I usually buy too much candy leading up to Halloween. And by “too much” I mean enough that we eat our fair share before the holiday even hits. My major weakness are the little Kit Kats. I used to really love the tiny peanut butter cups but apparently my taste buds have changed or something. I still love 100 Grand though…
*tummy rumbles as she types*
*plans to hit grocery store after publishing this*
But you know, there are other things that could be handed out on Halloween night. And some of these will be no big deal once it gets dark because kids will not be able to see what it is anyway. Just make sure they do not have a flashlight or glow stick. Pro Tip right there.
Y’all are going to want to pin this one…. trust me…
Old cell phones chargers not included.
single socks I have an entire bag and in cute colors too!
McDonald’s/other fast-food restaurant toys I’m serious about this one!
The Dreaded Apple self-explanatory. But healthy!
Post-It notes with inspirational quotes I am a writer after all…
Pens I have picked up/been given at conferences Except the ones with the built-in highlighters. Keep those.
Other undesirable “swag” off to check my closet for the stuff I never used. Expired Go-Go Squeeze anyone?*
K-cups with yucky flavors. Because kids TOTALLY need caffeine! WHEE!
Single LEGO pieces, then the kids in the ‘hood can get together and build something cool.
Popsicles What? They’re not candy…
Twizzlers. Also not candy. Okay, technically I guess they are but they’re like only one molecule away from being plastic. At least that’s what my tastebuds tell me. I’m no scientist.
Buttons. Someone can always use an extra button, right? (PSA on this one, no needles, needles bad. JUST buttons)
Crayons. Everyone likes to color.
Spider rings. This is a no-brainer.
Roasted pumpkin seeds. Oh my gosh, no way. That’s gross.
What else would you hand out on Halloween night besides candy?
*I would never actually intentionally give anyone expired food. What kind of monster do y’all think I am?
Linking up with MamaKat.
Karla Cook says
What a great list. And so practical! How about ketchup or sugar packets? We always have an excess of those laying around. Dontcha think those would make good treats?
Karla Cook recently posted…Coffee Cake Recipe
Elaine says
The packets from restaurants are a great idea! I cannot believe I did not think of that one! Brilliant!
Trudy says
Your list made me laugh. I have to admit… one year I handed out Halloween-themed pencils, and friendship bracelets. I think that went over better than what my neighbor handed out…toothbrushes embossed with the name of her husband’s dental practice.
Trudy recently posted…Someone Special: Malala
Elaine says
Those are great things to hand out, seriously. I may follow your lead this year…
Jennifer says
Please tell me that their house got TP’ed.
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May says
I am in total agreement with your assessment of Twizzlers. Ewwww…what is the point?!
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Julia says
LOL! I’m so glad this wasn’t the typical list. How about all the junk toys that my son has accumulated this year?
Julia recently posted…Because I’m a Parent
Elaine says
Kat says
Y’all are gonna wanna pin this one… lolol! And the bit about the Twizzlers!?! SPOT ON!
Kat recently posted…Enjoy The Simple Moments
Elaine says
I know, right? Plastic candy is SO NOT my thing…
Alison says
Hah, Lego pieces! YES!
Alison recently posted…Managing Mealtimes, Playtime and Naps for Twins
Jennifer says
I feel the same way about Twizzlers. This is why we’re friends.
Jennifer recently posted…Catch Up on Your Favorite Shows with Netflix before Fall Premieres
Andrea says
I will forgive you the comment about Twizzlers (hello? YUM) because you are just so smart about using Halloween as a way to unload undesirable stuff from your home. We used to insist the kids swing by the house halfway through trick-or-treating so we could recycle the yucky candy they received,
Andrea recently posted…Old Fool
John Holton says
I always thought condiment packets from fast-food restaurants (e.g. ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, horsey sauce, etc.) would be a good handout.
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Leslie says
So funny! I feel like we should have a special bucket of items like this for the kids who are obviously too old for trick or treating. That’ll keep them away from our door next year!
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