The Bloggy Giveaway carnival has totally snuck up on me this time and I am somewhat unprepared. But never fear, I do have a couple of my favorite things to throw in the hat for one lucky reader.
If this is your first time to visit, let me give a shout out and say, “Hey!!” Thanks for stopping in and I hope you like what you see. My blog was just recently made over by Karen of Simply Amusing Designs and I am very happy with my new header and signature.
Now on to “the goods.” I love to scrapbook so the first item is a mini scrapbook that is currently a completely blank canvas. It has 20 7×7 pages and I will do 5 custom layouts with themes the winner and I decide on together. (if you want to see a layout I have done go to my last giveaway post to see one). The rest of the album will be up to the winner to fill…
The second item is a $10 Target card because I absolutley LOVE me some Target and I am pretty sure a lot of you do too.
So, there you have it. Leave me a comment on this post before Friday, April 26th at midnight, CST about why you want one or both of these things (you’re gonna get both no matter what…). PLEASE make sure I have a way to get back in touch with you either by leaving your email in your comment or having it on your blog profile. I will choose a winner on Saturday, April 27th via This is open to folks from the U.S. and Canada only and I will cover the postage to get you your winnings!
Now, go on over to Bloggy Giveaway central to visit tons of other blogs and enter to win free stuff ’til your eyes bulge out of your head. That’s what I plan to do! Good Luck everyone!
These are a few of my favorite thing…
I love a Target card so that I could buy a movie I’ve been wanting. Then I could justify my splurge.
knowhimwell at hotmail dot com
I think that a smaller album like this would be so less intimidating to do, and I’d love to have some layouts already done to get me started.
And I ‘heart’ Target, of course.
Both sound great!! I love Target and need some motivation to get my scrapbooking going again!!
Two of my fav’s…. scrapbooking and Target!!! My boys love going to “target store” as they put it… and who doesn’t love scrapbooking…
Both items do sound great…and who can pass up a gift certificate?
I’d love to win either prize. I’d love to have a scrapbook to make a memory book for my son. I’d love to win a Target gift card, because I love to shop there.
I adore target!
Target is the cheapest place to find Izze soda. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
Oh, I can go crazy shopping at Target, and I do tons of scrapping. I hope I win! Thanks
I would LOVE to have the target gift card as Im saving up money to buy Connor some outdoor toys!!
I am running a bloggy party right now too with tons of prizes! Come check us out!
Aren’t you so sweet to give me a nod?!
I love this giveaway for so many reasons – scrapbooking is a past time I don’t get to indulge in very often, and Target? Sigh…I heart Target.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Both are awesome but I have never scrapbooked and would love to give it a try! Please enter me…
grayjones5 at yahoo dot com
Hi, You have two fantastic prizes! I could always use the book. My dad is turning 90 in July and it would be fun to make the book for his birthday! What more can I say about Target?! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi
Sounds great! I heart Target!
my faves too!!
What a great combination! Thanks
Great combination! we love getting our art supplies at target.
Oh, Elaine, I spend way too much time in Target, so any help in the payment department is welcome.
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Great Prize!!! Thanks!
I need the scrapbook to fill with my 9 million photos lying around! and the target card to buy more paper,of course!(eg)
Great giveaway! Thanks for offering! I love Target and the scrapbook is so cool!
Your blog is so cute. I love your header. Thanks for the chance to win, those prizes look great!
I am soo behind on my scrapbooking. I think that a pretty book to fill would kick start me into getting more done.
wonderful prizes
Great giveaway. I would love both items!
Well, I’m a scrapper AND I shop at Target!
And, actually, I’d be equally happy with either prize! A new scrapbook to fill would be lovely, and $10 can be stretched a ways at Target
fiordpiner [at] yahoo [dot] com
Awesome – great giveaway – like everyone else, I love scrappin’ AND Target. Thanks for the chance!
That’s awesome…I have so many pictures of my college experience to chronicle, but I need a little nudge to get me started! I would love both prizes!!!
Oooh, I have to totally agree Target is the best!! Thank you for the great giveaway.
Take Care,
Target and a mini scrapbook…the ingredients for a healthy dose of happiness! Both will put a big smile on my face!
Hey, don’t forget my giveaways!
I love to scrapbook and my daughter would like to start scrapbooking with me as well. a 7×7 album would be a perfect size for her to start with. She is very creative. As for the Target card…who couldn’t use one of those in the blink of an eye. We are always there to pick up something.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
Yes, Target is the best! Thanks for the chance to win! Have a great day.
