Let me set the scene:
Fifteen minutes before we need to leave for church and I have yet to put my makeup on and still need to get one child dressed for church. Ben comes into my room fully dressed, except for shoes.
“Mom, I can’t find my brown shoes.”
“Did you look under Gavin’s bed?”
He leaves as I am applying my mascara. A minute or two later he’s back in my room with only one shoe on.
“Mom, I cannot find my other brown shoe.”
“Where did you find that one?”
“Under Gavin’s bed.”
“Well, I would be willing to bet that the other one is there too, you just didn’t look hard enough and gave up before you found the other one.”
I continue getting ready and we all chaotically head out the door and pile in the van. We go to church with me subconsciously knowing my child has two shoes on, but I do not really think about it until the middle of the preist’s homily. I lean over and whisper to him,
“Where did you find your other shoe?”
“Under Gavin’s bed.”
Always! They can be sitting right next to each other on the floor and he still will only find one.
Julia recently posted…Anatomy of a Snow Day
I know this. It happens at my house all the time. One I hope to really teach them what “looking” really means.
Jennifer recently posted…12 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Series to Stream on Netflix
This could not happen at my house – because my kids are strictly prohibited from entering their sibling’s room (a rule they made up)
But – “looking” definitely does not involve any kind of effort 

Kerstin Auer recently posted…A Day In Haikus
Oh but Kerstin, my boys share a room! Much to the oldest’s chagrin!
Yep, this happens all the time! My kids are always finding things where I tell them they probably are. Well, more accurately, I tend to give up and go to look myself. Sometimes it’s just easier that way.

Elaine Griffin recently posted…Greek Yogurt Ranch Dip (Blue Cheese Optional)
Haha! Sometimes I’ll tell T to look for something and she gives up after a half-hearted spin. If it’s not right in her face, it’s not there. And for some reason, the little one likes to hide the hairbrush in dirty laundry hampers…..
Leslie recently posted…One Room Two Girls
Sounds about right!
The other day we had an all out neighborhood search for our cat because somebody left the door open.
Turns out she was chilling upstairs in the girls’ room under one of their beds!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…Mommy and Me Monday | The 258th ed
Things are never truly lost until Mom can’t find them (or suggest where they might be)!
Alison recently posted…Dying A Thousand Deaths
So perfectly simply authentically PARENTHOOD. Well done! (Um, and possibly marriage?)
Maureen Wallace recently posted…The horror of discovering Mommy instead of Daddy
Everything is “under the bed” at my house too!! And “looking for things” needs to be a class they teach in school. My kids can read I Spy books all day or play those find the hidden object iPad games, but when it comes to shoes or toys, it needs to have a blinking beacon for them to find it!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…The Waiting Game: One I Hate Playing