Sometimes at night I will stop a while and take stock of what I do all day. Yes, there is some time spent on the computer. Obviously. But I do a lot of other things too. Here are just a few examples of things that might currently fit under my “job description.”
Miniature Railroad Builder/Engineer – There was a time when The B Man would say that Daddy was a better “builder” but desperate times (a.k.a during the day when Daddy isn’t here) call for desperate measures and here is one of the many tracks that I have constructed.
Personal Shopper/Clothing Selector – I buy all their clothes and groceries. Shoes. Various sundries (diapers and underwear). I also choose what they wear (well unless The B Man INSISTS as he did yesterday) to school, church, playgroups, etc. And especially for photoshoots…
(Photo from Christina Nicole Photography)
Hairdresser – Yes, I’ve cut Little G’s hair. I did NOT watch the DVD that came with the haircutting set that Tim bought before I did it. And I’ve been ignoring any strange looks I have gotten from people in public…. or my friends. (I cannot claim The B Man’s hair – Tim did his.)
Historian – This is where the computer comes in. I write this blog, take LOTS of pictures and I scrapbook. Personally, I think I’m a good historian.
Expert Vaccumer – Almost everyday I crank that baby up. With three kiddos running around here, coming in and out of the house, sharing various snacks, the carpets suffer. And I cannot stand to look at crumbs and leaves everywhere. I just can’t. See? The floor is clean.
Entertainment Supervisor – Yes they watch t.v. for a little while most days and lately The B Man has been showing his little bro the wonders of The Leapster. What can I say, they are bonding. That’s good, right?
Laundress – This week I actually got it all done and put away in a timely fashion. That doesn’t always happen. Sometimes I just. let. it. sit. Hey, I don’t report to anyone. I’m on my own deadline. It just stinks when I have to run from the shower to the laundry room for a pair of… well you know…
Mail Room Girl – I take in all the mail. Somedays I immediately go through it and recycle, sort and distribute as needed. Other times I just let it pile up (except for the important stuff.) Currently, there is a large pile in my kitchen. Ugh.
Wiper Extraordinaire – I do believe I’ve mentioned my wiping skills on here before but they really ARE amazing. With the expert assistance of a Clorox wipe, I am unstoppable! Toilets, Tables, Tubs, Tiles, Tushies!. Anything that starts with a “T,” I’ll wipe it! So watch out my Tim! ; )
Resident Cook – I have to come up with something to eat every night. EVERY. NIGHT. (ok fine, except for the nights we get take out.) But it is hard sometimes kids (and yes, I’m talking to you, my children!). However, last night I made this EASY and delicious pot pie and we all ate it. Tasty. Here’s the recipe just for you. Solves your “what will I make tonight” issue for at least one night. Thank me later.
Chicken and Vegetable Pot Pie
(adapted from recipe in the February 2009 issue of Real Simple)
Wow !! You do a lot !!! I should do a post like this ! Might help when I get to the end of the day and think what DID I do today ???
Word! I’ve been meaning to write a post just like this but I don’t think anyone would believe me;)
3 Boys would flip out at the sight of that bridge!! FLIP!!
Wow, you’re a very good railroad builder.
I did that the other day simply just to show the man how much I did in a couple of hours! lol
He tends to think Im here all day-I showed him!
You did a great job building the track!
MMMM that sounds so good. SAHM have it MUCH harder than the guys do. I go to work to rest. Staying home wears me out.
That’s one great train track you built. We love the Leapster too. My youngest wants to try but she’s just not ready yet. It’s always amazing all that we accomplish in a day, isn’t it?
Ohhh what nice engineer you are! That is one thing I do not do well, around here. Adam says my train tracks are “not good.” haha. Oh well. I do however make a mean tower of Mega Blocks!! ha ha ha.
You forgot to add Referee or Warden to the list. I feel like I am the house Sheriff most of the time. Always putting someone in time out, or remind someone of the rules! lol
As my mother in law always tells me… “a mothers work is never done” and it’s SO true.
We have to do it all, don’t we?
Add all of those to my list which includes going to work, chauffeur and many other daily duties.
Our work is never done!
You are a damn super mom! You go girl.
Ok just reading this made me tired! You Rock!
So THAT’S where all my time goes. Sometimes when people ask me what I do all day, my eyes glaze over and I struggle to come up with a coherent answer. I’m going to write down this link now and just pass it out on little scraps of paper. Hope you don’t mind . . .
wouldn’t it be crazy if all those job titles equaled $$$
seriously we would be some crazy rich mamas.
ok that’s not true, target would still get all of our money
ahhh, the “joys” of motherhood… wouldn’t it be great if we combined all those jobs and got paid for it???
You are making me tired
We are the handywomen aren’t we? Doing a million and one things and getting paid in nothing but smiles & love.
Girl, your job sounds like my job too (only without the number of mini-engineers)!
I say we join a union and request a promotion!
I’m sure you left something off of your list! There are SOOOOO many things mamas do. Sounds like a delish recipe for pot pie too!
An amazing resume you have there! Love it
Well let’s see my sons had waffles and yogurt, my daughter and her friend had corn dogs, and hubby and I had a nice big bowl of soup. It was FFY night!
And isn’t it so much fun!(most of the time!)
I feel like lately my job description mostly entails being a chaffeur…thanks for reminding me I gotta go change the laundry!
You totally just blogged my day! Is it wrong to feed the family peanut butter and jelly for dinner, more than three times in one week? They don’t complain. Much.
And this is the abbreviated list – we know you do even more! A mommy’s job is never done…You get an A+ on job performance, too, vacuuming that often. I’m lucky to get to it twice a week!
I’ve become a master track layer myself! Many a railroads I have built lately. And I cut Harrison’s hair too. I don’t trust anyone enough to pay them to cut my wiggly kid’s hair and then not like it. If it doesn’t look good at least it was my doing and it was free!
the hubby does most of our vacuuming; which with Duke-the-dog needs to be done daily. It doesn’t get done daily. I love your slip covered sofa. Did you have those made or buy it that way? We also have cubes just like yours in our living room; and I plan to make slipcovers for them. Some day.
Oh the things we do.
Busy, busy, busy…all the little hugs and kisses make it so worth it, right?
Out of all of the above, I hate going through the mail more than anything…we get sooo much crap in the mail.
But how do you keep that white chair and that light colored sofa clean? That’s my question. If I had those, they’d be destroyed in like 20 minutes!
Thanks for sharing the recipe. It sounds wonderful.
It is amazing all the hats we wear throughout the day. That Chicken Pot Pie sounds delicious and it’s one of my favorite meals. I love the crust! Have a great weekend. Oh and I added your button to my “sweet reads” over at my place.
Wow! You are ONE GOOD MOMMA!!! I can’t get anything done lately! And thanks for that recipe! I will have to try it for me and Caden…Brandon hates almost all veggies, so I guess he can make a Digiorno that night!