What Baby K Would Say

A sweet, adorable little girl I know is 8 months old today. (crazy, I know.)

She cannot talk yet but if she could, here are a few things I think she might say… (I also did this when Little G was about this age and it cracked me up.)

From the mouth of my babe:

“So. I live with four other people. Two tall ones and two short ones. The short ones mostly ignore me except for the bigger one. Sometimes he kisses my head and wants to hold me. He’s even carried me around a couple of times but the tall lady got a little mad at that. And the shorter one, well, he’s pushed me a couple of times but I still think he likes me. He just doesn’t know it yet. I mean, how could you not love THIS face?”

“The food around here is okay. I get this mushy stuff on a spoon and these round things on my tray and sometimes some pieces of sweet stuff that I think they call ‘fruit’. Honestly I get bored with eating though. I mean really, it’s just so taxing on my little body, processing food and watching those wild short people run around me while I try to digest. Seriously.”

“I like to put things in my mouth A LOT! Especially things that are made of paper. Pretty sure there have been some paper ‘inserts’ in my diapers lately. Oh and I LOOOOOVE the tall lady’s things she uses to start the car. Those are SOOO tasty! And even these things that the tall lady puts in my hair. I pull them down and suck on those too. Good times. And on a side note, I kinda wish I had more than two teeth. Just sayin’.”

Speaking of things in my mouth, I enjoy sucking on this one little thing that goes with us everywhere. And let me be honest, I think the tall people put it in my mouth sometimes just to get me to be quiet. Apparently all that baby ‘hollering’ in church in not acceptable. Fine.”

“Oh and guess what?!?! I started crawling last week and now I can get pretty much anywhere I want!! I still have to take ‘breaks’ and sit on my tushie for a bit if it’s a long way but I sure can get to those short guys’ toys faster now. I don’t think they like it much though…”

“I do have good hair and all four of my roomates seem to have some sort of obssesion with it. Always “fuzzing” it, touching it and smelling it. They seem to like my cheeks as well. And even my toes. What’s up with THAT anyway?”

“I like to splash in the big white thing that holds water and lately I’ve been going with my peeps to this REALLY huge thing that holds blue water and splashing and hanging out in there with the tall people. They seem to really enjoy it and so do I, I guess. They keep going on about something similar that has ‘waves’, where we are going next week. Hm, we’ll see about that…”

“I know the sweet lady loves me because she holds me and hugs me alot and even takes my picture ALL. THE. TIME. I mean seriously, I think that black thing might just be attached to her face. And the tall man, he’s pretty sweet too. His face is kinda scratchy sometimes but that’s okay. He’s good at making sure I get clean and smell sweet.”

“All in all, it’s pretty good here. I can’t complain too much. I have a cute, girlie room to sleep in, lots of clothes and shoes, food to eat and most importantly, four people (plus many more others that come visit sometimes) that love me TONS. Yep, life is good.

Now if I could just learn to walk like them…”


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