One night last week I had the chance to go out for a ladies night and see “He’s Just Not That Into You.” And let me just say right now that Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck actually make a cute couple. And Ginnifer Goodwin was just as adorable as she could be. (side note: did anyone ever watch “Ed?” I LOVED her in that show. Well, I just loved the show… Tim and I both did.)
But this post really has NOTHING to do with the movie. Perhaps the title gave you that idea. Anyway, it has more to do with my bathroom experience after the movie and what went down between me having to wait (and being early pregnant) almost TOO long to get my turn to go, and when I was ACTUALLY able to relieve myself.
Let me back up a little and fill you all in on the fact that I was drowning in two large glasses of water and a frozen hot chocolate when I entered the Ladies room. In other words, I HAD TO PEE!
I was quite glad to hear the click of the door lock as someone vacated the third stall and I quickly made a break for it. Mind you she and I (lady leaving) were only in contact with each other for a millisecond but she quickly became very important to me.
As I sat down I began to grab for the toilet paper to get ready for the next logical step. THE NON EXISTENT toilet paper. Luckily I had not started the flow. And let me tell you right now, those Kegels were paying off in that moment.
I sat there debating whether to ask someone on my left or right if they could “spare a square” or moving on to another stall WITH t.p. and I became very angry with Miss “I-just-used-the-last-of-the-tp-and-did-not-feel-the-need-to-tell-the-next-person-who-probably-really-has-to-go.” I mean, hello!!! You passed RIGHT BY my face, couldn’t you have given me a little heads up before I got my bladder all excited for nothing?? Sure I know we are COMPLETE strangers and all but help a sister out. I would most certainly do the same for you, (insert choice word here for what I actually want to call her right now).
I ultimately decided to zip up and move to another stall to finish my business but I’m still a little bitter with her – can you tell? Seriously, that’s just wrong. I mean even if you are mute you could vigorously nod your head “No,” right??
So now PLEASE tell me that you would let the next customer know that there was no toilet paper in the stall you just left. My bladder (and if it’s too late, my undergarments) and every other lady’s out there thanks you.
Oh and in reference to yesterday’s post, I’m working on forgiving her… ; )
I would TOTALLY let them know.
But maybe she had no TP and was embarrassed by having to drip-dry?
(Not that that has ever happened to me. Ahem.)
What a cow!… but yeah you can let up on those kegels now, they’re not going to help any woman that has had 3 pregnancies. Supermommy pees on her cape all of the time! (Great, now Lainey knows you use Depends)
I absolutely would have told them. I agree that it is pretty rude not to say anything!
But this is why I always carry a little packet of Kleenex in my purse … they can be useful in such situations, especially if the flow HAS already started when you notice there is no TP!
She really should have had something! I do the kleenex thing too. You never know
I always let people know. Even if I am waiting and they decide I am just standing there for my health and not the fact that I in fact am standing there because I HAVE TO PEE. I say “there is no TP!”
oh you simply must say something!
I would have said something. And if it was too late, I would have found t.p. and handed it under the stall to you. I am just that nice.
Was she still in there washing her hands when you had to move stalls? Did you give her the evil eye?
I am the odd one out here. When I go to the restroom it is not a place of chit chat for me; especially with a complete stranger who is hell bent on getting into the stall.
Now if it was a friend that was right behind me, I totally would. But someone I don’t know; not so much.
That is just so wrong!
Dude, how hard would it have been to say…oh there’s no toilet paper left in there, I just used it all…
What I’m wondering is if there was any when she went in there…maybe she didn’t use any at all.
I always make a point to tell people if there is no paper. And I have so been there, being pregnant and desperate to pee.
And I loved Ed and was sad it did not last.
Um, did I miss something? You are pregnant???? Woohoooo!!!! Congratulations!
I definitely would have let you know. No consideration. Pft. At least it made for a good story
Oh, I would so tell you! I’m nice like that!
And, this is the second day in a row I had to remove HAIR from the seat of the toilet in our workroom….ewwww!!!
ok first – HUGE ed fan!! i wish everyday that it would come back on!!
and yes i would totally tell the next customer! i mean we girls must stick together right?
I would totally tell the next person in line and have on many occasions!! And I’ve been known to ask the person next to me to spare a few squares as well.
Frozen hot chocolate? YUM!!!
I would have let you know-sure!!
The spare a square made me laugh, Ive never heard that before-haha!
Dude, you MUST (MUST!) say something.
I just passed an award on to you
Go to my blog for details
I bet she didn’t have any either and didn’t want to say anything. LOL i have had to do that before.
If I was flying solo, then YES, I would most certainly have told you. If my kids were with me, then probably not but only because they majorly distract me from any coherent thoughts!
I would have told the next lady, fo sho!! That was wrong!!
I have had this happen to me, too! grr. Glad you were able to hold it in!
It’s basic bathroom courtsey! sheesh people. Hey, at least you noticed before it was “too late!”
I would have told you but that’s only if I remembered after I, um, well, you know, wiped, zipped, buttoned, adjusted, etc. I am absent minded like that.
But I feel your pain. Drip drying is so not cool.
I can’t believe her nerve! I would have totally told the next girl!
I WOULD SO Tell!!! Just rude!! really
Oh she so did NOT follow the girl code of ethics!
I’m cracking up thinking about the fact that this must have been your “post in the hopper”!
You poor thing – keep doing those exercises! I know a certain someone who after only one baby occasionally laughs a bit too hard and loses a little!
WHat the heck!? Where is her sense of sisterhood and loyalty. Shemight as well as peed on the seat!