November 3 – November 8

The weather this week was quite stellar so we spent alot of time outside.

Whatever is gone from this tree is on my driveway…

Takin’ a break

Hi Momma (p.s. my hair is going to give you fits all week! Love me!)

Yesterday I posted a picture of Little G and asked people to take a guess where he was. Unfortunately no one guessed it correctly but it was difficult. Most said the zoo/park waiting for a train. But no.

We went out to another flight museum up in Addison where the admission was free (one of my favorite words!) for the day and they were flying planes and helicopters. They had other military gear on display as well. My parents tagged along since they were in town for a visit and my father took lots of pictures of planes and things. Then I stole his camera and took pictures of my kids! : ) (he has a better camera than I do…)

Anyway, Little G was standing at the entrance to one of the hangars, where some of the planes were on display and he was quite taken with these lines and kept walking on that area.

Tim in front of a fully operational tank

My favorite plane

My Daddy lookin’ pilot-like

Me and Mom under a wing
Watchin’ the helicopter take off (see the teddy bear in his back pocket?)

Dad in front of truck like the one he drove while in the military.

The B Man and his souvenier

Sarcastic Mom has more Weekly Winner fun so go on over and check it out!


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