Great giveaway! Thanks! I love to scrapbook, but have fallen so far behind. Maybe the mini scrapbook would get me started again. I love Target!
kedecker at
Thanks for a great evening Sat. nite!
i would use it on diapers. i have two in pullups and a bbay in diapers. so it gets exspensive
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com
Well, I’m a scrapbooker, so I can appreciate a mini-book! I’d love to have one partially done for me. I’d probably use it as a gift! And Target, I really don’t need to say much here. I go there at least 2 times a week! Love it!
I would love the Target card. We’ve got one in pull-ups, one in diapers and one on the way. Expensive doesn’t cover it!
Enter me, please!
I would give the scrap stuff to my mom and I would go shopping at Target for a new shirt!
I love scrapbooking!!!
Both of the giveaway prizes sound wonderful. Thank You
Love Target!
My two favorite things in the world…scrapbooking and targeting…can’t get better!
Were we separated at birth?
Target is my favorite store EVER (curse them for opening one right around the corner form my house) and scrapbooking is a way of life for me!
You rock for giving this stuff away!
I love Target and scrapbooking.
Target–yes!! Scrapbooking–I’ve never done it but it would be great for pictures of my grandkids. I would love to win both of these.
Custom layouts would be awesome! I love scrapbooking, but hardly ever can do it because of kiddos running around.
I love Target and scrapbooking. But I am going to tell you why I simply need Target. We are going to Disney and well, who knew you needed so much. Sunscreen, a new backpack/tote/stuff to entertain yourself in the car on the way there/stuff to knock you out for the time when the kids ask for the 100th time “are we there yet”. I would love both truly. Thank you so much.
Must I explain why I’d want a Target gift card?! I heart Target
For scrapbooking, I think my 3rd and 4th deserve something beside a book that is blank except for their names :0
Oh I need another reason to head over to Target. Just love that place. Thanks!
I never pass by an opportunity for free Targetness. Never!
You sound like a gal after my own heart! I love Target, the dollar section gets me in trouble! And I absolutely adore scrapbooking! I am doing my own scrapping giveaway! Come check it out!
how generous of you. thank you!
Sounds like just the thing to get me scrapbooking again! And, Target — it’s my favorite place in the whole world! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love a Target card because I’m almost out of dog food, and Target is the only place I can find that carries the brand I like.
Great blog and great giveaway.
I would love someone to help me get started scrapbooking for my 3 month old.
I really NEED to work on my scrapbooking! But I also LOVE Target!
Scrappin’ & Target! Two of my favorite things eva!
I love scrapbooking & am so behind, so this would be great. Target is something I could really use, go towards summer clothes
I’d love to get back to my scrap booking, and Target is at least a weekly (or more) hangout for me!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
It’s hard shopping on a small budget – would be nice to splurge at Target, maybe on a frozen pizza and a book? And I’d love to make a mini scrapbook for my friend’s bridal shower.
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It’s been a little while since I’ve visited …. I love your new header!
I absolutely LOVE Target and I’m WAY behind on my scrabooking!
threeofakindblog at gmail
Well I love Target and I love scrapbooking so this is the perfect prize.
I love the new look of your blog, it’s great!
Great idea for a giveaway! I love to scrapbook, and I am looking forward to starting a new scrapbook when Baby J makes his arrival sometime in June. I’m gonna need somewhere to put all of the millions of pictures i will be taking!!
Me too!
A scrapbook with layout help from you…what could be better..oh yeah target to boot..thanks for a great giveaway..hoping to win
Thanks for such a great giveaway!!
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One can never have enough scrpabook supplies. And Target rocks, I need some new curtains, who nows I may just get lucky!
What is not to love. Scrapbooking which is something I love to do just don’t have as much time to do it and shopping at target. What could be better. hehe
katie_mmartin (at) yahoo [dot] com
This is great. I have been needing to start a scrapbook for my dd (she is 13mns). Target is a little out of the way for us, but it is close to my dh’s work. Maybe let him get something for himself.
Awesome! I love scrapbook stuff.
mamacita1 (at) charter (dot) net
I love to scrapbook and I love Target!
if I won, I would save the Target card for my birthday. I turn 40 this year and I am SOOOO excited.
Really. I am.
But I would hold onto the card just in case no one has a clue what to buy me. Then I would cruise out and buy me an iTunes card. I LOVE MY iPOD!
