Valentine’s Old School Blogging!

This month Tamara and I decided to go with the Love/Valentine’s theme for Old School Blogging.  We came up with the questions together but I have to give her full credit for the “Say Anything” one below, which I think is so great!  Tamara is a newer blog friend and I am SO glad I met her through the interwebs.  Her photography is truly amazing and always inspires me to be a better photographer myself.  She also has an amazing way with words.  Visit her at Tamara Camera and if you get a chance, make sure to go back and read her and her hubby’s love story from the beginning!

Also, don’t forget to tweet with us @elainea and @TamaraCamPhoto using the hashtag #OSBlog!

How do you typically celebrate Valentine’s Day?  Usually with sweet cards, Mylar balloons for the kids and some type of chocolates.  There just MUST be chocolates.  I also usually make these cookies and this year I plan to make a special breakfast for the kids that includes either heart-shaped pancakes or homemade donuts with sprinkles.  I have not decided yet. 🙂

Do you like to get A)chocolates B) flowers  C) a sweet card or D) ALL OF THE ABOVE? D, duh.  Although the flowers, I can give or take.  I would rather get them randomly than on Valentine’s Day, when the prices are hiked up.   But the chocolate, well, there’s really no compromising on THAT.

Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?  If not, would you at least cuddle on Valentine’s Day? Yes, admitted cuddler here.  Although Tim is even more of one (don’t tell him I told you!). 😉

What is your favorite movie about love or with a love story?  It may have to be “Love Actually” since there are so many stories going on at once and it shows that love can be pretty complicated, instead of just being some super mushy story that only happens in the movies.  I also like Romeo & Juliet.  I know!  But man, THAT was true love!!

Do you believe in “love at first sight”?  Did it happen to you?  Yes, and it did happen to me!   I have always said that I REALLY liked Tim right away when I first shook his hand. 🙂

Do you believe love can conquer all things?  I believe true, deep, committed love can help us get through a lot in this life.  I do.

What is one of the main things you love about your S.O.(significant other)?  His drive and determination.  Oh just one?  Also, his butt. 🙂

If you could have the perfect Valentine date what would you and your loved one do? Maybe spend the day together, including a nice lunch together.  Or being whisked away to NYC or Paris would be good too (take note, hubby!) A girl can dream…

Tell me about your first crush!  My first crush was on a friend of one of my brothers’ (since I have THREE older brothers there were always guys at our house).  His name was Scott and he was tall and yes, super handsome!  I used to lay in bed at night and think that the 7 year difference between us was not that big of a deal and figure out that if we got married when I was 20 he’d “only” be 27.  Also, that’s about how far apart my parents are in age so, PERFECT! Right? ha! *clicks away to see if he is on Facebook…* (he he!)

Do you have any embarrassing or horror dating stories? Not really.  I did not “date” a lot, actually.  Probably THE most embarrassing thing that ever happened was my boyfriend’s dad walking up and knocking on my car window while the two of us were making out in there. *blush*

Favorite flower? Tulips.  Or big, bright sunflowers.

What’s the first type of chocolate you hope for when you reach into a box of chocolates?  Caramel chocolate.  a.k.a. the square ones. 🙂

Favorite love song?  This is a REALLY  tough question.  I do adore the song we danced to at our wedding but I do not sit around playing it all the time or anything.  It was “I Could Not Ask For More”  by Edwin McCain, btw. 🙂   And now is when I confess that Sarah McLachlan defines much of me and Tim’s early relationship and so her songs pretty much get me every time.  Especially this one.

What is the best breakup song?  This would be the one I listened to OVER AND OVER after my big break-up with my H.S. boyfriend (not THIS version, the original, but I love this version).

Favorite celebrity couple?  I’m gonna have to go with Bennifer.  They seem like they would be so great to hang out with!  Plus I would like to smell Ben.  I bet he smells REALLY good… Jennifer too, but in a different way.  I know, this is getting kinda weird.  Sorries.   Also? They like coffee and so do I, so BBFs fore sure!  Plus, sometimes I wear my hair like Jennifer in the pic below.  What I am saying is that even though they are SUPER famous and rich they seem cool about it and quite REAL compared to so many other celebrities who well, DON’T.  Maybe Jen and I could sit on her couch and watch old episodes of Alias together while we drink coffee.  That would amazing.



Overall, are you pro- or anti- Valentine’s Day? I would definitely say pro.  I do think there are some kinda “cheesy” aspects to it all but I would never turn down an opportunity to give or receive extra LOVE. 😀

Valentine’s, pre-kids, 2002, Tim made dinner and set the table like this… oh so sweet!

If someone did that “Say Anything” boombox thing outside your window, would you be into it, or call the police? Oh my gosh, I LOVE that scene (and movie!) so much!  I just love that he did that for her.  So romantic.  I would be SO into that!

First thing you notice about the objects of your affection? When I think of my objects of affection I think of the people in my house.  So the first thing I notice about Tim these days is how he is dressed when he leaves for work in the morning, looking all dapper.  Lately he’s been wearing jeans or dress pants and nice button down under a pull-over sweater and I LOVE that look on him.  I will be sad when it gets warm again and I cannot see him in this outfit. 😉  With the kids it would probably be their eyes.  All of my kids have gorgeous eyes, blue or hazel and I could drown in them all.

What’s the best thing you’ve ever gotten for Valentine’s Day? I think this is more of a “best” memory, but my Daddy used to always bring my mom a big box of chocolates and flowers on Valentine’s Day and he would bring me a smaller box and say that we were his two best ladies.  I just LOVED that when I was a little girl.   He was the first man I loved so..

Okay, now it’s YOUR chance to share with us all about what you LOVE (or don’t!) about Valentine’s Day!  Please link up with me and Tamara below, we love reading your answers too!


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