My Dad is a funny guy. He likes to tell silly jokes a lot and it’s worth it to hear him tell the same ones over and over just see his big smile and hear his belly laugh.
When I was a kid he would often tease me during the month of October by saying, “Oh! I see you already have your mask on!!” You know, when I wasn’t wearing ANY type of mask. He always thought that was so funny. Of course afterward he would say he was just kidding and give me a pat on the back or a hug. As I got older I learned to say it to him. Turnabout is always fair play in the house I grew up in. 🙂
And you’ll never guess who likes to say this to her children now? Yeah, that’d be me. For some reason they don’t think it’s very funny.
Anyway, this year the kids actual costumes are pretty much figured out, thank goodness. But that just happened today after a trip to the second-hand kids clothing store (LOVE that place for costumes!!!)
The B Man wants to be a pirate and we did happen into a Halloween store one day where I got him a sword and he already has an eye patch and a scarf to wear on his head. So we have the accessories but not the actual outfit. I’m pretty sure he could figure it out on his own because he’s good at that kind of thing but then I also wonder, what WILL he come up with…. I may have to hit Goodwill.
G originally said he wanted to be a taco. No lie. And I found a taco costume at aforementioned Halloween store but A) it was too big and B) it was $25.00. Yeah, no. Then he was all about being a ghost, which we’ve done before in this family and let’s just say there is a lot of tripping while trick-or-treating. I “crafted” (a.k.a cut eye holes in an old sheet) the costume myself last time but it was a bit to long when B wore it and the eye holes were somewhat mis-placed. Plus you couldn’t see my little guy’s cute face from behind a sheet, for pictures.
So, it’s a good thing I found G a skeleton costume at the resale shop! He wore it all afternoon, so thankfully I believe I changed his mind as to what he wants to be for “Hallween”.
And as for K, well, she now has two options. So, it will be a surprise for all of us to see which one she actually ends up wearing!
What are your kids going to be for Halloween this year? Or is it a surprise?
Now, please link up for Miss Elaine-ous Monday!
Remember, ANY “miss elaine-ous” post will do, something from your archives or something brand new! 🙂
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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