On Saturday, she’ll be two. I’m trying to soak up the last few days of her being “one”.
This morning she ran around in a tutu that I tied around her waist, over her pajamas.
She smiled and giggled when I was done putting it on her.
We went to the kitchen after and got a snack, cinnamon almonds and a cereal bar, thus the messy food face.
I kinda like it that way.
I trimmed her bangs tonight, after these pics were taken.
He hair grows fast and seems to always be in her eyes.
I love that I have a sweet, little girl to tie a tutu to.

OMGosh. Your sweet girlie! I just can’t believe it. Two!
And my babies are turning 5 next week! Where has the time gone????
I *just* logged onto my google reader and saw this pop up and I screamed at the computer THERE IS NO WAY SHE CAN BE TWO ALREADY.
Please. Try placing a brick over her head to stop her from growing up tu-tu fast.
Oh she is s cute in that tutu! Great pictures. Hang onto 1 as long as you can
She’s beautiful!! And that face..so sweet! Can’t believe she’s 2 already!
And congrats on your win!
Omigosh she’s so cute!! Love the tutu-pajama combo
Two already?? Ack, they grow so fast!
How on earth can she possibly be two already? That’s just not right.
I love the tutu!
She is so incredibly cute! This made me ache for a daughter.
I made a tutu exactly like this for my oldest except it was black and purple. My youngest, loves tutus. She wears them all the time.
I remember when you were pregnant, and I can’t believe she’ll be two! She’s precious, and still very babylike. I promise!
Funny- her picture popped up next to yours and you look so much alike!
Enjoy your WW!
Oh my word – TWO! Not fair.
It seems like just yesterday you were having a big extravaganza for her first birthday, she’s growing up so fast! Happy almost birthday to not so baby k!
Oh your sweet, sweet girl! A-dor-a-ble!! XO
Soak up every last bit of girliness. Lily makes me crazy sometimes but I love having a little princess running around.
She is so, so cute.
Oh my goodness. I love these. That tutu is so cute. Happy 2nd birthday to her.
i so know this feeling.
My daughter is 18 months and it feels like the months are flying by. There’s no way she’s that old.
I just had her!