Weekly “Winners” – The Jiggle Butt!

Okay, so I am sort of cheating on my weekly winners post this week. Partly because I took VERY few pics this week and also because I wanted to share the real “winners” in my life!

It’s myself and my friends who ran/walked a 5K yesterday! And… it was MY FIRST! All the running has paid off!

I ran most of the way and came in at 36:02 which was about 4 minutes less than my goal of under 40 minutes! I must run faster outside because I’ve never had that time on the treadmill! But then I was pretty WIPED OUT the rest of the day and very sore. Isn’t that strange?

I still managed to go shopping though… ; )

Here is our group before the race:

(In order by face!) Me, Tracy, Jennifer, Natalie, Claudia, Jennifer, Michelle and Carrie!
And here we are after!’

It was a great morning for a run – the weather was perfect and I am so proud of us all. Our next run is in February – another 5K and I hope to beat my time.

Thanks to everyone, my IRL friends and bloggy friends (special shout out to my girl Kami!) for all your support on the running!

For more Weekly Winners head to Lotus’ place – Sarcastic Mom!



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