Can you tell I’m trying to convince myself that it’s going to be just fine? Yeah, ’cause I am.
Honestly, I am excited. I have a whole new house to semi-decorate (can’t do TOO much since it’s a rental) and new relationships to form, as do my husband and children.
But of course I will SO miss our friends and family here. My network of “mom” friends here is phenomenal and although I obviously know I cannot replace them specifically, I hope that I can find some ladies there that I can lean on in the same ways. I’m pretty confident that I can and praying that I will!
So, my blogging may slow down a little in the next couple of months as we pack our current house and get ready to put it on the market to SELL! Not to mention the cleaning out and packing of all our gargantuan amounts of stuff (that has already commenced, by the way…) Thankfully the new company is going to pay to move and relocate us so that is wonderful and will hopfully decrease the stress level somewhat. And since I’m pregnant I have an excellent excuse not to lift a finger, right? Okay, maybe my index finger as I point to what can be packed and moved. Sounds good to me! HA!
So, more big news from the Miss Elaine-ous household! And of course here’s me asking for more prayers as we begin this crazy, exciting adventure! Oh and also, any advice on moving is much appreciated. And please, if you live around Lafayette or know someone who does, let me know!
That is SO amazing!!! Good luck!!! So much going on with you Elaine! I am SO happy for you!
I have to say I am bummed you will no longer be a fellow dallas blogger! lol BUT I am super happy for you!! That’s awesome news, and you have so much exciting change going on! Good luck with everything!
Wow, definitely lots of exciting changes going on in your family right now!! All the best for your big move, I’m sure you will all be very happy in your new home and town.
Sending prayers your way! Who knows, maybe you can change can become buddies after this summer! Hang in there!
Sounds very exciting for you! Sending prayers your way. Isn’t it great when you don’t have to pack and move yourself!?!
Hi Elaine
Gosh, I don’t stop by your blog for a couple of days and then it’s like being in one of those movies where you are on the edge of your seat because there is so much action.
First of all, I am tickled PINK for you. Oh Elaine, I let out a big wahooo when I read your news about your baby girl. I am thrilled to bits for you and your family. Congratulations – frilly, pink ones!
On the move. You don’t do anything by halves! I will keep you in my prayers as you and your family embark on this new adventure. I know that you will find a supportive and caring bunch of friends in your new home.
Lots of love
That’s great news Congrats!!! change is tough, I fully understand. Tim and I moved to Calgary for 3 years and left our friends and families but it was the best thing for us. We grew as a couple and loved the independence.
All the best!!!
What a new exciting time in your life. I’m not a friend of change either but life has a way of making the best of it. Looking forward to seeing all your updates on the move and new location.
Have a great day!
Good luck Elaine! I’ll be there for you every step of the way. I’m not a big fan of CHANGE either……
Wow…so many changes are on the horizon for you and your family. How exciting. I hope the move is “stress free” (if there is such a thing ;O) and that you can enjoy your pregnancy.
We will miss you terribly at MBS, but I wish you all good things in your new life in Louisiana. I’ll be following you on your blog and keeping your beautiful family in my prayers. Much love.
Wow! Looks like the two of us will be busy! I am starting our move process as well.
Wow! That is great! I’m sure it will be much to get used to but it will be so great for your family! Congratulations! AND congratulations on your new little girl on her way into your family. Can’t wait to keep up with you on your blog. I promise to get better at my blogging this summer!
That is a big change! I am excited for you and a bit sad to be losing a good bloggy friend in the DFW area. I have never been to Lafayette but I am sure it is wonderful
Best of luck!!!!
(And of course if you need someone to sell your home, my husband might be able to help
WOW! Such exciting news! I hope it all goes smoothly for you and the family. Will you be looking for a new OB in the area. Oh i hope you can find one you are happy with.
Small towns always seen to be a little more comfy. Plus it puts you a hop skip and jump closer to me lol.
How exciting! We’ve moved twice this past year (and only had one month’s notice both times). It was stressful and CU-razy… but, we survived it and you will too. I promise.
A new adventure – so exciting!!
