As much as I’ve been complaining about my cankles and tiredness lately, I will miss being pregnant for a few reasons…
Eating Whatever I Want Whenever I Want
Yep, that’s what I do when I’m pregnant. Of course the first trimester was kinda dicey but after that, it’s Katy Bar the Pantry Door! (and the fridge door and the drive-thru window…) I try to eat healthily but if I have a craving for something that is not so, I will indulge it. And thank the good Lord above that I have a husband who doesn’t mind getting me what I want when I want it. Smart man. So yeah, I will miss this. Since I plan to breastfeed I will probably still be eating more calories than I normally would for a little while, but milkshakes galore may have to come off the list of things to eat. Notice I said “may…”
The Baby Moving Inside
Besides the occasional semi-painful rib and bladder kick, I love feeling the baby inside my belly. It really is just the coolest thing ever and I feel badly for men, that they never get to experience such a thing. And no guys, bad indigestion does not count! (which also makes me what to say “WHATEVER!!” to the women who never know their pregnant until they’re laying on a table screaming their brains out because that is SO very ridiculous – could you not FEEL the human being in THERE????) Ahem. Sorry, that just really bakes my noodle. I mean who doesn’t KNOW their pregnant until B-Day??
People Asking What Gender the Baby Is
I actually have a love/hate relationship with this one. While it is fun to answer that I am having a girl (because it just IS!), when I say it when out with my two boys in tow, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, breathes a sigh of relief like I just told them that “NO, the world is NOT going to end today.” Like as if having another boy would just be the worst thing that could ever happen to me/us. I’m truly tempted to fib and say it’s a boy just to see what reaction I get.
And, well, that’s about all I will miss. I hope y’all weren’t expecting some long drawn out list because honestly, at this point, that’s all I got. I think the list of things that I will not miss is longer (and includes the swelling, exhaustion, people staring at my belly and not even looking me in the eye, painful boobies, peeing a lot, heartburn, stretch marks, waking up multiple times at night {oh wait, that’s still going to happen isn’t it?}, blah, blah, blah). Don’t you just love how I sneaked these into this post? Yeah, I’m sly like that.
On a different but VERY exciting note, go over and check out Around the Blogosphere in 5 Days, hosted by Moxie Media (which I am a member of…). You won’t be sorry that you did. It’s going to be a fun week!
Also, my baby/toddler book giveaway is still going on. Just leave a comment to enter HERE. There will be TWO winners! : )
I agree with everything you miss and won’t miss!
Another thing I miss would have to be the excitement in the last few weeks leading up to having the baby! SO exciting and just knowing that it could be anytime now when you finally get to meet your little bundle
I know you’re so ready to have her! I’m so excited for you!
Feeling the baby move was one of my favorite things too!
oooooooooooo – i didn’t know you were a member of MM – what’s that involve? i was on flickr – that girl mona gets around!!!
It has been over 17 years since I was pregnant and I’m still not over missing the eating what I want part of pregnancy. Maybe I should just go eat a chili-cheese-slaw dog with a vanilla shake for old times sake.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.
Feeling those baby movements is something that I miss terribly. Every now and again a gas pain will make me remember and it kinda makes me sad that I will never again feel that.
I love you list and agree 100%..I was saying to Tim yesterday that I will really miss watching my entire belly move, alternating from one boy to the other….it’s really a miracle.
You so right.. I even got choked up reading it because I miss so many of those exact same things too.
Great list! I am a weird one. I dont like being prego! Just give me my baby. Glad you enjoy some of it!
I think i agree with all of the above. Although i have a few more week sleft than you i have already been dreading the things i will miss but so looking forward to the new adventur to being.
As far as the gender goes…let me tell you the responses you will get if you tell someone its another boy…”Oh well maybe next time you will get a girl”, “Maybe it really is a girl and the US was wrong”, “I’m sorry but i am sure it will work out”, and occassionally you will get “that is great! Boys are so fun!”
What about the acne…muscle spasms….peeing every 10 minutes…feeling like the babe is going to fall out while youre in Walmart? I miss those soooooooo much!!!
Only a week and abit left! WOOHOO!!
So with you on #1. Of course I gained almost 50 lbs. and definitely some stretch marks but everything tasted sooo good!
Maybe you’ll miss more once you aren’t pregnant anymore. I always miss my maternity clothes of all things, because they are cuter than some of my regular clothes. Guess I should remedy that situation eventually.
Thanks for this list!! I’m in baby-wanting-mode right now, even though I know it will never be again. After reading the things you won’t miss, I got a shot of reality.
And seriously, I’m positive the third would be a boy – which would thrill me to no end – but you’re so right, I had enough of the “oh, another boy” comments during #2. Stupid people should have their mouths stapled shut.
you’re right, feeling the baby moving in your tummy is the BEST thing ever! I don’t understand how people cannot know they are pregnant either – insane!!!
I can tell you what their reaction would be if you tell them that the third is a boy, but you wouldn’t like it. And yep. I had mixed feelings on telling everyone we were having a girl. And like you, it bothered me most when the boys were with me. Even now people keep saying “thank goodness you had a girl!”. My poor boys. They actually would ask me why everyone says that and I just keep telling them it is because they see I have such wonderful boys and they think a little girl would love to have such wonderful big brothers. I hope that helps ease their minds a bit.
I think the BEST feeling in the whole world is feeling the baby move in my belly. It is a feeling I will NEVER forget.
Yes, I know what you mean.
I miss being able to eat what I want. That’s the one thing I miss from being pregnant. Of course sometimes I admit, I DO eat what I want but it just goes straight to my thighs.
I would give anything to feel that incredible feeling of babies moving inside of me, kicking, getting the hiccups. It’s just so special and exciting. I really miss it. Eating whatever I wanted was also fun, don’t get me wrong…but those babies making my belly jump around was an amazing experience. I am so excited for you to meet your little girl!! Keep us posted!
From my experience, if you weren’t having a girl, people would say,
“oh my…you will be busy!”
“will you try again for a girl?”
Seriously, I haven’t even had this one yet and you’re asking me if I’m gonna have another? And, thanks for letting my know it’s gonna be busy. Like that is breaking news!
Wow! Your list is at least two things longer than anything I could come up with. Well done finding the good side!
I STILL miss feeling her move inside me…and it’s been almost 4 years! Really, one of the best things ever. How anyone could ever not be aware of that little life growing inside? I don’t get it. But still, I also don’t understand how anyone can honestly say they love being pregnant – I was SO ready to be done, and N was born 3+ weeks early!
Yes, those were good things about being pregnant, not to mention the anticipation of just what that little one is going to be like.
Can’t wait to ‘meet’ your little bundle–hang in there!
You know, I really didn’t get the same responses after having 2 girls, THEN a boy. Although I did get, “so are you DONE now?” Oh wait….that was ME!!!
I was SO ready to NOT be pregnant anymore after my third!! But your list…completely matches MY list about what I actually LIKED about being pregnant. And I still feel “phantom” movements in my belly from time to time…I hope I’m not the only one! :O