October 12 – October 18
It’s noon and I am just now working on the WW post. We had a BUSY day yesterday, first with a birthday party and then going to the state fair. Let’s just say there was not a lot of healthy eating going on and now I feel the need to eat vegetables ALL day today. (not that that is actually going to happen…)
Here are a few highlight photos from the week, including another trip to the zoo and some cute brothers…

Yes, this is at the zoo – isn’t is pretty?

Momma and her cub

Another Momma and her cub! ; )

A rare moment of quiet

Beautiful fall day with Big Tex at the Texas State Fair

In awe

Fun on the bumper cars!

Just FYI… I will probably do a post dedicated to more pictures and fun from the state fair later this week.

Thanks, as always, to Lotus for hosting Weekly Winners. Go over to her blog, Sarcastic Mom to see more!


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