… to talk about The Toddler.
Y’all remember I have kids, right?
With all the BlogHer craziness I’d kinda forgotten myself (of course I didn’t actually forget, you know that, right?), although FULLY reminded when I returned home to the multiple personalities that comprise a two-year old.
I missed his adorable smile, his sweet toddler speak and his chubby little feet. But the tantrums? Yeah, not so much.
He threw a huge one after we got home yesterday from having lunch and a visit with Leslie, because he wanted to walk around the car on the same side I did and I had blocked it with the trash bins I brought back up from the curb. At least I think that’s what it was about. He was entirely too busy screaming and crying and pointing in that direction for me to really understand what the heck he had his diaper all in a bunch about.
Let’s just say in less that 10 minutes he was in his crib napping (well, theoretically) and I was negotiating my own nap with The B Man.
That conference wore me out, Yo.
But back to what I really mean to say…
Little G is uber cute right now. Talking up a storm, including walking right up to me or Tim once he’s done with the business of #2 and saying “I’m stinky!” Great timing little dude.
Probably THE cutest thing he is doing right now is singing along with me every night before bed to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Although he doesn’t quite have all the words and just drags out “staaaaaaaaaaar” for like 10 seconds. Oh and he screams it. But Oh! the preciousness.
He’s a virtual mess at the dinner table. Or the breakfast or lunch one for that matter. I mean I know he’s two and all but seriously does HALF the table have to be covered in whatever it was that you were grazing on?
That’s right, the kid rarely eats a full meal. He could eat a littlesomething here or there all day. Which is apparently how you are supposed to do it. But how the heck does he know that?
And when he flashes those dimples, all bets are off. ‘Cause they are the epitome of adorableness and well I’m pretty sure he’s starting to understand that.
He’s very much into playing trains with The B Man, and likes to lay out the pieces of a puzzle while saying “I play my puzzle.” He loves to play with play-doh and crayons.
And right now it’s ALL ABOUT, “Me do it!!!!!’ OMG, the kid wants to do EVERYTHING himself. Well, except for go potty, that is.
At bedtime he also likes to read a few books and his favorites include several of Sandra Boynton’s books, such as “Hippos Go Berserk,” “The Belly Button Book,” and as he calls it, “YARD Dance!” (Barnyard Dance). Of course it’ takes like an hour to do just a few because he likes to point out colors and numbers and animals on every. single. page. And while I know this is a good thing, it’s time for bed already kiddo!
Here’s a little video taken the night I returned from Chicago (I’m wearing my ‘Born to Blog’ t-shirt).
I mean really, how sweet is he? I scarce can take it in…
Tomorrow I will post my last BlogHer post. I know I’m dragging it out but come back because tomorrow’s post will contain celebrities! : )
This is extremely WordFUL on a Wednesday, so once again it qualifies. Go visit sweet Angie @ Seven Clown Circus fore more WW.
great age!!
We love the Boynton Books too – we have all of them and both my kids adore reading them. Thanks for the video – He is ADORABLE!! And you are just perfect!
We love the Boynton Books too – we have all of them and both my kids adore reading them. Thanks for the video – He is ADORABLE!! And you are just perfect!
He’s so cute!
so cute!
Oh cuuuuuute! I miss when mine were hat little.
And you get to go through it all again!
Definitely awesome.
That is one of my favorite moments…reading together. Welcome home!
My kids love Sara Boynton books as well. They’re funny and so easy to read for little tots.
Happy Wednesday and reading to your little one!
What a sweetie!!!
My little one just loves the Belly Button book. I know all about tantrums, too. He’s a cutie!
Oh yes, he is adorable!!
golly he’s a cute kid! Yes, I’m stating the obvious – but it bears repeating!
So cute! I loved that age for my boys. Do you have Goodnight Gorilla?
Toddlers are soooo cute–I still miss those days with my boys. Enjoy it while you can! Much love to your whole family.
My sister told me when I had Cole that boys are more OCD like than girls…Cole used to throw fits for the exact same reason….
“napping” is the only solution!!!!
Can;t wait for for BlogHer posts!!
Hi! First-time commenter. I like your blog! Found you by way of Mommy From the Midwest.
Your little boy is ADORABLE!!! I can’t wait for my babe to start talking, though I know it’s non-stop after that!
cracking up….
james’ new thing is crossing his arms in front of his body and poking his bottom lip out and telling me “NO MAMMA” while giving me the pouty eyes! it is so stinking cute and frustrating at the same time!!! oh and james grabs his diaper and says “helllll(help)…me yucky”. nice.
He is just so cute I can hardly take it!! Love it!!
So cute:)
He is so cute!! I just love that age. I wish I could have frozen my girls at 2. And I feel you on missing them so much when you are gone.
Where the heck have I been? Your blog makeover is looking fabu! So you moved and went to BlogHer? You are amazing. And dealing with a toddler, no less. How do you do it?
What a cutie pie!
You look great in the Born to Blog shirt.
I’m totally wiped from the conference, too.
Seriously, if I ever meet him in real life I might eat him. He is the epitome of cute. I love how clearly he enunciates (spelling?) his word.
and Celebrities? I am on the edge of my seat!!!
One of my favorite things to do with the girls when they were little was to read to them.
I just looked over all of your Blogher posts. Looks like you had an awesome time! Great shots too!
I hear ya on the eating thing. My little girl is the same way! More food ends up smeared on the table or on the floor instead of her mouth! Yet, she wants to eat ALL DAY LONG!!!! Cute little guy. Loved the video!!
Barnyard Dance was one of BJ’s favorites. I love how he’s thinking so hard when your hubs asks him what sound the duck makes. Seriously, he’s digging SO deep
It is such a fun, but hard, age. It doesn’t hurt that he’s just about the cutest little think EVER.
So glad we got to FINALLY meet and hang out last weekend. It truly was a dream come true.
Oh Elaine, he is extemely cute. What a treat to hear you, Little G and Tim.
I loved reading all about Little G.
Those are such precious moments!