What’s up with my kids, you ask

Okay, you probably didn’t and this update is more for my sake than yours but just humor me, k?

5 year old (The B Man)

*Learning to read

* Drawing up a storm, constantly making new pictures with his markers and they are GOOD drawings. Yesterday he blew me away with his rendition of Wall-E.

* Being helpful with the baby

* Coming home from school with stories from the playground.

* Dressing himself in the mornings

* Still loving peanut butter sandwiches and still won’t touch cheese unless it’s on pizza.

* Doing homework

* Asking for allowance so that he can save for his own puppy (yeah, we’ll see about that one!)

2 year old (Little G)

* Still wants to do everything for himself including fill his own drink cup and buckle himself into his carseat (this is why I have to plan to leave like 5 minutes earlier to anywhere than I normally would…)

* Absolutely NO interest in potty training

* Talking like crazy. A couple of the cutest things he says right now are “What you doing guys?” and “Here I are!” I know these are wrong but they’re so cute!

* Loving Sesame Street (especially Elmo of course)

* Eating tons of fruit. And is therefore QUITE regular (sorry if TMI).

* Likes to “read” his books himself

* Kinda hard to get down for naps & at night these days. Constantly asking to be snuggled at bedtime by saying, “Mommy, you snuggle me?” (yes, hard to resist)

3 and 1/2 week old (Baby K)

*Drinking lots of Mommy’s milk

* Sleeping alot

*Pooing and peeing quite a bit too (more TMI…)

*Spending a little more time awake during the day.

*Making many little squeaky and tiny grunty noises.


*Is extremely soft and kissable


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