Unchartered Territory

I recently made my next yearly appointment with my “woman doctor” and since I am a “glass is half full” kind of gal I thought I would look at the bright side of my impending visit.

See, I have a favorite part of going to the woman doctor (yes, I know I am freak for having a favorite part – stay with me…) and that would be…. seeing the males in the waiting room. I mean if you’re gonna wait for 30 minutes plus you might as well have some fun “people watching.”

And c’mon, you know what I mean. I love that you can usually tell which guys are there for the first time with their newly pregnant significant others. They kinda have this total “deer in headlights” look and some even look a little glazed over like their whole world just got turned topsy-turvy and well, I guess it just did. Seriously, I’ve seen some of them look like they are about to vomit when they walk through that door and into the first baby appointment. But then I was in the same situation a couple of times, so I can totally relate. ; )

I tend to wonder if they are freaking out more about actually being the only man (or two) in a waiting room full of women, knowing exactly what is about to happen to the ladies (Okay, well maybe not exactly, it’s not like many of them have ever seen a speculum and yes, I did just use that word on my blog.) Or if they are losin’ it more over the fact that they are about to be responsible for another human being… Oh and that the next 8 months of their lives are going to be ALL about the arrival of that baby. It’s inevitable.

Anyway, I thought it would be cool to get a few guys’ perspective on this (besides my husband’s) so if any of you know a guy who is willing to read this and give his 2 cents, I’d love to hear it. C’mon ladies, get your guys to comment – it’ll be fun! : ) How did they feel when they made that first visit to see how their world (and their heart) was about to be rocked? How did they feel sitting in the obgyn’s waiting room? And if they don’t want to actually comment, at least ask ‘em and let me know. Just curious…

*As I disclaimer I don’t mean to imply that EVERY father-to-be is this way, just many of the ones at my doctor’s office! : )


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