So, this week, not so good.
I feel stuck.
I keep fluctuating between the same 2-4 lbs. Up and down, back and forth and guess what!?
This week – back up 1.2 lbs.
I could say a really bad word right now but I don’t have that kind of blog. ; )
Anyway, I teared up as I stepped off the scale this morning. I have SO many clothes in my closet that don’t fit right now, and it feels like they never will. I’m not quitting because that’s not who I am but this week, I admit, I’m a little depressed about it all.
And yes, I know I JUST had a baby but not really, I mean she is nearing 4 months old and it’s hard when I see other women whose weight just falls right back off, and it’s hard for ME to see the scale basically in the same place.
And the worse part, I was HUNGRY this week. And I kept away from food and I still felt hungry and I still GAINED weight back.
Yeah, this last week stunk. Hard.
Here’s to hoping this week is better…
Oh Elaine…I feel like a frosted mini-wheat right now.
The frosted friend side of me wants to give you hugs and say I know how frustrating it is when you work so hard and don’t see much happen. The weight will come off, keep your head up and don’t let this push you towards doing something you’ll regret next time you step on the scale. You can do it…we all are cheering for you, even when you aren’t.
But then the healthy dry side of me wants to remind you that you just started working out again, with a vengeance I might add, and that the scale normally doesn’t move right away when that happens for me either. But I bet you even if the scale doesn’t move, you will notice your body changing and cloths fitting better sooner then the scale reflects it. At least that’s how it works for me.
Hugs my friend, I know how you feel….and yes it sucks, but it will get better. PROMISE!
that mendie is a smart cookie (or mini-wheat)
hugs to you.
Great words of wisdom Mendie!
Elaine, I’ve been where you are with postpartum weight loss. Everyone I knew had the weight melting off them and it wasn’t working that way for me. I was jealous and bummed out. It’s hard but we just have to keep moving, make sure you are getting enough food and water and the weight will come off. It might come off a little slower but it will come off.
Best of luck and hope you have a great week.
Oh I HEAR ya on that! Seriously. Just when I think I’ve lost 5 pounds I’m back up again. Grrr. Although truthfully I haven’t really been trying. I have been super easy on myself after this pregnancy. I have decided not to REALLY try to loose weight until I am not breastfeeding so much. It is just too hard when Grace is still breastfeeding all the time. Once she is eating more food (we JUST started solids and I am starting her very slowly) I will start running again.
But it is hard when I only have a handful of clothes that fit. And I refuse to buy clothes that I am not planning on fitting into in a few months. I want to get these 20 pounds off, but I am not putting so much pressure on myself to do so. I guess I just have to be patient with myself. And SO DO YOU!
Hang in there!
I’m right there with you girl! 9exept my baby is 7 yrs old! lol)
Keep up the work, it will pay off in the end!!!
((hugs)) I know how hard this is. I am right there with you except my baby is almost 2!!!!
Some things I have learned. Cut out bread….buy Wasa bread. Drink LOTS of water.
Alot of food we eat spike our blood sugar so stick to foods that are low on the glycemic scale.
And hormones. Your body is full of them and they need to have some sort of balance before the weight will come off.
Oh girl I so know how you feel. I have worked out the last two weeks, 5 times a week, fed my body better food but have been really hungry most of the time and only seen a teeny tiny weight loss. I am not going to give up either and I hope we both have a better week!
I did want to share something I read earlier this week on FB. It’s funny and really fitting of our situation…
“I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is fourteen days.” ― Totie Fields
Good Luck!
I, too, was not one of those moms that lost the baby weight easily. Heck, he is almost 16 months old and I have only lost 20 lbs. It is very normal to fluctuate, but over time, if you are doing the “right” things, then the weight will come off.
Are you drinking enough water? I drink 100+ oz of water a day.
Are you eating your fruits and veggies?
Snacking at night? This is my downfall.
When my baby was 4 months old, the lady at the nail salon asked “when I was due”. Remember that?
Chin up, girl. Hugs.
Here’s my two cents..not that you didn’t get it already.
Most people gain weight when they start exercising…muscle doesn’t weigh more than fat (because a pound of fat is the same as a pound of muscle), but the muscle is more dense, so it takes up less space….but still weighs the same. You are converting fat to muscle (to state it easily) and that’s good. You are exercising and getting your metabolism to work.
For 2 pounds, I call that a wash. I could gain and lose two pounds in a day. Throw the scale out. Work on how your clothes fit and how you feel. I think you will be happier.