And so close to the fantastic beaches of Gulf Shores, etc. Such fun.
Breath deeply – it’s good for the bambino
Sorry – bambina!!
(my Italian is a little rusty
Good luck on this new leg of your family life! I think you guys will be just fine!
I’m counting the weeks to BlogHer now…I know we are going to have a blast!
Ok, now we MUST meet before you move! I have to say, I’m sorta bummed you won’t be a fellow dallas blogger!
You are a brave girl, chica – moving while pregnant, switching doctors, homes & cities & states! Wow! I’m sure this is a little hard for you right now, but all things work together for a reason & I just know there are great things waiting for you in Lafayette!
So, I worked in LA for a while with a traveling job I had. I absolutely LOVE the people of LA – especially in the smaller towns – they are seriously the sweetest people on earth (and I’ve always thought texas would win that one)!
Lafayette isn’t too far from Baton Rouge, so you won’t be too far away from a big metro city and, from what I’ve heard, Baton Rouge has changed dramatically since Katrina – expanded massively! I’m sure Lafayette has probably grown as well since I was there last!
Anyway, I have a good friend who is from LA and I think she has family in Lafayette – I will ask her if she knows any young moms there!
Hang in there! And, seriously, I would really love to meet you and your boys before you move! I know you are going to be super busy though – maybe we can do some sort of blogger moms dallas going away party??
Wow! Big changes!
Excited for you guys on your new adventure
You are just full of good news lately! How exciting and wonderful! Good luck packing, I know it is not going to be all that easy… but lucky you, you don’t have to do any of the heavy lifting! I’m sure you all make the transiton to your new city amazingly well!
That IS big news, Elaine!!! Congrats to your hubby on a new job – this will be really exciting for you all. It sounds like a beautiful place to live, and I’m sure it will all go smoothly.
Oh, yes, I really am sure
Congratulations! I bet it’s a load to finally make the big annoucement. Glad you found a place to live too, that has to be a relief.
It’s all going to be wonderful, I just know it!
OMG, that’s where I’m from!!!! All my family is in Lafayette!!! Email me, stat!!!
You guys will thrive in Lafayette. Do take care of yourself and let others do as much as they can for you while getting ready to move. I’m so bummed that you are moving just as we are getting to know each other more in real life. Oh well, the internet has already proven to be a great connector. I’ll miss your daily posts, but I understand your priorities.
YIKES! You and me girl… I will pray for your move and you pray for mine… I only have 10 more days to pack up all my stuff. And for every two things I put in a box, a little set of hands comes and takes one thing out.
Wow, what an exciting whirlwind! Best wishes!
Wow, that is some exciting news, so much to look forward to! Make sure you DO NOT lift a finger, ‘kay?
WOW! Lots going on for you! Congrats!!!!
wow! That is exciting news! I pray for God’s huge blessings for you guys on this new adventure. You are so lovely inside and out and deserve all the best.
Praying for a smooth transition. Sounds like an exciting opportunity, I’m happy for you.
How exciting!! Best of luck for a smooth move!
Oh man, leaving the great state of Texas!
Ok, here’s a tip, when you pack, number the boxes, then have a master list with the numbers and the contents of each box. That made it so much easier for me.
I kind of wish you were moving west, but I’m still really exited for you! Change will be fun and the boys are still young enough to find it exiting too. Best of luck you guys!
The secret is OUT!!! I can’t deny that I’m bummed to lose you as a local bloggy buddy, but I am very excited for you! I’m most excited that YOU are sounding excited and ready for this adventure now. Five weeks?! Wow, that’s fast. Please tell me you have time for a playdate before then?? What a year 2009 will be for your family – new baby, new home, new job! Hugs!!
Good luck with everything. Make sure to get someone else to do all the heavy lifting.
Ooooh! An adventure! Best of luck!
I’m so excited for you!! It sounds like a great opportunity. Congrats!!
how exciting! will be it be a change in climate – i can’t remember where u live!
Congratulations to your hubby for the new job opportunity. Good luck with everything. I can’t wait to read about your new adventures.
Wow! That is big news! Congratulations!!!! It is so exciting!!!