On Friday morning I woke up tired but totally stoked about the next couple of days to come. I’d only seen a handful of people the night before that I wanted to meet and I was ready to find more of my internet friends.
The morning started with the intro to the conference from the lovely ladies of BlogHer. The only person’s name I remember from this shot is Lisa Stone, on the right, founder of BlogHer, I believe.After their presentation we did BlogHer “speed dating” and got in two huge circles and met as many people at once that we could, rotating every minute. It was SO much fun!
While hanging out outside the ballroom after this, I met Barefoot Foodie. OMG, I was SO excited to see her! She totally rocks and I’m NOT just sayin’ that. Every time I read one of her posts I wanna die laughing. LOVE her! Plus, she has two boys and just had a sweet baby girl, like me! (well, I haven’t done that last part yet, but you know…)
I finally got to meet Christy on Thursday night but we didn’t get our chance to prove it until Friday morning. Here’s the sweet lady I’ve been wanting to hug for MONTHS and that re-designed my blog. Isn’t she the cutest?
Once we parted ways it was time to move on to the sessions. The first one I went to was about balancing it all and OhMommy was on the panel. I’d actually seen her the night before on the way out of the hotel but of course I wanted to hear what she had to say on this topic since she has three kids, which will soon be my life, and well, I love her too!
Also on the panel were Angela of Mommy Bytes and Rita of Surrender Dorothy.
It was a good discussion and I liked hearing from all of these ladies and being introduced to Rita, who’s blog I’d never seen before.
Of course after, I had to get my picture with Oh Mommy! She’s very tall. And just the loveliest in person! Wish I coulda brought her home in my pocket!
After sitting in on one more session it was time for a stroll through the expo hall and then lunch, sponsored by Ragu. There I sat with three other pregnant girls, due within weeks of me, including DesignHER Momma (I’m sorry I don’t remember the other two…). And there’s no pic because I was too busy stuffing my face. What can I say, the food was REALLY good.
So that’s Friday morning. And there’s MUCH more.
I will continue with the afternoon, which included a walk to Millenium Park. I just HAD to get out of the hotel and my roomie, Haley, was happy to go with me.
To be continued…
Everytime I saw you, you were smiling. You are the sweetest thing ever E. It was awesome finally meeting you in real life. xo
Oh, fun! So glad you had such a great time! It’s great reading such a positive experience from BlogHer ’09 – makes me totally sure I want to go to NYC next year!
I was sitting in that room and totally missed you- bummer!
OH! so fun! I wish I could have gone!!
Seems like it was so much fun!!!!!
It really was great to get out wasn’t it! The pictures I have are awesome and up on my blog now of you want to see them!
Three Words.
Best. Roomie. Ever.
Love you!
I can’t wait for more……..did you find any of the women to be totally unlike you expected?
I’m looking forward to the rest of the blogher trip…Thanks for including us on your fun trip via your blog!
So glad you had fun, chica! I bet there are blogs all over right now saying “I finally met Miss Elaine-ous and she’s just as sweet in real life!”
Sounds like you had an awesome time!
I’m SO going next time!
So fantastic you were there, E! Hope you have amazing memories to take into the coming sleepless nights!!
Thanks for taking us on this ride, I am totally living vicariously through you! You are so darn cute too, you know?
Oh! Looks like so much fun. I wish I’d been there… maybe next year.
Love the pictures!
I’m going to do everything I can.. well, that’s legal so I can be at Blogher 10′. How freakin exciting it must have been for you.
I love that we met and I love you! I’m totally coming to visit you one day, just don’t tell my family that’s down there! ;o)
Did you just say we were all stuffing our face at lunch? Yeah, that would be pretty accurate.
Awesome to meet you!
Clearly, OHmommy is my hero. I would have totally been star-struck and not been able to speak. I also would have totally gotten her autograph! I’m.Serious.