September 29 – October 4
There may be a few too many pics this week and they are ALL from the trip we took down to the pumpkin patch on Saturday. By the suggestion of Tim’s grandparents we ventured out to a small town (practically in Oklahoma) to this great farm run by the the sweetest people. Tim’s Grandmother, Carloyn knows the lovely lady who owns it and we had a wonderful time taking the boys around the property.
G.G.s (our nickname for the boys Great-Grandparents) and Mother Bear (what the boys call Tim’s mom) came with us and it made for quite the fun family outing.
Now listen up y’all, any captions that I put by the pictures, you need to read in your head with a nice Southern accent because while you’re down on the farm you gotta talk like that, mkay?

First things first, lunch

The B Man says his favorite thing about the whole day was the lunch. He was still talking about it at bedtime. What can I say, the boy loves a good picnic.

Checkin’ out “Scarecrow City” and the great display of pumpkin scarecrows.

A nice spot for lunch

Can you see our little pumpkins?

And ghost?

No trip to the farm is complete without a hayride.
(Don’t you like our family picture that includes another family? HA!)

The B man goin’ on about somethin’

To the Patch!!


Now Little G couldn’t exactly tell me his favorite part of the farm but I am pretty sure it was this:

I think they had a good time, whadda y’all think?

For more Weekly Winners go on over to Lotus’ place, y’all. ; )


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