We had a pretty good weekend. My wonderful husband let me scrapbook ALL day Saturday and since it was just up at my church (3 minutes away) I was able to come home for dinner and then go back. He took care of the boys ALL day while I got some scrappin’ done! Wanna see?
Here’s a layout I did of the strawberry picking we did earlier this year.
I sang at church yesterday morning and then after Little G’s nap we were off to meet some friends from church at a local mini water park. It was quite hot yesterday so it was good to cool off in the pool. The B Man was able to show off his skills that he learned in swim lessons the last couple of weeks (money well spent) and Little G exhibited his fearlessness in the water several times. Let me expand on that a little.
I had a moment yesterday that may have been the scariest thing I have yet to experience as a parent. See, when The B Man was a baby he was fine with water as long as we were holding him. Little G couldn’t care less if we are. He walked away from me several times in 2 feet of water. So, one of has to keep near him the entire time. Besides taking off in the water he also wanted to climb up the playscape area they had in the water and go down the slide. Let me again express how I am NOT used to this because The B Man would NEVER have done such a thing EVER at 14 months of age.
At one point I asked Tim to go get us some water to drink. He left and I was watching both boys in the water myself. Even though I feel much more comfortable about The B Man in the water after his lessons, I still wanted to make sure I knew where he was at any given moment. I turned my head from Little G (walking in front of me) to see where his older brother was and before I knew it G was going under this slide that I could not fit under so I had to go around to follow him. When I got to the other side he was under the water face down and I completely lost it as I grabbed him up. He coughed a couple of times and looked horribly stunned but was fine. After I started to cry my first inclination was that I was a horrible mother for not being right there and then my second was “why in the h*ll did the life guard that was standing 6 feet away continue to JUST stand there and do absolutely nothing??” Was she afraid she might mess up her beautifully coifed pony tail and get water on her sunglasses? She didn’t even move our way after I got him out to make sure everything was fine. And I know she she saw us. The ONLY pardon I can give her is that there were a lot of people there but COME ON if that is what you hired to do, at least come over and make sure he’s ok. Am I in the wrong here?
I mean I know I need to be responsible for my own child and he was only under water for a matter of seconds but if she’s just gonna stand there and look pretty I don’t see why she’s there at all.
After I got over my mini heart-attack at the mini water park we were pretty much ready to go but Little G was ready for more and no worse off. It sure scared me though and the image of my little guy upside down in the water is truly heart-wrenching. So the moral of my story – please be safe with your kids and stay near them in the water because you may not be able to trust anyone else to help you if something goes awry.
In other news I am playing single parent all week this week so please pray for me that the boys “keep their cool” and that we have uneventful week. Oh and that my man gets home safely on Friday. And, if my posts become a little incoherent you’ll know why…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my…
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