Two Lives

I quickly pull into a spot in the dark parking lot, my car for once, child-free.

I’m running into the store for eggs and butter, all the things needed to bake a cake for a little girl’s birthday party.

Already tired. Hair disheveled, clothes a mess.

In front of me, a cute, little car with her inside.

She smokes a cigarette. Puffs out the open window.

Her face is young and beautifully made up. Her hair perfect.

That WAS my life.

Now this IS my life.

Her boyfriend hops in the driver’s seat and speeds off.

I go in for my cake makings.

This week’s prompt comes from Galit!  I love that, and her! 🙂

This week I want you to conjure something. An object, a person, a feeling, a color, a season- whatever you like. But don’t tell me what it is, conjure it. You have 100 words, use them wisely.

Also linking up with Just Write…


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