Wasted time is so 2014

The puppy dog and I walk down the street, the sun on our faces like a welcomed greeting from an old friend. It is just a few days into this new year.  I left my phone sitting on the desk in the kitchen.  I think twice – I should have brought it.  What if someone calls about one of the kids?  I rationalize leaving it – it’s okay, they have Tim’s phone number too.  I had to leave it at home, otherwise I cannot fully enjoy this time outside, away from my computer screen and the notifications (even the silenced ones).  Hello sun, hello trees, hello sky and neighbor’s cat.  I SEE you.


Back on my desk, in our home office, sits a fresh new paper calendar.  Full of empty pages, just waiting for ink to touch them.  Waiting for a purpose for each day, or most of them anyway.

Before last year expired, I took a look back at my full calendar that is now obsolete and realized it was filled in with many amazing things.  However, in between the traveling, writing, show-producing and photo-taking there was much “wasted” time.

This year I do not want to waste time.

Somewhere in there I lost the motivation to be healthy and I NEED to get that back.  I feel sluggish in many ways.  This has caused me to begin this new year in a bit of a slump.  Like the ball player who has lost his groove, I have done the same.  My running shoes have turned into walking shoes and I can feel my muscles aching from lack of use instead of the opposite.

I am not one to wallow though.  It’s never been my thing to fall prey to the negative for too long.  It’s one thing I do really like about myself.

Instead, it is time to take action.

Less time sitting my arse in my desk chair and more time DOING.


This year ahead brings me to the cusp of a new decade in my life.  Another slate to wipe clean and a chance to begin again.

So I resolve to spend less wasted time and to get moving again. And, if I happen to lose a few pounds (and gain a better attitude about myself) in the process then so be it.


This past year still has its merits for me personally.  It helped me to gain new confidence in my own writing.  I found my words on other sites and in a book.  I read my words on stage.  Anyone can watch me tell my story on YouTube.

And although my photography goals sort of slipped, I am okay with that.  Turns out I cannot do it all at once . . .


I will be honest, I have never really been that into “new years resolutions”.  I typically find any old day a good time to change and make new goals.  But this year for some reason I do feel compelled to start anew, RIGHT NOW.

So here’s a to fresh new calendar full of promise, less wasted time and more doing (instead of talking about doing).


Hey 2015, let’s be besties.



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