Also, don’t forget to drink a ton of water throughout the day.
Oh, and small snacks help…like every 2 hours. Small, healthy, fibrous snacks.
Keep at it…it will happen!
My comment can’t top Mendie’s but I am right there with you babe.
We will get it though, we will, promise
I don’t have anything to add…I agree with all the ladies above. BUT wanted you to know that there are still more sisters there for you.
So with that said keep on keepin’ on and you will be in those close before you know it!
Bummer Elaine. You will see improvement if you keep it up. Stay strong.
Hang in there! You can do it.
You are amazing! Keep up the good work!!
I know you can do it!
Not really anything I can say that will not just be a repeat of what has been said… Just know that you are not alone in your battle…that you are loved and cared about…and that you are fighting the good fight.
Here’s to a better week!
I takes me two years to get my baby weight off! Abby will be two in March and I just got to my pre-preggo weight. Same thing happened with Maddie, only I never lost those last 5 pounds since I was pregnant again when she was just 15 months. I had to return to work at Maddie’s twelve weeks wearing a friends’ clothes that were 3 sizes bigger than my normal size. I’m funny though b/c at the time, I thought- wow- 14 is not nearly as big as I always thought! I think I may have the opposite of body-dismorphic-disorder. I always think I look a little better than I do! So funny! Hang in there. It will come off, just might be slowly. My doctor always said that some women do not lose their weight until they stop nursing and that was me. Thinking of you and the beautiful baby. Boy, she looks like Gavin to me. -JenBFlem
Mendie’s so cute with her frosted mini wheat! but she’s exactly spot on. your body does all sorts of weird things after baby. and the last thing you are allowed to do is compare your body to other bodies who bounce back after baby. mine isn’t that way, i had to stop myself from thinking that way too. mine took work. it took me more than a year. i know it seems like a long time, but it’s not. there are a million little victories along the way and you will experience them if you give it time. stay the course. my ob told me your hormones don’t level off sometimes till a year after baby and that sometimes has a lot to do with getting rid of the babyweight. take your time, try not to get frustrated (impossible, right??) but it’s true, it will come off. just give it time. please please keep doing what you’re doing, because you’re making huge strides every day even if it’s not translating on the scale! we’re here with you, sister!! we have and are walking your shoes!!
I am sorry
If it helps any, the week has sucked for me too.
Also you know, 1.2 lbs could just be water! Sometimes the body holds onto water more when you start working out because it wants to make sure you are hydrated. Hang in there!!
give yourself a bit of buffer…my weight will fluctuate 5 pounds any given day, water retention etc..plays a huge role!!!
Bump up your water intake to rid of toxins, I drink 2-4 litres a day easily
Keep on track, you will see results..your body will kick into high gear, trust me!
PS: the scale is not the best indicator, watch how your clothes are fitting!
Uh, my ‘baby’ turns 2 on Friday, and I’m still working on the baby weight…don’t beat yourself up!
So, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and this coming week WILL be better!
Gah, I’m sorry Elaine. I know the frustrating feeling VERY well. It sucks to see the numbers not moving, or going in the wrong direction. Trust me, I have been there, and am STILL there. AND YOU JUST HAD A BABY. I know you just want to wear some of your old clothes, and you’ll get there, just take your time and take it easy on yourself. Good luck. We’re here for you!
Oh, hang in there… I have been fluctuating with the same 3-4 pounds for months now. You will get there. Stick to all the things you know and it will fall into place. I just can’t believe how much longer it takes after having babies! I am so glad we have the Sisterhood as such a great support. And from all of the wonderful comments, you have a great support and many who care about you and are wishing you success.
Hang in there, Elaine! My body is STILL changing back & Cole is 20 months!
Any normal weightloss process is bound to include some weeks where you gain a bit. Don’t be discouraged – you’re doing great! And after babies, things do take a while longer than we’re used to.
Oh yeah – i agree with the first comment… If you’ve started working out you’re probably building muscle and that weighs more than fat. Your body will start burning fat all the better because of that extra 1.2lbs of muscle… and you’ll be where you want to be before you know it.
PS: I always think you look great! In the pictures on here you’re always lovely and so stylish. Hugs!
Dont feel bad hun!Sione’ is 10 weeks and i have not even thought about where to start when it comes to my weight…ugh!
sending hugs from your friend that has been within 5 lbs of her ww goal for like 4 months now!!!!
you can do this! love you.
Oh I’m sorry! That scale can be brutl. Just hang in there and keep rocking it. The numbers will budge.