I can hardly believe it, but our little Gavin is already a month old today. We went for his check up this morning and he is weighing in at 8 lbs. 5 0z. and he’s an entire inch longer than when he was born (20 and 1/4 inches). So it’s further proof (as are all the wet and poopy diapers!) that nursing is going well and again, I am SO happy about that!
We’ve been staying pretty close to home except that Gavin and I did go to church for the first time since he was born, last Sunday and we stayed in the cry room while he ate most of the mass! He’s quite a little piggy! He also took his first trip to Target with me earlier this week so that we could get some things for Father’s Day. Luckily he doesn’t talk so he can’t tell Daddy what we got him! HA!
Ben is really good with Gavin and gives him and “hug” and then a kiss on the head EVERY morning before Tim takes him to school. He also likes to touch his little head and comment on how soft Gavin is. It’s too cute!! We are struggling a little when it comes to potty training with Ben. He’s so smart AND stubborn and those 2 things together are not the best combo for this task! Right now he’s scared to go poo poo on the potty and neither Tim or I can committ the time to get him to sit on the potty every time he needs to even just tinkle, so… it’s taken a back seat. If anyone has any tips on how to train while caring for a newborn at the same time, I would love to know them!