ever be able to keep up with running if I didn’t have a TV in front of me. I tivo some of my favorite shows and watch them…makes the time go by SOOOO much faster!
I find running so boring that I’ve officially adopted the policy of only running when chased. Seriously! I love walking, stair climbing (awesome for the buns!) and yoga, so I stick to those.
Have you ever tried rice milk? I think it tastes a lot better than soy milk (except for mocha soy milk, which rocks! lol!).
Visiting over from Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit! I’m glad I found it! Tip for not getting bored with running: Either A.) Get someone to run with to try and keep up with and keep you going, or B.) browse itunes for some really “runnable” songs. If I find myself slowing down I scroll through my ipod until I find that one with a good beat that makes me want to speed up! It works, believe me, I was running a half marathon in Dec and was just not feeling it, when I found Britney Spears on my ipod and then rocked the whole thing! I know, Britney Spears, blah, but hey it helped! I’ll be back!
that was a lot of random…
soy milk: i think that the 8th continent brand tastes better than the silk brand. i like the light vanilla… i really liked the light chocolate but can’t find it anymore. james drinks the silk vanilla soy. kirstyn likes having a choice btw soy and reg and likes both. she prefers soy in her smoothies and oatmeal but wants reg milk on her cereal.
oh and i still want to borrow the book.