I want to win b/c I love to shop at Target, and the scrapbook is an added bonus! By the way, your blog header is beautiful!
Sorry, I left out my contact info in the comment above…
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net
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Believe it or not – I’ve never done a scrapbook so I’d say it’s about time! Thank you.
Big Target fan here! Thanks!
There are very few girls who don’t like to shop and I’m not one of them. Plus, Target rocks!
Well, I have four kids so both items would be put to good use! I’m totally behind in all my scrapbooking so you helping would be a total blessing. And um, I still have to buy diapers… need I say more about the Target card?!
Now that SuperTarget is a mere 3 minutes from my home they have all my money!
I would love to win the scrapbook because I never have time to do it myself anymore and can use any help I can get! Target is awesome too!
I’m not much of a scrapbooker, but I’d love the target gift card!
I’ve always wanted to learn to scrapbook. I love the design you did for the last contest, and maybe this will help me learn how to scrapbook a bit. And I live at Target so I could definitely use the gc too! Thanks for the great giveaway!
What is not to love about them both!?
i love to try to win the target card so i can get my little one some thing
Because I am a new to scrapbooking and would love some things to help me get started!
I heart scrapbooking and Target. (And your layout from the last giveaway was super cute.)
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I would love to win this combo…not only because I love to win contests…but because I would love to get a cute little scrapbook to inspire me to get over my scrappers block and get some scrapbooking done!!!
Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Tiffany Rosson
Please include me. This contest is perfect for me because I love Target. I also just got into scrapbooking. So, two very useful prizes. Thanks.
Oh boy!!! I would love to win! Pick me, pick me, pick me…
You can reach me at
Check out my GIVEAWAY at
I love scrapbooking, and Target!
I’m a die-hard scrapbooker and would love to put the small album together for my grandma! Also, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Target!
I’m a big scrapbooker myself, but I’m excited about this giveaway because….
boy do you know how to host a good giveaway! …even at the last minute!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Target. They have some great designer items now!
That poor middle child….he has no memories to view of himself when he grows older. I have two albums full of my first child and another full album of my third child (who was my first daughter). But my middle child (a son) has a small ity-bitty dinky scrapbook. He needs more! Oh, and there aren’t enough adjectives in the english language to describe my love for Target (which I pronounce “Tar-zhay”). I can’t wait to see if I win!
Lovin’ it! Thanks!
your blog looks great!
I absolutely love Target
I have stayed away from scrapping, but maybe it would be a good way for me to do a book for my son who will be one soon. I am so bad and have not done a baby book (been blogging instead).
Thanks for the giveaway fun!
I just love, love, LOVE Target. Sign me up, please!
ldfouch at cableone dot net
please enter me – I don’t get a chance to shop at Target often enough, but sure do like the store!
I am new to scrapbooking, and can’t wait to get started … and who doesn’t love Target! Thanks for the chance to win!
I too love Target. I would love to win.
I love both scrapbooking and Target
courtneyhunt71 (at) aol (dot) com
I am so far behind in scrapbooking – I need a good boost like this! My current non-project is to design a smallish album of all the kids in my family (starting with my great-uncle) who have used the family bassinet. Baby pic in the bassinet along with a short life bio. It will travel with the bassinet as newer members of our family are added. So far, I have 23 people, and not a stitch of work done!
I luv scrapbooking and luv target so both of these would be awesome to have – especially since we are on a budget payin’ down that debt!
Count me in!
Great giveaway!!
I love Target and their scrapping section rocks
Thanks for the chance
I recognized your header from the simply amusing blog
I spend quite a bit of money at target….
Just spent money there yesterday and I could spend more tomorrow! Thanks for the Target card giveaway!
I need some motivation to start scrapbooking again and this just might do it!
nottheplan at gmail dot com
Please add my name to the hat.
Oh what fun two of my fave things! I’ve never done a 7×7 scrapbook before (I mostly do 12×12) and think it would be a really fun size to keep in a diaper bag or purse! audrajjensen AT msn DOT com
Great giveaway! I love me some Target.
Why? I enjoy scrapbooking and shopping at Target. Please count me in. Thanks!
I love scrapbooking and I love Target! This giveaway is the bomb!
A girl can never have too many scrapbook projects laying around.
Why I like them?? I love scrapbooking. I am however 6 months behind on my daughter’s (not too bad). As for the Target card…I love Target and need to go shopping for a bathing suit…yuck! And a $10 gc would help greatly toward that.
Either one would be great!
