So, I vlogged.
A sweet lady that I already “knew” plus a couple more I “met” today on twitter are hosting a great new meme called “VlogTalk” and I thought I’d join in. Peer pressure really is an amazing thing. Even at age 36.
One of the topics, inspired by the fabulous Liz from a belle, a bean and a chicago dog was to vlog about why you don’t vlog. Genius, no?
And now, some notes from me:
(because I like to write too…)
1. I make a lot of faces while I vlog. (duh Elaine, we TOTALLY saw that for ourselves!!)
2. Watching yourself is really strange.
3. I MEAN REALLY STRANGE!!! Now I know why a lot of actors/actresses say they don’t watch themselves a lot.
4. Short vlogs are the best vlogs.
5. Those were WHOLE GRAIN goldfish. We totally eat healthy all the time around here. And no, he did not eat so many that he barely ate his dinner. *cough cough*
6. The baby was fine in her crib while I cooked. I felt some Mommy guilt about it but when I walked in to get her she was all smiles and was playing with her “babies” and “stuffies.” Kinda wish we could have traded places.
7. I can’t STAND Ni Hao Kai Lan. You know, as a show. For my kids to watch.
8. The turkey meatloaf was really good tonight. Maybe I should always vlog while preparing it. Or not.
K, that’s all. Thanks for watching what may be may last vlog.

Oh it is so perfect! Also, I’ll be over for dinner tomorrow. Love you.
You rocked it! It’s adorable! XO
You did a great job! Short & sweet. I would like some of that turkey meatloaf. I like that you roll “old school” with an iPhone 3.
LOL I love this!! It is so fun to hear your voice! I tried vlogging a couple weeks ago for Writers Workshop and failed miserably. Oh well, maybe I’ll try again someday!
Good job on your first (last?) vlog!
Nice job – not many people can do that with their lips..i can and love to watch people try
Oh good lord. I loved it. This is my first visit from Vlog Talk, but I’ll definitely be back! I love your dry sense of humour. Awesome.
Visiting from VlogTalk! Love your vlog – rule #4 is so true – short & sweet wins!
Great vlog!! I am very impressed at your multi tasking skills…and your quiet children!!
Came from VlogTalk! You’re totally right on #4, short, sweet and to the point! Great job!
Oh, and my kids? Never ruin their dinner with goldfish either! *cough, cough*
YOu look adorable even if with your faces! I look insane. It’s the shifty eyes. And the fact that I never seem to look gorgeous enough when I see myself on video or in photos for that matter. My mind’s version of me is way cuter. And thinner. And my voice! Gag. It is the primary reason I pass on the vlogging. It’s like nails on a chalkboard as far as I’m concerned. Although again, in my mind it’s quite melodic and desirable which is why I think I never shut up!
You did a great job and LOVE the faces. I actually don’t mind Ni Hao, doesn’t create as many annoying habits as some of the other shows do.
And love what you are making for dinner, I need to step it up over here.
It was great to “see” you!
Just as I thought- hilarious, adorable. GREAT job! XO
Did you know that I loved this? It was awesome seeing and hearing you.
Elaine, this KICKED ASS!!
It was spunky and funny and I agree that short vlogs are best.
I am totally impressed that you can cook and vlog at the same time.
Pretty awesome!
you snuck your kid into the blod on me
I thought it was great! It was weird for me the first time, but after that it got easier (not that I’m getting any better at it) and more fun. You should definitely do it again.
So adorable – I loved the faces you made
I understand about not liking to watch yourself – I’m the same way. I’m also old-school rocking the iphone3 – at least until fall when I splurge on the 5!
That is by far the best Vlog I’ve seen!
I don’t vlog because I don’t know how to upload video and all that stuff and I don’t care enough to do it. Plus there is always so much noise around my house you wouldn’t be able to hear anything anyway.
I love that you vlogged while cooking, what a rock star, especially with the sunglasses on the head. Awesome!
OH MA LAWD Elaine you are ADORABLE!
I make a lot of faces with I vlog too.
I think short vlogs are the best too!
I am amazed that you vlogged while cooking. And it turned out delicios! Nicely done. I’m impressed!
I have kind of noticed a trend that all the non vloggers should totally vlog more! Funny!
Great vlog! I could never do one without being able to see myself.
Well done, I almost want to Vlog myself now
what a fun meme! i totally agree, short vlogs ARE the best vlogs. way to make a good one
Last vlog? Nah… you did a great job so I think you should do more!!
And love the sunglasses! I use mine for a headband all the time.
Great vlog!!! You did a great job!!
Now that I’ve seen you vlog I can picture your voice as I read your posts. I kinda like that. It’s like have a narration in your head. I feel like I’m on the Wonder Years now. ;o)
Ha! You are too cute! Thanks for being real! You did a great job with the vlog.
PS. You are the only person that got the double entendre on my poem today (Butts and butts
Oops, did I just say that….um, yes I did.
That was awesome.
Alittle difficult to hear over the sizzling food…which is kind of the point to your vlog… I loved it. and I’m hungry now.
This is awesome! You HAVE to keep doing this!
I’m starving now, I want to live in your house, it looks beautiful!
I can always get my kid to eat, but he won’t NAP! The last two days have been awful, like driving around trying to get him to fall asleep & he doesn’t. It’s killing me!
Way to multi task!