Sometimes time passes quickly.
Like when you’re at the mall, shopping BY YOURSELF for the perfect outfit because you finally have somewhere to go besides the grocery store and you’re NOT going to have any of the kids with you and therefore will not get any spit-up or snot on said outfit.
Then time goes FAST.
Sometimes time passes slowly.
Like when you have a terrible headache and call your husband and ask him if he could perhaps come home a little early because the toddler won’t stop whining and your head hurts so badly and you just want to cry (some more).
Then times goes very SLOWWWW-LY.
And then sometimes you look up to add things to your Outlook Calendar and you realize that your 35th birthday is just days away.
Okay fine, MY 35TH BIRTHDAY.
There are plenty of signs that you are going to be 35 soon.
Such as.
*You MUST put things on your Outlook Calendar before you forget all about them, never to remember them again, or until someone reminds you minutes before (this might also be attributed to having three kids…)
*Crow’s Feet.
*When purusing the tabloids in line at the grocery store you have no idea who 90% of the people are on the covers.
*Related to the last one, you see pics of your 19 year old niece on Facebook and think, “Isn’t she wearing just a tad too much make up?”
*You seek out and buy food that has more fiber.
*You glare and even hiss a little at Victoria’s Secret each time you pass it in the mall.
*While doing Jillian’s “30 Day Shred” there is much “popping” and “creaking” going on within your body.
*Everyone else seems to have these new “fandangled” phones/blackberries/i phones, etc. While you are happy with your “old fashioned” Nokia flip phone. Which is ONLY a phone (okay, it does take pictures, but is RARELY used for that).
Despite all of these things, I’m good with 35 (really I am). Besides some physical things* that I need to work on, my life is so, SO good and I’m very blessed with a beautiful family and much love surrounding me.
So bring it on 35, I’m ready for ya!
*If you would just keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I have a doctor appointment on Monday to look further into some “female issues” I’ve been having off and on since Baby K was born. It’s nothing MAJOR, just some annoying stuff that I hope to get worked out soon.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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