Someone I know that lives in this house and is short and naturally blond and female likes books a lot lately.
She takes them into bed with her before nap and bed time at night. She “reads” them while TRYING to go potty (oh Lord help me…)
She makes up her own stories from the illustrations and many times remembers the words on the pages after we have read them a few times.
We went to the library yesterday morning, just the two of us and after I read her a few books she grabbed some more from the children’s section and said, “Mom, I read my own books now.”
Well then.
Anyway, here’s a little clip of her “reading” the other day.
PLEASE try to ignore the loud boy children in the background.
I do.

and then my English teacher heart burst. LOVE.
So cute. Our 3 year old does the same thing. And, the stories she makes up? Awesome and silly at the same time. But, the best ones are the ones she’s memorized.
BTW, your library looks way better than ours.
No she is not almost 3!! That is not cool at all – she is not allowed to be almost 3!! (seriously?!)
She is too darn cute though and I LOVE her reading!!!
Aw, she’s adorable and amazing!
Oh my word so cute!
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Terribly cute. Really excellent reading.
Wait! She is almost 3?! Like didn’t you just have her?
I have to say, if she has to love something, it’s awesome that it’s books.
So cute! Buster is a reader too. From a super early age, we would notice he was “missing” and find him in his room, sitting in the rocker, “reading” books. It’s so sweet.
How adorable! Sigh…
This is classic. I love the drama at the end. She really gets into it!
Cute! I love when kids start “reading.”
She’s too cute for words and I can’t believe she’s almost 3.
Oh that is so cute! The little voice! ACK! So sweet!
That was so cute! I love to watch children grow with reading.
Oh, this makes my teacher and mama heart so, so very happy! *swoon*
{And hee! I ignore loud, too! :)}