So apparently you really CAN keep up with my life if you follow me on twitter.
This may be a re-run for some of you that do, but I just thought it was interesting to document a week just from my ‘tweets’…
First of all, you can know my daily schedule of events:
So far today I’ve slept it, taken the kids to the pool (w/ hubs) worked out and eaten breakfast and lunch. And it’s only 1 p.m.! 1:00 PM Jul 5th via Seesmic
And you can get GREAT household tips from me!
PSA of the Day: DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT wash a pull-up in the washing machine #itwasthehusbandwhodidit,notme 1:00 PM Jul 5th via Seesmic
You can know what’s BUGGING me about Blogger:
okay, comments are not showing up on my latest post and I don’t know why. And they are GOOD comments so it’s REALLY tickin’ me off! help? 10:19 PM Jul 5th via Seesmic
And keep up with the baby…
In other news baby LOVES breakfast now. She just ate an entire scrambled egg & half a piece of raisin toast! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:42:24 AM via Seesmic
And then know that Blogger and I made up (sorta)
I can see the comments again!! – although it says there are only 6 when there are more. Blogger – what’s your problem today anyway??? GAH! Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:13:39 PM via web
More tips… 😉
Cleaned out linen closet today & found approx. 80,000 baby wash cloths. Going to use them as sweat wipers during Zumba like my friend does. Tuesday, July 06, 2010 5:20:00 PM via Seesmic
And some ‘funnies’…
6 yr old just said, “I gotta find a Woody to sleep with!!” of Toy Story fame of course…) #nocomment Tuesday, July 06, 2010 7:53:43 PM via Seesmic
More about baby (because she’s growing up TOO fast!)
I feel like I have a toddler all the sudden. waving, saying ‘buh-bye”, eating regular food, playing w/ her bros. What happened to my BABY?!? Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:24:04 PM via Seesmic
You can find out that I’m into the latest exercise craze.
Just got back from shakin’ mah thing at Zumba. And… my back hurts. I’m old. ;-P Wednesday, July 07, 2010 7:55:06 PM via Seesmic
And what I had for breakfast…
Peanut butter on sprouted bread raisin toast and yesterday’s coffee. It’s a stellar breakfast, yo. P.S. down 14.5 lbs. 😀 Thursday, July 08, 2010 9:27:24 AM via Seesmic
And even when I’m not having the best of days…
I’m already ready for this day to be over. Thank goodness dinner is already cooked (leftovers). I may just go to be right after. Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:54:47 PM via Seesmic
You can learn things about having boys in your life
One downside to having boys: Pee EVERYWHERE. Thursday, July 08, 2010 4:22:48 PM via Seesmic
And about how I do NOT have a cleaner for my house (unless I look in the mirror…)
dusted, swept, cleaned counters, toilets, sinks and floors. I’m done for today. Friday, July 09, 2010 2:42:01 PM via Seesmic
And that I do STILL scrapbook (very rarely, only once in a blue moon, every know and again…)
Going through Christmas time pics for scrapbooking and seeing how small my baby was then almost makes me cry!!! Friday, July 09, 2010 9:21:55 PM via Seesmic
Just so you know, there were NO takers…
need to go put my workout clothes on now. Kinda wish someone could do the workout for me today. ANYONE? Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:31:27 AM via Seesmic
And how I occasionally use bad grammar…
just got my toes did. girl doing my pedi was HUGELY preggo but told me she still has 8 wks to go. that’s gonna be a B.I.G. baby!!! Saturday, July 10, 2010 4:16:15 PM via Seesmic
(and no, I did not say that to her, she said it herself!)
So what did we learn?
Baby washcloths CAN be useful, BAD idea to wash a pull-up and I like pedicures.
Oh and even in just a week life seems to be moving WAY too fast…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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