Do you have special occasions in your life like birthdays, births, graduations, weddings, holidays, etc. etc.? Well of course you do! So listen up (or “read” up, HA!). I have some new friends at Announcements Galore who make really cute announcements, invitations and even photo collages for all the special times in your life that bring emotion to your heart and tears to your eyes (do I “have you at “hello” yet?) Anyway, they have generously agreed to give a $30 gift certificate to one of my bloggy friends. Can I get an”Ah yeah girl, that’s awesome?” Let me hear it!!
Oh and I almost forgot! If you will mention this contest on your blog and link back here then I will enter you in the contest twice! Just let me know you did so in your comment!
Lastly, I have a little button for AG on my sidebar (do you see it over there >>) and if you do not win (it’s okay, there can only be one) and still want to purchase something from Announcements Galore please do it through my blog because it’s also my first affiliate and both of us would be so appreciative!
probably on easter cards. wish me luck!!!
I would save it for Christmas cards, those are WAY nicer than the ones from Wal-Mart
Ps I’ve linked ya!
I think I would pass it onto my sister, for the new baby!
(pay it forward, if you will)
PS> I have linked you as well!
That announcement is absolutely adorable! So cute!
I can’t think of any announcement I need to make. Bah!
Oh oh oh please enter me
I would use it for birthday invitations for my baby’s 1st birthday
Rachel xxx
A Juggling Mum
The cards look lovely…great contest!
I SO don’t need anything today, but gosh, they are SO cute!
I like the baby’s 1st year collage. What a great idea and a wonderful keepsake.
I’d like the baby boy block birthday ones for my son who will be having a party next month!
I would use the Graduation cards! please enter me, thanks!
I’d LOVE one of their photo collages.
i would love some 1st bithday invites for our daughter
mom2maria at hotmail dot com
I think easter cards would be nice…or maybe some thank you cards for my sons recent birthday party.
Pls visit my blog…I have your ocntest listed too.!
i would order some cards for easter!! thanks so much!!
I’d pass the 1st year birthday invites on to my sister. I love your site – and I’ll add a link to your contest on mine.
Hello! I really like the “candy cane” holiday card. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks very much!
I’d use it to get invites for my sons first birthday party. I like the “one is fun” invites!
Sadly I’d probably use it for our Holiday cards, but I really like their Candy Cane Holiday Carddesign!
Hello! I would like to be put in the contest!
I like the Happy Harvest cards!
I would most likely use the $ for some birthday invites. They are all very sweet.
If I won, I would use the money on a gift certificate for my sister in law who is due to give birth in a couple of weeks. I personally liked the black and white birth announcements. But we know she is having a girl so who knows what she would pick. I’d leave that up to her.