Thank you for the giveaway
Ooh! Scrapbook! I’m excited! What a wonderful giveaway – thank you!
Both are really great. Gift card, no… Scrapbook. WEll, wait… Gift card…
BUT, I do have to say i LOVE your page!!!
Two of my favorite things! Scrapping and shopping at Target.
~Rhonda from Minnesota
I have for kids so I have plenty to scrap upon. As far as Target, did I mention the 4 kids;)?
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you!
Ohh, a custom scrapbook and target gift card. I hope I win!
Target and scrapbooking. Could life get any better?
I love Target and scrapbooking! Great giveaway!
Target and Scrapbooking. I think that possibly may be the best thing ever!
Well, Target is my favorite store to shop at. I also love scrapbooking, but don’t have the time right now. I have some beautiful pictures of our newest baby that are screaming to have something creative done with them.
i looove me some target as well – in fact going there right after this post!
I lost my 16 year old son a year and a half ago and would love to have a scrapbook of him. I am so overwhelmed that I dont even know where to begin.
Love me some Target and scrapbooking! What a wonderful giveaway! Need to look throught the Target ad in fact before I head over there this week. I think it was a good one too!
Have fun with your giveaway this week. Don’t forget to come and enter mine too!
I’d love a Target GC because who doesn’t love Target? lol. And scrapbooking… I’m working on getting set up to start.
1st, I Love your new header!!
2nd…Way cool giveaway!! Wow..I’d be hard pressed to choose so please sign me up and let fall where it may!!
Alyson of 3 P’s
ps Stop by my blog and sign up for my cool giveaway –
I love me some scrapping stuff! == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com
Target is my fav shopping for everyday things.
I have not started scrapping. Do not know if I will. But this just might be the start of a new hobby.
Thank you for offering.
I would like either of them, of course, but I especially like smaller scrapbooks. They’re easier to fill and complete, so I feel like I’ve actually accomplished something instead of just having a project that drags on for years.
I would love to win this prize. First of all because I love scrapbooking, but I don’t have the time for it, and your work is beautiful, and secondly I LOVE Target.
Please include me in your drawing.
Scrapping and Target are 2 of my favorite things!
Yes, please!
Super giveaway!
AWESOME!!!! Thank you for the most generous prize offer. Both sound GREAT!!!! I could use the Target card for my daughter’s upcoming birthday and I could always use some scrap goodies.
I can be reached at the URL associated with my name. THANKS!
Great giveaway. This could be the motivation I needed to get back into scrapping. Thanks.
I would love to win this! Please enter me.
I would like the scrapbook because our family albums were destroyed in a flood
and I need to start all over. And I’d use the Target GC towards some new curtains for my curtainless windows in the living room!!
Great Giveaways! I love me some Target too!
~ Amy @ Memoirs of a Mommy
I would love to win the Target card! My favorite store!
Oh how I love me some Tarjay!!!
I would love the Target card because I’m always spending too much money there!
anislandlife at gmail dot com
I love Target–they’re building a new one near me! Yay! My email addy is in my blogger profile, just in case I win!
Great give-away. I am halfway done with a scrapbook but ran out of supplies and who couldn’t use Target GC? Thanks for the entry.
Yes, I love me some Target, too! I find great bargains in the $1 bins.
I’d love to win this because the last page I’ve scrapbooked is the day my daughter was born….and she’s 5 1/2 years old now. Le sigh!
I love target and scrapbooking, what a great giveaway.
I’d really love the target card because hey its target and they have some cute shoes for my little angel. The scrapbook would be fun to document my little angels growth. Its happening so fast. Thanks
Target is my fave! Please enter me.
i’m a digiscrapper, but i think maybe it’s time to branch out, and let me count the ways i would use a target gc – probably something like 547
I am addicted to scrapping! And now that Target carries scrapping supping in their dollar spot, I would be set!
zoetrope2000 at gmail dot com
I LOVE Target. I can’t figure out why it is so much more fun to shop there than at WalMart, but it is light years away in awesomeness.
And I have lots of pictures of my two babies that could use a home in a scrap book.
Awesome giveaway – I love me some Target, too, and I really need to figure out how to scrap! Thank you!
I love shopping at Target-a giftcard would be nice! And the scrapbook sounds amazing!
Name: Valerie
Honey, who doesn’t love target and scrappin? Though I have gone digital I still love the feel of real life pages in my hand. The blog header is very pretty.
Take Care
Ohhhh….. I love Target too.
