This week is all Halloween themed photos from Thursday through Saturday. The kids had a party at their little school on Thursday. On Halloween night we went to “Trunk or Treat” at our church which includes a parking lot full of decorated trunks and folks giving out candy from there, as well as a carnival inside the gym. Then Saturday we attended a Halloween party at a local park. Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday!

Here are the boys and Anna ready for school on Thursday which was party day. Aren’t they cute?

The little Jack-O-Lantern I carved in about 5 minutes…

Little G checkin’ out the SCARY ghost!

My lion and ghost

This is the “I’ve had enough!!” look!

A fun trunk at Trunk or Treat

The ghost and his “loot”

A boy and his balloon (which subsequently popped shortly after we returned home…)

Hangin’ out in the lion costume.

Someone decided to be mouse instead at the party

Takin’ a whack at the pinata
The B Man takes a determined turn
Little G with his pinata “goodies!”