Who’s in Charge Here? Oh, Me!

So I had a moment today while I was vacuuming the den, making sure that all the glass was off of the floor from the broken snow globe, (I know, you have lots of questions after that statement – I will get to them later) when I started to wonder how I got here and who put me in charge.

Tim is out of town on business for a few days and whenever he’s gone it just sort of hits me that it’s only me running the show and well, I am out-numbered. Ok, not severely but still, it’s two against one and frankly that just doesn’t seem fair.

I had to discipline someone for climbing then dropping and breaking the previously mentioned globe de snow and while the din of the vacuum drowned out his cries from his room, I wondered, “When did I become the displinarian and the one to make these big-ish decisions?” I mean when I was the kid, my parents sure seemed to have it all together and were certainly the authority in my mind. I just had to stop and ask myself if my son perceives me the same way. Surely he cannot because I just turned around and all of the sudden became the adult. It was just the other day that I was the one getting in trouble right ? (although that’s not entirely true since I was a perfect child) ahem.

I seem to have these “reality checks” a lot these days and sometimes it just really freaks me out that I am the one guiding them on a daily basis. I AM the one that they see as the authority figure and their Mother (or in Little G’s case, DAH!) I am the one who kisses their boo-boos instead of mine being kissed (and yes broken snow globe = small cut on hand for little boy). I am the one that wipes their tears or in some cases, creates them. Who gave me all this power and when did I actually decide that I wanted it? I just find it really baffling sometimes that I AM the adult here and I AM the one in charge of two little boys. Real ones. Scary, huh?

Okay, so maybe it’s not really that petrifying and I have to say that I do feel quite a sense of accomplishment in my life as I sit here with my two precious boys well fed, bathed, read to and off in dreamland in their beds. Today did have a couple of moments when I thought I might revoke my mommy license (can you say clogged toilet?) but honeslty I wouldn’t give up my adult responsibilities for anything else in the world. But, I will be very happy to share the duties again once Tim returns. (miss you honey!)

And here are the answers to your possible questions.

1) Yes, we did have a snow globe out at the end of May.

2) It was actually tucked away on a shelf on our entertainment center where some things like Play-Doh and crayons are also stashed.

3) The B Man did some unauthorized climbing next to the pretty expensive t.v. to retrieve it.

4) Little G was fast asleep when all this transpired so at least that made clean up much less hectic.

5) No, I am not looking forward to what other shennanigans may happen while my husband is still out of town.



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