Well, who doesn’t love Target?? Seriously, I have been stamping and making cards for a little while and want to start scrapbooking but don’t know how to get started, so this would be the perfect prize for me!
Please enter me! thanks!
I love scrapbooking and I love Target! I always have multiple scrapbooning projects going on at the saem time. It would be nice to have one with pages already done for me.
Oooh! I’m just starting to dabble in digital scrapping, and I could always use an excuse to visit my neighborhood Target!
It doesnt get better than that! Scrapbooking AND Target?! Rockin!
I would love the Target GC because it’s such a fun place to shop!
gotfire (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love either prize. I am pregnant with my first baby so they would both come in handy. I scrapbook, but I am behind already so your scrapbook prize would give me a running start.
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
What a great prize! Count me in. Thanks!!
I love Target, of course, but the scrapbook would be nice cause I know someone who would absolutely love it!
I was just at Target tonight, love it.
I love Target, but I could always use more to scrap about.
Why would I like the Target GC? Because I could really choose what I would like and possibly spoil myself for once. I’d like the scrapbook because it makes it so much easier than doing the complete thing by scratch. I am very behind in my scrapbooking right now and this would definitely help.
Because I spent too much money at Target today and need to not spend my money there anymore….so why not spend your money??
I would love to give the scrapbook to my grandma with pictures of my kids. And who doesn’t love Target?
I’ve got my eye on a new swimsuit for this year or may sandals or… 
Oh.. I would love this giveaway for my best friend’s baby shower!!!
LilithSilvermane at gmail dot com
love your blog name I would love to get the target card and the SB how fun
Well, I think your header and signature are quite stupendous as well. Simple, charming, yet contemporary, and very “scrappy” looking. I love it. I may have to visit her in the near future if I don’t win a blog header in the bloggy giveaway carnival this week!
And I love to collect (and sometimes use) scrapping supplies, and I LOVE my Target. It even has a Starbucks inside. Double delight!
Thank you!
I would love to win both because I don’t have time to scrapbook, and this would be helpful to keep those photos in some place special…and I love target!
What a thoughtful and generous prize! Thank you for the chance to win!
I would love to make a scrapbook for my niece who I’m waiting to be born right now, and I’d love to buy her some little socks or toys.
I would love the Target gift card. I am a big Target fan and shopping with a gift card would be even better!
I’d use the scrapbook for my 50th anniversary that’s coming up this July!
And, the Target card would be used for a 50th anniversary card for my husband’s twin brother, who celebrates his anniversary this August!
Scrapbooking + Target = wonderfulness
I love target,,,,,thanks
Well, I simply could really use both.
(Wow lot’s of comments!)
I’m getting my scrappin’ muse off her duff again – and IS THERE a better store than Target??? I hafta drive 50 miles to get to one – but I do at least once a month… Just LOVE me that Target Smell…you know it, don’t you…? :0)
Target is one of my favorite stores and the scrapping stuff would be so fun.
what wonderful prizes…a mini scrapbook would be lovely…because truly “mini” fits the time i would have to fill it as well! and target…well, who doesn’t love target!
theyakmom AT yahoo DOT com
Why do I want these things? Because they are totally awesome! I love scrapbooking but just have NOT had the time lately to do any of it. And the Target GC… becaus I can use it at Starbucks.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love Target! I take my 8 month old there all the time! I also love to scrapbook but don’t have lots of time with a baby so it would be great to have a scrapbook with some pages already completed.
I could always use stuff from Target. I’m not much of a scrapbooker, but I’ve always admired them and wouldn’t mind learning how to create one myself! My email address is in my Blogger profile, just in case I win!
I love Target! Always get great deals on things for every occasion. I also share your love of scrapbooking!
a lovely handmade scrapbook…for some reason i have been feeling a need to gather mementos for my children in the event i get squashed.
what a lovely heirloom.
and Target? it’s just fun. so much better than ~that other store~
thanks for the chance!
I love shopping– can always find something I need at Target!
How fun! Please count me in! I love shopping at Target, and I love scrapbook style card making.
Meghan McDaniels
Confession… I don’t shop at Target as often as most people. I’d love a GC to get me there again. Great giveaway!
Target and scrapbooking…AHHHH I could scream from the excitment…as I love both! Happy Earth Day…
We have a new and first Target in our town!! I’m enjoying Target shopping so much!! Thanks for the offer!
A gift card from Target can expand SO FAR with all the great clearance deals, and it would be “Mom’s fun money” just for me.
