We’ve DONE Mardi Gras!

Mardi Gras is a pretty big deal around here.

Many balls have already taken place (not that I was invited to any, whatever…) and they start baking King Cakes pretty much right after Christmas.  What would you like in yours?  Strawberry, chocolate, Bavarian cream?  Yeah.  One of each please.

Also, the parades even started this last weekend.

The kids and I took in the cute dog parade that goes downtown, mid-day and then later we headed to almost the same spot for the first big evening parade of the season, Rio (based on the parades of Carnival in Rio di Janeiro).

K was hilarious and kept yelling “Throw me somethin’ Mister!” and then got super pouty if a float went by without her catching anything.  But of course, we got PLENTY and now, my house is full of colorful beads and “throws”.

We’re taking our leave of Lafayette this coming weekend and will not be here for the official Mardi Gras festivities so we figured we better get it in while we could…
(yes, my kids get 3 days off from school for Mardi Gras).

Here’s a few pics… all taken with my phone because I forgot to get my camera card out of my laptop. #photographerfail

Happy Mardi Gras to all (and if you do not know what King Cake is, I’m sorry…)!!!


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