We’re on the Move!

Tim and I had this view this weekend. We had a night together alone in a hotel, a wonderful steak dinner and LOTS of time to talk. Our round trip took us to Lafayette, LA. No, it wasn’t technically a “romantic getaway” but more of a trip with a mission. Why, you may ask…. Because…. WE ARE MOVING THERE!!! (Phew! My secret is out- I feel SO much better!)

Yep, the hubs has a wonderful job opportunity there and like I told my Mom’s Club friends here, we kinda have to go with him. hee hee…

We went out there on Mother’s Day weekend to see if we would be okay living there and it turns out we will be.
We returned this past weekend to find a place to live and that we did. We found a wonderful home to lease (we don’t want to buy quite yet) and we’ll probably be loading the moving truck in about 5 weeks.


I’m trying not to freak out here but I am a little. ‘Cause well, me and “Change” – aren’t exactly best friends.

But honestly, the town is really nice and everyone is very friendly. Not to mention it’s a lot smaller and on the upside, that means less congested. I think it’s going to be a great place to continue raising the kids and well, I believe we are ready for the adventure! Plus, it’s not that far from our families (although I will be losing my great babysitter, my MIL!) and it’s only an hour flight back to see our friends and family here.

Can you tell I’m trying to convince myself that it’s going to be just fine? Yeah, ’cause I am.

Honestly, I am excited. I have a whole new house to semi-decorate (can’t do TOO much since it’s a rental) and new relationships to form, as do my husband and children.

But of course I will SO miss our friends and family here. My network of “mom” friends here is phenomenal and although I obviously know I cannot replace them specifically, I hope that I can find some ladies there that I can lean on in the same ways. I’m pretty confident that I can and praying that I will!

So, my blogging may slow down a little in the next couple of months as we pack our current house and get ready to put it on the market to SELL! Not to mention the cleaning out and packing of all our gargantuan amounts of stuff (that has already commenced, by the way…) Thankfully the new company is going to pay to move and relocate us so that is wonderful and will hopfully decrease the stress level somewhat. And since I’m pregnant I have an excellent excuse not to lift a finger, right? Okay, maybe my index finger as I point to what can be packed and moved. Sounds good to me! HA!

So, more big news from the Miss Elaine-ous household! And of course here’s me asking for more prayers as we begin this crazy, exciting adventure! Oh and also, any advice on moving is much appreciated. And please, if you live around Lafayette or know someone who does, let me know!


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