I’ve never done any scrapping, but I think a small scrapbook would be fun to try…maybe to put favorite recipes in.
Thanks for the chance to enter your great giveaway!
I would love the Target giftcard. My favorite store!
Target is my fav store! I so want that! I LOVE your blog title! My name is Elaine, too. That title made me smile! redheadrev (at) gmail (dot) com
I LOVE both of these givaways!!!!
I love Target because I’m Canadian, and every time I visit Target in the States it feels like Christmas. Target seems to have 5x the selection of Canadian stores at half the price. I’m always in heaven there.
a scrapbook and a target gift card- two of my favorite things together!
I’d love the scrapbook b/c I am not a crafy person but would love having scrapbooks- how’s that for a catch-22?
And Target- I can always think of $10 worth of stuff to spend there!
I NEED that target gift card! My daughter was told she was having a girl….it came out a boy! We have lots of pink to replace with blue! Thanks!!!!
Great giveaway! I’m learning to scrapbook and I love Target!!
Thanks so much!
I love me some Target!! And I love to scrapbook, it’s my passion! I would love to win your give away!
I love scrapbooking and there is always something calling my name at Target. Thanks!
I would love to win a cute scrapbook heck why not throw in the target gift card too! lol! I would love to get myself something from target, because I haven’t shopped for myself in a while. The scrapbook would also be awesome b/c I need one badly! Thanks for this great giveaway!
Oooh, I would love the gift card. I am trying to decorate my home and that would help buy some art or curtains. Thanks!
From Target I would buy Scooby Snacks for my son because I can’t find them anywhere else!
Target’s organizing stuff is awesome… I love a little trip there when cross border shopping!
Both would be well loved! Thanks!!
I love target and your beautiful new header on your blog!
I love Target, too…and scrapbooking! I love to take pics of my kids doing cute things! Target has clothes that fit my skinny boy!!
Love Target! Love Scrapbooking! Best give-a-way yet! Thanks!
I love scrapbooking and my next project was to make my mom a brag book!And we are remodeling our master bath and target is the best place to decorate it!
Scrapbooking is my passion! I’d love to be in on this. I have two little ones and tons of pictures. Pick me! Pick me!
I love this giveaway I can scrapbook for hours and buy energy drinks from target to scrap even longer
I’d love the Target GC. I’d say that I’d probably have to be practical and buy DIAPERS with it. . . sigh. . .
Great blog! Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I can always use target cards.
I think we’re soul sisters. I love scrappin’ and Target, too. =D
I would love to finally get into scrapbooking and this would totally help me do it! XOXOXO
Love Target but not as much as Scrapping! Thanks, Kathy
i have been procrastinating a scrapbook for my baby (currently 8 months pregnant!) and this would be such a great solution! Plus, target gift card? Can we say hello to diapers!!
sjahmed (at)
That sounds wonderful! Thanks
I love Target and I always finding myself spending a fortune when i go there, this gift card will come in handy because my husband and I are building a house so we are going to need alot of stuff.
I’d love me some Target, too! lol
We got our daughter who will be 12 on Friday a digital camera for her birthday, I have a funny feeling with her artistic nature she would love scrabooking, as for Target, is there a 12 step program?
Awesome giveaway!!!
I love Target
Scrappin’ and Target 2 of my loves!
Thanks for the chance!
I love to scrap book and haven’t been able to do so for a while. I’d love to have one of the mini books as I don’t have one!
I love to scrapbook! Love Target too!!!
What a great giveaway! I have gotten out of the habit of scrapbooking since my 2nd dd was born, and now I am over a year behind in scrappin my kids. This would definitely help get me back on track!
I would love to win either of these and possibly use them for wedding stuff. (I’m getting married next month, woo!)
raspberrykitty at aol dot com
Yay! Target!! Who doesn’t love Target??
I love the scrapbook layouts! What a thoughtful giveaway prize.
I love scrapbooking and we are in the process of buying a new house, so the Target card would come in very handy! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love target and am an avid scrapbooker that took a break for a few years and am now getting back into it.
A little scrapbook like that would be fun to do a themed scrapbook with.
OH MY GOODNESS… what a wonderful wonderful give away… I have always wanted to do a scrapbook but never have.. this would be such a cool way to get me started.. and $10 at target who doesn’t need that?????
count me in..
OH and BTW.. I love the new look of the blog..
Target and I are BFFs!
