I used to love to dress the boys in matching outfits when they were little.
You know for Christmas…
and Easter…
And yes, Halloween too.
It was always so fun to have them in the same thing, plus it was easier to keep track of them if we went somewhere like the Arboretum, with our play group buddies, or to my parents’ church where kids run rampant in the back!
We are headed to the local church-sponsored pumpkin patch next week while the kids have Fall break from school, and I started thinking about what I want the kids to wear (it’s a sickness).
The first year we went, they looked like this:
The candy corn shirts were made by a friend in Texas and still happened to fit the boys the following year so I made them wear them again.
I tried a third year but Ben wasn’t having it. For some reason he’s not into belly shirts and 3/4 length TIGHT sleeves. Picky kid.
So, my friend Lisa gave me some shirts for the boys when K was born and they were “fallish” looking so in 2010 this is what the kids looked like while at the “patch”.
And then last year? Well…
As you can see, I kinda gave up on matching. ANYONE.
And that shirt STILL fits Katie this year so she will probably wear it again next week.
And the boys will throw on something from their closet and off to the patch we will go.
I guess the days of matchy-matchy are over.
p.s. One of my ALL TIME favorite pics of the boys.
Just because I love their matching outfits so much, of course.
OMG that last picture is so awesome and funny!
Some days, I match the kids (and myself) by accident. It’s like I’m not even thinking about it. But these days, the toddler likes to pick his own clothes and he has like 3 shirts he’ll wear. Matchy-matchy out the window!
That last picture cracked me up. So awesome.
I only have one kid, so there isn’t any sibling matching. But she LOVES to try to match with me. It is her goal in life to be able to wear similar enough size clothes as me so we can buy matching outfits. And shoes.
The last picture cracks me up. “Mooooommmm, we don’t WANT to wear matching clothes … enjoy it while you can.”
I try to coordinate, but it’s so hard. Abbey likes pink a lot
Haha! That last picture is so CUTE!!! hehe!

Yeah. Too hard to match anymore. Now I just try and make them dress in fallish colors. That doesn’t even work sometimes.
Good luck!
That last picture is priceless!
I don’t do matching clothes, but I do like coordinating outfits. I’m still guilty of that, and Buddy is 8 and Buster is almost 5.
So great!
I used to match my big girls too. Now they have fairly different taste a lot of the time. It was fun while it lasted.
I love it! I’m more of a coordinating rather than matching mom for my boys. That last picture is amazing though!
Oh the one with all of y’all when Katie was brand new? Adorable! You look SO happy! Of course you were with all those blessings! And no matching here either…I’m just hoping I can find something that looks fall-ish enough for them to wear tomorrow when it’s going to be 87 degrees.
The girls still like to be matchy matchy, but we are getting to the point of needing a girls, toddler and baby..not many places to get them all coordinated!
And, baby K? OMG…so cute and tiny.
I love matchy clothes for kids. I just can’t help it.
Oh yes- I still try so hard to do this when they will allow. But the older they get the harder it is.
Uh huh! So cute! Why do they have to develop minds of their own?
I’m having a hard enough time coordinating the kids myself. Not to mention, we will be getting pictures of the family in November and I am stressing already!
That is the best picture. Ever.
Really cute! I only have one son so he never had to go through this! I think girls will go for it longer! Patsy from
We’re sadly done too. My girls used to love it too. They would actually get upset if they didn’t match. You would think that they were twins but two years apart. Now, well…their tastes are totally different and they cringe if they even happen to end up with the same color on!