I find it a little ironic that I’m trying to lose some weight but my blog continues to be about food. What’s that about anyway? Well in this case, I’m givin’ it away and won’t be eating it myself. So… there is a method to my madness! Who knew?!
See’s Candies emailed me last week and asked if I would be willing to review or giveaway some of their products. And being the generous soul that I am, I figured I’d give some away. Am I a good friend or what?!
They have wonderfully tasty chocolates (I can vouch for that from my sorid chocolate past…) and you can get many Chocolate gifts and even do Chocolate fundraisers through them!
If you would like to a win a $25.00 gift card just in time for the holidays to See’s here’s how you can win!
*Leave a comment here telling me what you would use your free money towards on their site. You know you want to look, so go on over there… {excuse me while I wipe the drool off of my laptop…}
*If you want extra entries tweet about this giveaway and/or follow me. If you already follow me or start, let me know in a separate comment. If you tweet about it, let me know that in another comment. Otherwise, it no countie, k?
The contest runs until midnight (CST) on Friday, December 5th. I will announce the winner the following day.
Good luck and happy eating!
What the heck? How has no one left a comment about this delicious giveaway? I would buy the California brittle and the toffee-ettes. I love butter with chocolate. (I would have to throw in $5… well worth it.)
I so totally don’t need this but how can I resist? The “Nuts & Chews” are calling my name.
Hello! Dream come true!
I’d get the custom mix box and fill it with all dark Bordeaux’s!! Then buy a bag of foil balls for the kids!
Total drool moment! Thanks for the chance!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, chocolate.
pecan buds, i would buy lots of pecan buds.
I’d definitely buy some of their Peanut Brittle (probably 10oz.) and a 1 lb. pkg of Milk Chocolate Nuts & Chews. Mmm…Great way to start the holiday season. Thank you so much for the chance.
I am a new twitter follower (ihchicky).
I just tweeted about the giveaway (ihchicky). Enter 2 win a $25 GC for See’s chocolate on The Miss Elaine-ous blog. http://tinyurl.com/65xhte
Did somebody say chocolate?
That’s what I’d buy, I mean egg nog? Good! Truffle? GOOD!
I am trying to loose weight also but if I won, I would give it to a friend who is like a mother to me. See’s is her favorite and I have had a hard time thinking of what to get her for christmas this year. That would be perfect. PERFECT.
I am a follower
You love me best, and you know it.
I would get some of their Pecan Buds, they are sooo good!
I grew up in CA so See’s Candies has nostalgia value for me. =) For the sweet memories, I would buy $25 worth of Peanut Butter Lollipops and share them with my sisters.
I know..the horror. No chocolate. But trust me, if you like PB at all, you will ADORE those lollipops.
I think I would be a good wife & give the diabetic some of the dark sugar free bars, because I’m sweet and deserve that Tiffany’s necklace I’m gonna buy, right?
premium dark chocolate bars and dark chocolate peppermints!
new follower
OMG!! I would order 2lbs of assorted chocolates! Got to try them all! LOL
That site is SINFUL! *drool*
I’m so busy wiping away drool that I can barely type my comment…smile. I would choose Egg Nog Truffles or Peanut Brittles. Got a few guys in Iraq who would go crazy over Sees. Heck they’d probably go straight for this instead of their gifts….lol.
***jumping up and down from sugar high after seeing Sees candy…lol**
I follow you on Twitter (princesssmall)
Hate to share because then my odds of winning goes down BUT what the heck! It’s the holiday season SO I just twittered this giveaway on Twitter! If I don’t win, I’m sure one of my Twitter friends will give me a crumb of their Sees candy

When I win I am getting California brittle and victorian toffee, mmmmmmmm.
Oh, I love See’s…can’t get them anywhere…I want to do a review!
I would get a custom box.
I follow you, babe!
I love See’s! The cinnamon lollypops look so good.
Wow! I would get a dark chocolate assortment, the lollipops and the dark chocolate balls.
Milk chocolate and variety box please. Though my ultimate fav is their summer box; the MC box is my go to back up.
yummy! i’d love the milk chocolate peanuts and peanut brittle bars. OH, man i’m in the mood for chocolate now!
My lumpy thighs and I thank you…
OH I can feel the fat growing on my bum… but Nuts & Chews are sooo worth it! Would have to get me a pound of it (1 pound of See’s should only equal a pound on my scale, right?)
nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com
My grandmother has given my mom a box of See’s every year for Christmas for as long as I can remember. I haven’t visited the site yet, but I’m pretty sure I would focus on caramel and nougat fillings.
I think I’d get a whole box of the rum raisin ones, they’re my FAVE!!
We can not have the candy in our house but I would definately use it to buy some teacher,mailman and hairstylist gifts. And of course I would definately buy the white chocolate because that is my favorite.
Um hello!! Craving Chocolate at all times and this See’s giveaway seems FAB-U-LOUS to me!!
I would totally use it on the mini snowman packs for the kids, and then some major milk chocolate bars for ME!!
Fingers crossed!
Oh yeah, and you know that you are one of my favs, and I am already following you!!
I’d use it for the Dark nuts and chews and the dark chocolate peppermint!! I love dark chocolate!
Totally would go for the Egg Nog Truffles. Oh my gosh after visiting the site I now must have chocolate. Soon. Thanks for a great giveaway.
There is something for you on my blog! :o) Merry Christmas!
I like chocolate!
I’d get These or these or (OMG) this
oh!! how i miss See’s chocolates! Yummm!!! i dont even have to go to the website…oh my lovely bordeaux bar…i have missed you!!!
Pecan buds, please.
Oh MY GOD, I love See’s and I can’t get them here other than by mail. I can’t wait to visit my parents in AZ so I can buy them at the airport! Anyways, I would buy the biggest variety box because everything they have is delish! Also, I already follow you and will tweet too because I need chocolate for my 30th bday
Who can resist a chocolate giveaway?! yum.
I voted in your DFW poll on the side. Sounds like a great idea!
YUM – I would probably go for an assorted box of chocolates – love the variety! What a great give-away – hope I win!
Take care and have a good day – Kellan
I used to live in LA where there were See’s Candies. I just love their nut assortments.
giantspeedy at yahoo dot com
Salted Nuts for hubby and Toffee-ettes for me
Following you on Twitter (username:auntiethesis)
I totally don’t need this, but I totally want it anyway. So I’m in. And I want the toffee, but those egg nog truffles also look pretty cool!
The Chanukah Gourmet Lollypops look really great for the kids. So many options. Thanks for delicious giveaway
You know I follow ya
I’d have to go for the egg nog truffles and the assorted truffles. Yumm!
MMM, I love the Bordeaux. I would get a whole box of them jsut for me and hide them so I could eat one every day. Yum! Great giveaway!
I twittered a link to this contest!
And I already follow you on Twitter, and your blog, cause you are a pretty fun gal!
I came to visit from The Sisterhood of Of Shrinking Pants…. and I find temptation
I’d use the gift cert towards a 2-lb order of custom mix: Dark Cocoanut Cream, Kona Mocha, Dark Chocolate Chip Truffle, Dark Chocolate Buttercream, Milk Buttercream.
My mouth is watering!
I would get the Victorian Toffee…yummy!
Great giveaway!
Oh, and I am a faithful follower
Deluxe Winter Fancy looks spectacular. The flavors are YUMMY. The box is BEAUTIFUL! I would use my gift card toward that.
I no longer live in a city that has See’s stores, and I miss my See’s! I would get a custom box of their raspberry soft centers, which is the one flavor I miss most of all.