I’m sure someone thought we were silly taking a quick video of our little girl “shivering” at cold ice cream the other day.
Like maybe the young guy in the background that you see very briefly.
Or maybe the older man across the way whose eye I caught during the process.
Perhaps he wished he had the same type of videos of his kids. I mean no one brought “camcorders” into Jason’s Deli back in the day, at least not that I saw. It’s amazing what we can do with our phones these days.
I have a kazillion pictures of my children, ESPECIALLY Baby K. But I have not taken as much video as I wish I had.
So I’m going to start. Because these little videos are priceless to me. Just like my babies.
p.s. I think it’s pretty funny that I wipe her mouth right before she takes an enormous bite of ice cream with her tea spoon!!

I have had two very fancy video cameras, a flip, video on my camer a and on my phone … and what have I accomplished – ack ….
Good for you – you go girl … and she is the cutest thing in her screentime!
sooo cold!
So adorable! Oh I love her. And two year old all around the world. Let’s freeze them for awhile.
OMG she is adorable! I always forget to get my video out fast enough so I miss most of what I wanted!
Beautifully captured. Well taken.
Oh, such a good reminder to do this more often!
{And oh my, she’s adorable- ice cream and all!}
I love the slightly delayed reaction she had!
Awww. So cute. I need to do more videos too.
That is just to cute! If I start doing videos now I won’t have all those cute videos of the older kids doing stuff….
Aw, that is so freaking cute.
And she is looking so much like you.
That is the cutest thing ever.
Oh that made me smile! She’s so adorable! I’m the same way – I have soooo many photos, but not nearly enough video. My husband is usually the one who says “switch it over to video!”. I’m so glad you caught that cute moment!
Oh that was so adorable, brought a smile to my face!
I agree, I always forget to take video but when we watch the ones from when the boys were little I am so grateful we them
Now I want ice cream too!
Adorable! Love that huge smile and shiver in her body. I take video of my kids all the time and upload them to YouTube. I only share some of them on my blog but my family loves watching them since they don’t live near us.
Oh I love it! That was totally worth video taping. She’s SO CUTE!! I need to whip out the video camera more often…
“The Dragon” a Short Story by Princess Nagger
SO cute!! Certain things videos definitely trump photos… and this is one of them.