We had the pleasure of meeting this sweet little child, Rosemary, yesterday. Isn’t she just a full plate of precious-ness?
She’s the daughter of Tim’s cousin Fred and his wife Amy. I only got a few minutes to nuzzle her (she was quite happy playing on the floor with her toys) and it did give me a glimpse into having an infant around again. Although she’s already sitting up and I’m pretty sure they don’t do that right away…
She’s just a really good-natured little baby and hardly made a peep while we visited, ate dinner and played. G did get a little jealous after seeing me hold her and came to sit in my lap after I placed her back in her play spot. It should be interesting in a few months when I am with our”baby” all the time.
I have an OB appointment this Thursday and will be 16 weeks on Wednesday. It already seems like it’s flying by. And the BIG sonogram is on May 21st and for some reason that seems so very far away. I believe it must be because I’m pretty eager to find out this time. As I’ve said to quite a few friends and family already, it’s going to be interesting either way because if it’s a boy then I’M GONNA HAVE THREE BOYS and if it’s a girl (which I’m guessing it’s not) then IT’S GONNA BE A WHOLE NEW WORLD!
Also, my allergies have been kickin’ my behind this week and I’ve been VERY tired. It’s like I traded “morning” sickness for tiredness. Ugh.
Anyway, just a little update.
Happy Monday everyone…
She is just precious. I will be praying you feel better soon.. It does seem like yesterday that you told us you were prego, it is going by fast. Can’t wait to find out what you are having either….
Allergies stink when you can’t take the really good drugs for them.
Have a great Monday!
Wow–time is flying by!
Hope you are feeling better soon–seasonal allergies rarely bug me but I have been sneezing a ton so I am guessing they are pretty bad this year!
I so get this whole post lol! I get the allergies! And i most definitely relate to the whole boy vs girl thing! I just wrote a post about it yesterday kinda. Hope all is well!
She is adorable! And I remember those days of sheer exhaustion. I was sure I had Malaria.
That’s a great attitude to have about having 3 boys. I admit, I wasn’t quite so positive thinking when they told me the third was a boy. As the saying goes, I wouldn’t trade him for a million girls.
Aww, I’m sorry you’re so whipped. Nothing like creating a whole other human being to just take it out of ya.
And the whole sonogram boy/girl thing – I promise I will be sooooooo excited for you if this little dude is a little dude. Anyone says anything remotely in the ballpark of “sorry” and they’re getting a big ole helping of Boy Mama pie. It hasn’t been that long ago since the “oh, another boy, going to try again?” B.S.
Hang tight – allergy season is almost done!!
Oh she is just a cutie!!!!
Yep. Always tired. Although it seems to have gotten slightly better recently. I hope it gets better for you too.
One month until the big day. Woohoo!
I hope you post the results. I’m so anxious to find out.
All that hair, wow, she’s a lucky little thing! My kids were bald as cue balls till they were at least 2
It’s a girl, I can feel it in my bones! Wait, maybe that is the sun, finally shine with WARMTH….I get easily confused…
What an angel! I can’t wait to hear what you are having
May will be here before you know it… Hope everything goes well!
What a sweetie!
It does get a little tense with the sibling thing, but in the long run they just can’t live without each other even if they co-exist grumpily.
I think I would take that trade. At least you aren’t too tired to vomit.
She is adorable!
I think youre having a girl. Dont know why but just do.
I’m sorry about the fatigue…I’m right there with you!!
oh E, she is so sweet. i can not wait until you find out. you will be blogging about it, i hope?
I hope your allergies get better soon! You will be great either way, with the third son or the first daughter!!
May 21st is McSister’s birthday!! She’s a wild one…does that mean Baby #3 will be too??
Uh oh….get ready, momma!!
I kid, I kid!!
Oooohh…She is completely precious!! I hope this baby is laid back like her…if Cole hadn’t been laid back, I don’t think I would have made it through this past year!
Hope you feel better – I hate allergies!!
What a cutie your niece is!
And, here’s to finding that long lost source of energy…and when you do, please show me where to find it.