Do you still use Twitter? I do. Although I’m not completely sure why. I don’t think any of my blog traffic comes from there. I see most people using it for links to posts and lots of Instagram pictures. Which I get, I tweet post links (not just mine) ALL THE TIME as well as most of my IG pics. Occasionally I find something on twitter that I click on because I want to read it. Even less occasionally, I still have a conversation with someone in tweets.
Recently I put this tweet out there:
However, I did not make the graphic, Famous Footwear did. Isn’t that cool? Also, my hashtag on the original tweet was #momlife, and obviously, theirs in different. It’s one they use a lot. I guess they are trying to tap into the whole “mom blogger” thing or somethin’. I’m down with that. I like shoes too much. And since they put my handle on the bottom I thought it was pretty neat that a company with followers 30,000 + followers retweeted me in such a way!
I will admit, sometimes I use Twitter to share something that I am not fully committed to sharing on Facebook. Sometimes I do both but many times I just put it out in a tweet. I always try to tag the writer, even if their writing is on another site. I have gone out of my way to find someone’s twitter handle so that they can know I tweeted their work. I try to be a good “share-er” like that.
Some say they miss the way twitter used to be but I think we are all just spending time “chatting” on Facebook instead so we cannot really miss it that much, you know? I have IRL friends who still say “I don’t get twitter”. Yeah, sometimes I do not either anymore…
By the way, that moment I tweeted about up there was quite heartbreaking. I was literally standing in my closet, hanging up the last of my shirts when my child came into my room to take a shower and put his clothes in my hamper in the bedroom. Feel free to share. Surely I cannot be the only one with such a devastating blow. #SadPanda #hashtagsrock #momlife #firstworldproblems
Okay, here’s some other stuff I want to share with y’all. That I probably found through Facebook, not Twitter.
I recently had a new online acquaintance email me to thank me for helping them realize their true writing/blogging purpose (it wasn’t actually all that dramatic but you know…) I simply said, “Be true to yourself.” That’s all. So when Leigh Ann led me to this post I was all, “Yup, uh huh.” See, she and I kind of had the same situation so it’s extra cool.
This is a great post about teaching kids to be resilient, from Blair Armstrong. Number 7 is titled “Sharing Sucks!” Go see what other gems she has for us parents.
And me, well I wrote something that you may enjoy over at BonBon Break. It’s about slowing down (just a little) in these hectic lives we lead.
I’m linking up with MamaKat because I wrote about a tweet. You should visit her too and sign up for her writing prompts. There are new ones every week and even if I do not write about them here, I am usually inspired in some way. 🙂
Lastly, I’ll leave y’all with this. Found in a coloring/sketch book that the kids and I share. I keep it in our van and when we have to wait somewhere we take it in to entertain us. This was written by the 8-year old. Hashtag, #AwesomeFind
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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