When I was 16 years old my oldest brother and his wife had their first baby. My parents and I sat in the waiting room of the hospital that July evening, watching Johnny Carson (it was his last year to host The Tonight Show) waiting and waiting for her to be born. I was elated when my brother finally came out and told us it was a girl! Growing up with only older brothers, I wanted there to be a baby girl in the family SO badly. My wish was granted. And she was perfect.

Megan and me in the bluebonnets, early ’90’s
Shortly there after I became not just her aunt but also her Godmother. I have prayed for her and kept her in my thoughts ever since. Even though I left for college two short years later and have yet to return to the city where she still resides, she has always been close to my heart. Fortunately I still visit often, since all of my family still lives there (immediate anyway) and of course I was there last weekend when sweet “Mega Meg”, who is now 22 years old, got married.
I couldn’t stop the tears as I walked into the Bride room and saw Megan standing there, ready to marry her sweetheart, the love of her life. Emotion overtook me and I thought of those early days when she was a baby and we would play together in my parents’ living room. And how the summer before I left for college we watched the movie “Homeward Bound” on their VCR about 500 times. She loved it and so did I, mostly for that reason.
But of course, the years have gone by all too quickly and this past weekend I truly saw what an amazing young woman she has become. And beautiful. Oh so very beautiful!
I used to know Megan’s new husband as “her boyfriend Daniel” and I have to say, it is a little crazy in this Auntie’s head to realize that he is now her HUSBAND and not just the young man she is dating (or engaged to). But as I listened to the vows they wrote I was awestruck at the beauty of the love they shared with us – their friends and loved ones. From my perspective it is a truly precious love and I am so, SO happy these two “kids” found each other and have one another in their lives.
And well, weddings are just such wonderful events. This one especially. Megan was kind enough to include all of her cousins in the wedding in some way and so my kiddos were an usher, ring bearer and flower girl! I also sang in the wedding and Tim helped us all get dressed and keep it together. His role was much needed too! (that little run back to my parents’ house for one kid’s socks was really helpful actually…)
Plus, all of my family was there and a even a few cousins and aunts and uncles I do not get to see very often. I love having my family together, especially for such a happy occasion.
The wedding details were perfect and everything was just so lovely. And thankfully, it did not rain (much)!
Here’s to Megan & Daniel – I wish you two sweet kids the best life together and I love you both so much!!
You took those engagement photos, right? I loved those! What a gorgeous wedding. Those colors are really beautiful. And so is your dress! Little man is killing me with the two front teeth.

Greta recently posted…Through the Lens Thursday: Self
Yes, I took them, last Spring!
And yes, the two front teeth missing is a killer. LOL!
She is beautiful and her dress was gorgeous!! I love all of the pics.
Southern Angel recently posted…Deep cries out to Deep… blog against Sexual Abuse
What a beautiful bride! And that picture with your little guy? Perfection!
I also love the one with your daughter and the bride. Ah heck, I love them all! (and you as well
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…Valuable Information Will Be Supplied By A Child
Truly beautiful. You did such a great job with the photos!
And your kids are so cute.
Alison recently posted…The Art of Mothering
Aw thanks! And I was not THE photographer at this wedding, just the proud aunt with her camera!
What a quinky dink…my brother just turned 17 when my son was born. I think it’s different for a girl than a boy to become an auntie or uncle so early. He was so awkward around my son and don’t worry, I totally made fun of him for it because I’m an awesome older sister like that
That entire wedding is absolutely perfect…not as perfect as the bride though. She is stunning.
Kimberly recently posted…The Computer Ate It
Wow everything looks so amazing. I love all the chalk boards and the lighting, all the details are so great.
Julia recently posted…April Happiness Project : Live Happy Link Up
So sweet! What a beautiful story. I’m so glad you were able to share in those moments with her. Her wedding was gorgeous!
While we’re on the subject, my sister was 14 when my oldest was born, 16 when my youngest was born.

Laura recently posted…Book Review: The Book Thief
I love it! The pictures were so great. I wish pinterest was around when I got married there are so many cute ideas and I love the chalkboards everywhere. Looks like it was a beautiful wedding!
Marta recently posted…Post Script.
So gorgeous! Love your captures of the event, you have a knack for that, my friend. And your kids, the cute, GAH!
kami recently posted…Jamaica – A Second Honeymoon
I’m dying a little of cuteness, at the kids’ outfits and your middle one with his front teeth missing! Way too cute.
What a gorgeous bride. My sister is getting married this fall, I just found out. I plan to take photos but mostly just sneak them because I’m a maid of honor and she’ll have someone else be the photographer.
I won’t be able to resist some..
Tamara recently posted…Winter’s Leftovers.
Oh my gosh! I’m loving those little bow ties and Gavin’s cheeky grin. So precious.
Jennifer recently posted…Strong Bones, Healthy Bodies
OH MY WORD – BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Weeping from the beauty of it all. xoxoxo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…Local St. Paul Mom Gives Her 11 Year Old An iPhone
these pictures are too much! I LOVE both your dress and hers and that family shot! And the boys in their bow ties! Wow to all of this. Especially the close relationship you’ve had with Megan over the years. xx
sarah reinhart recently posted…Here catch! New sibling, new house, new school
Oh Elaine. You have me crying. So sweet. And your KIDDOS!!!!! They are all so gorgeous. What a beautiful family you have. And the missing teeth is just so PRECIOUS!!!!! And that family photo! FRAME IT! RIGHT NOW! Seriously. Go frame it now. So beautiful.
Congratulations to your beautiful niece!
Kat recently posted…Hot n Cold
Beautiful. The photos, the love, and your story about your sweet niece.
Beautiful and wed.ding & love the outfits
Robbie recently posted…Double Wide
What a gorgeous wedding! Beautiful pics, too…

Andrea recently posted…The Fabulous World of Writing