Wedding Meme, 3B1M Style!

It’s been a while since I turned the pages of my wedding photo albums. Life gets busy and we tend to forget to look at the pages of images that capture one of the most important days of our lives. So I just want to thank my friend Three Boys 1 Mommy for hosting this wedding meme, if for no other reason, for giving me a peek back at the photos and memories of the day I married the love of my life.

So, without further ado, here are 8 of my favorite photos (and a little bonus at the end) from one of my very favorite days on a beautiful Autumn day back in 1999…
(and because blogger is being a “poopy head” about pictures, a few are out of the order I would have preferred.)
The classic hands with rings photo…
My cake, which I LOVED. It was pretty and scrumptious. Also, that is the cake topper that was on my parents’ wedding cake in 1960. And, my SIL Kathy wrapped our left-over cake SO well that we devoured the frozen piece of it on our 1 year anniversary and seriously, it tasted exactly the same. No lie.
My favorite posed picture of us by the altar. I pass by this photo a million times a day since it is framed in our living room.
This was pre-wedding. Me and my nieces and flower girls, Sarah (5) and Megan (8) at the time.
I don’t think you can see my Dad’s smile in the picture as he’s handing me off, but of all the people and details in this one, that smile is my favorite part.
Here we are kissing during the “sign of peace” and after saying our vows. And, yes I did have the big bow on my bum. Don’t judge. It was still the ’90’s and I adored my dress!
Leaving the church as Mr. & Mrs!

The entire wedding party

And lastly, here is a little snippet from the last page of my wedding scrapbook, made MANY years ago, with snapshots taken by friends… A blurry picture of my mother and I hugging as Tim and I prepared to leave, a tiny pic of Tim and I dancing together and my Dad writing the check for the caterer – love it!
Legend has it that there was quite the party at the hotel where our guests stayed, after our reception was over. Seriously, it sounds like it was so much fun that Tim and I are kinda sorry we missed it. But, our comped room in a VERY nice hotel near downtown Dallas pretty much makes up for us missing it. And that’s all I will say about that…
Here is the chorus to the song we danced to for our first dance, “I Could Not Ask For More.” The words are perfect and that is why we chose it.
I could not ask for more than this time together
I could not ask for more than this time with you
And every prayer has been answered
And every dream I’ve had has come true yeah,
right here in this moment, is right where I’m meant to be
Oh, here with you here with me…
To join the wedding meme and see other’s posts about their big day, head on over to Three Boys 1 Mommy’s place!

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