Count me in for both contests I could use the Target gift card to buy scrapbook stuff and the scrapbook would make a nice present for mothers day
I love target it’s one of my favorite stores! I would like to win the scrapbook to make one with my friends.
This is a great giveaway, count me in!! I love to scrapbook and Target is always good!!!
My fave is the Pink flower on theme would be lily, my new grandbaby. I don’t know alot about scrapping but would love to learn.This could be a great start. Just seems like such a big deal. It just got popular like this in the past five years. New grandchild..perfect timing! Good Luck with the Carnival!
Fellow paper nerd here! I would use the mini scrapbook for pictures of a vacation we took last year. Shhh…this is our scrappy secret but I have been scrapbooking for 5 years and never made a mini album before!
And I would totally use the Target gift card to try and get my hands on the Fiskars Threading Water border punch!!!
I love Target. Truly.
And I want to be a good scrapbooker. I’m just afraid to do much with it. So this might be just what I need to get going on it.
gibmom at gmail dot com
I love me some Target also… and my mom is quite the creative scrapbooker .. hmm, is that a word?
Target has a bedding set that my daughter wants. I’d love to use this to get it for her. (And my MIL would like the scrapbook. She’s a huge scrapbooker)
I would use the scrapbook for my first granddaughter who is due June 6th. Then I would go to Target and buy some pink scrapbook supplies to make additional pages for the book!
Yay and yay!! I love me some Target for sure… and I can’t seem to be able to jump start the scrapbooks, so that may be a good way!
First of all, I love me some Target too! And, I only wish I knew how to scrapbook, but I don’t so an album for my 1 year old would be awesome so I could catalog all her “firsts”.
Well, I’ve been wanting to get into scrapbooking – I have accumulated a few supplies and have started putting pictures I want to scrapbook into a box for when I’m ready to start. And Target – my home away from home – let me count the ways I love thee!
neat, I want this
i love love love target. i would also like to make my very own scrapbook, i have always admired others who do so .
Who couldn’t use a little Target splurge? I could feed my magazine addiction! Thanks for the giveaway!
Oooo Target!! I would totally get a new maternity shirt!
Great giveaway! Thanks for offering these things:)
Scrapbooking and Target, two of the most wonderful things in the world! I’d love either of them. What a fantastic giveaway, thank you for your generosity!:)
I have a slight Target Addiction and this would help support it
so cool. i love love love target! and i really want to do a little scrapbook for my 2nd daughter’s birth since i have one for my 1st daughter.
What a great giveaway! Scrappin’ and Target are a fantastic combination….
Seriously love Target, and the fact that you would do page layouts, yeehaw!
Target is my favorite!
Thanks for this. You are so nice. I am really getting into scrapbooking. This will be so fun!
Wow…thank you for the giveaway.
well as a new mother i have started scrapbooking and i LOVE it. also, i love the target. a $10 gift card could load up a little basket with stuff of the dollar spot!
Target is terrific for getting oh-so-many things… And the scrapbook would be fabulous because I’ve always wanted to do it, but have yet to start–a jumpstart like this would be perfect!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
I love scrapbooking but I don’t have an album so it would be perfect.
I am soooo far behind in my scrapbooking. I could use the help!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Scrapbooking and Target, two great things!
I love me some Target too! I love to scrapbook. The books make great gifts. Thanks for the contest!
Please sign me up for the Target gc I’m always running in there to pick up something.
Theresa N
I love target and I need help starting a scrapbook.
Thanks for the great giveaway! With a new baby, both the scrapbook and gc would be useful!
I love Target! I’m trying to save to get a vacuum.
I’d love to win because this is such a generous giveaway. thanks!
I love Target and also Scrapbooking- though I am now several years behind.
Two of my favorite things, too! Nice to “meet” you!!! I have boxes full of pics that I have been trying to get into scrapbooks since I had my son almost three years ago–Where does the tie go??!! We are planning a second baby now and I would LOVE to be able to finish my first baby’s album before being covered in another load of pictures of our second–ha ha ha! Thanks for considering me! I never go out and get scrapping supplies anymore and I am ADDICTED to scrapbooking! I’m so excited!!! (Fingers crossed!!!)
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to go on a little shopping spree, and would be thrilled to have some new scrapbooking supplies!!
I love scrapbooking, but haven’t had time for it during the past year. A jump-start would be awesome!! Thanks!
julieschonlau at yahoo dot com
I can always use a little love from Target…and scrapbooking is great fun!
