Oh man y’all.  My kids are growing like weeds in Louisiana spring.  I ain’t even kidding.  (and don’t tell me ain’t ain’t a word because I’m using it today!)

Last week I sat on a wooden stool next to my oldest child, at the orthodontist’s office while they adhered the first part of his braces to his top baby teeth.  Okay fine, they are his adult teeth.  Whatever.  Anyway, we were both nervous, but I only was because he was.  He looks great though, right?


Oh and he’s going to be 11 next week.  ELEVEN. What even IS that?


Then on Saturday this guy made his First Communion.  This is a pretty big deal for a 7-yr old (almost 8).  And how crazy handsome is he??



I was having flash-fowards (totally a thing) to his high school graduation.  You know, like that it’s happening “tomorrow” and then I almost started hyperventilating so I just reminded myself over and over that we were not there yet.  There were no paper bags in sight so I figured that was my best plan. My parents and my brother and his wife were here with us (they are his Godparents) to celebrate, as well as their children.  It was really nice to have a family visit, although the time was WAY too short.

My kids adore their “Texas cousins”.

There is so much to say about this photo but I will just let you take it in in all it’s glory. 😀


And then on Sunday, after our visitors left, G’s gift money was burning a hole in his already hole-y jeans so Tim took all the kids shopping to the giraffe store(you know the one) The other kids still had Christmas $ to spend as well.  The boys came back with Nerf guns (yes, we are miraculously still married) and Katie came back with a full-on Princess get-up.  My kids are SO stereotypical, it’s crazy.

I took some photos of her the other day in her beautiful, pink dress and all the accessories.



After I posted a photo of her on FB, a few of my friends told me to lock the doors.  I made the comment that no, she was not going to the prom, just playing dress up. I have no idea where this young lady came from. She was JUST a baby.

I kind of want to curl up in the fetal position and whimper.  But I also want to throw confetti and laugh and smile because even though time seems to be going by at warp speed lately, I’m happy to say that these ages are all pretty great.  As is the multitude of milestones.  I’ll take this over sleepless nights and poopy diapers any day.  Of course I am still somewhat needed.  Apparently school lunches do not make themselves (working on changing this one…)

Anyway, I just needed y’all to see what is going on here.  Like, I need witnesses to this madness.  It’s kind of like the twilight zone some days. In a good way. KWIM?


P.S. The dog is getting old too. He’ll have his first birthday in a couple of weeks!  EEK!


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