Categories: Photographytraveling

Were We in Europe?

I looked like a real tourist while we were visiting New Orleans.

A tourist with three kids and a husband in tow.

The first day we walked all the way from one end of the French Quarter to the other to get to a pizza place a friend had recommended. (It was called Louisiana Pizza Kitchen and it was worth the walk) The B Man was SUCH a trooper and walked most of the way.

Then on Sunday we realized that he could fit in the basket of our good ole Graco stroller.

Yes folks, my 6 year old son rode in the basket of the stroller for much of our walking. I’m pretty sure there’s a warning ON the basket that says something about NOT doing that. But you know what, sometimes you just do what you gotta do. And we needed beignets, you know?

Anyway, back to the tourist thing. I had my camera ON me pretty much the whole time. And, I kept using it. And stopping in the middle of this street or that one to take pics of the buildings.

While standing in front of the St. Louis Cathedral I had an epiphany. This place kinda looks like Europe. I mean, I wouldn’t really know since I’ve never been there but I’ve seen movies y’all, so of course I know what Europe looks like. Gah!

And then I looked back at my pictures and realized, Yep! Totally Europe-ish. Maybe that’s why they call it the French Quarter.

I’m so smart.

So, won’t you come along with me on a little walk? Just pretend like you’re in France, like I did, k?


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