Well I love to scrapbook and the gift card would provide me with the supplies for more scrapbooking!
Sounds like a good deal.
That is a fun giveaway! I love scrapbooking, and Target has the best things to buy! =)
Oops… I forgot to leave my e-mail… ticole96(at)msn(dot)com
I love to scrapbook and am trying to teach my mom but she lacks the creative how to and this would be perfect for her.
At the risk of sounding greedy-BOTH! WHo doesnt love Target? And I need a header BAD!
The scrapbook sounds like fun, and we frequent Target too. Please enter me.
I would love to have this to make something for my sister, who has a birthday coming up. She is my only sibling and lives far away so we love to craft and send eachother surprises in the mail. Great giveaway!
I am an avid scrapbooker. The small albums are wonderful for recipe scrapbooks, photo albums for kids at college etc. I’d love a new album to work with. The gift certificate would have to be used to help pay for a new DVD
Thanks for offering such a great prize – I hope I’m the lucky winner!
There is always something at Target. The photo book, I could finally have somewhere to put all my boys’ marching band photos!
I love shopping at Target.
Can you believe these are two of my favorite things? Thanks for a fun giveaway!
Target is my favorite store!!! Count me in!
Love target, love scrapbooking. Two mommish thumbs up.
I would love the scrapbook because i love making small albums. I feel like I get so much accomplished very quickly.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love your new header and signature! Throw my name in the hat, please.
I love target and have been wanting to get into scrapbooking. Thanks for such a cool contest!
I love scrapbooking, and I love Target. They are two of my favorite things. My e-mail address is
I’ve just started doing a little scrappin’ so anything to add to the collection would be great. And Target…well it is only the best store ever so why wouldn’t I want a gc there. Pleae pick me!!
I’d love the scrapbook b/c I’d love to make an ABC scrapbook for my children to have.
AND the Target card would come in handy; I’m thinking about trying Method cleaning products soon.
meg (dot) wilson (at) gmail (dot) com
I LOVE scrapbooking AND target! Oh you are a woman after my own heart lol
My fiancee’ and I LOVE Target! I’d love to win the gift card for us! And hey, a scrap book wouldn’t be bad either!
I am a ‘scrapbooker’ also and would love to win that prize. Thanks.
I have a 6 month old and I would love a scrapbook. I have never done a scrapbook but a mini one sound like a great start!
Cool Give-a-way! I love scrapbooking too. If I win you can reach me at
I love these items. I love visiting target and I’m just getting into scrapbooking. Fun hobby
Wow Elaine, cute blog name and cute blog! I have a Target 5 minutes from my home now! I want to win your giveaway (mm that’s obvious?) Can’t wait to see more of what you do. Thanks!!!
Great giveaway – please count me in!
Target for me – it’s my favorite store!
I am a new scrapbooker, so would love the scrapbooking items… and who can resist Target!! shopping for spring would be great for my daughter who just finished her first year of college ^debbie^
I’d love to use the Tar-jay gift card on a new outfit or toy for my little boy!
Yes, scrapbooking and Target. What a wonderful combo. Thanks! madsenfam[at]msn[dot]com
I would LOVE to win the Target card because I LOVE Target! It is my favorite store! We don’t have one in my town, but everytime I go home to visit my parents, Target is a MUST-STOP!
target is the best store ever for great products on a college student budget!
I think this is a great combo to give away to a first timer. I have yet to make a scrapbook, though I have plenty of photos. Very cool of you to offer, thanks.
I LOVE Target. I’m there every week, so I could definitely use the gc and a new blank canvas scrapbook would be so fun to start! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Love Target!
Target is my fav! I was there earlier today, too! Only went to get 1 thing and came out with like 10 things!
Enter me, please!
I love to scrap and I love to shop at Target. This would be great!
Things are tight and I’ll be out of a job this summer. Every penny helps!
Oooh, yay, a giveaway that’s not yet closed by the time I get here on Friday night! Can you say 6 kids and oodles of pics? Both very, very good reasons for scrapbooking and Target shopping!
This is a great giveaway; thank you!
I like both Target and scrapbooking. I don’t do as much as I used to, but maybe this will motivate me.
I love scrapbooking and would love to leave my children some fabulous pages to treasure. I never seem to have enough time to keep up- this prize would be a blessing.
The target gift card would come in handy for developing more photos for my family to treasure.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
God Bless,
Oh my, I think I forgot to leave my email address:
Im a scrapbooker!
Both are great. But Target, is always so useful.