So Tuesday’s Tribute has moved from Jay’s place to Angie’s since Jay is taking some sort of blogging break. I miss you already my bald friend.
But of course Angie is a wonderful and gracious hostess herself and where the tribute goes, I shall follow!
My tribute comes in triplicate this week so here goes.
To Spring – I LOVE you dear Spring. Well, except for the never-ENDING wind you’ve produced this year. Oh and the fact that said wind made ANOTHER branch fall off of our tree out front. Oh and the way you’ve made my ENTIRE head ache, my nose constantly stuffy and sneezy and my throat scratchy. Oh yes, I just LOOOOOVE all of that…
One of your only redeeming qualities so far? This:
My second tribute goes out to maternity pants/jeans/capris (and no I will NOT be adding shorts to that list). Although I am not really looking forward to wearing them for the next six eight/nine months, what would we do without them? And to prove my point, here’s a 16-week belly shot. Yes, I already look REALLY pregnant. And please, no comments about how big my bootie is too. ‘Cause that would be just rude.
And my last but SO NOT least tribute goes out to my bloggy friend Melanie at Adventures of the Reluctant Housewife. I recently won a giveaway on her blog which included some crocheting supplies, which I did receive AND MORE! See, SHE’S the crocheting expert herself and she made this gorgeous blanket for the baby-to-be and these little “monster guys” (as The B Man calls them) for the boys.
How incredibly sweet is that? Thanks so much Melanie, you made a difficult day much less so with your thoughtfulness.
Head on over to Angie’s for more Tuesday’s Tributes.

Oh great post! I’m thankful for spring, too, but there are no flowers making appearances where I am yet!
And hello? You look fantastic pregnant! I looked like that when I was 8 weeks pregnant, no joke!
You look so cute! Are you taking anything for the allergies? There are safe options while pregnant. I would have died without it. And what cute little crocheted gifts.
You look so cute buddy!!! Love the picture of the rose too, it’s gorgeous. Sorry it’s causing problems with your nose . . . not fun!
What a great tribute to spring, especially since that when all flowers start to bloom, I love the picture of the rose!
I agree maternity pants is a tribute in of itself. My only complaint is why didn’t they have cute maternity clothes when I was pregnant many many many years ago.
Oh I am totally with you in fear/distrust of maternity shorts…who thought of that? Like anyone wants to see my super blindingly pale legs on which I can’t use self-tanner, as I attempt to hoist the shorts over my tummy while simultaneously trying not to create a Daisy-Duke-barefoot-and-pregnant scenario! Ack!
Hey, I highly recommend a neti pot for allergies – you have to use it before you are really congested, though…it prevents the congestion from happening!
Roses are beautiful and so are baby bumps so keep smelling the roses and forget about the rest (sniffling, sneezing, coughing, …)
Eeeeek!!! Look at your cute little belly!
You look fantastic!
Thank goodness Spring is finally here! Snow in April, yuck!
And, you look great…I didn’t notice anything about your booty!
I love spring, too, and personally, I think you look GREAT! Everyone always tells me I have that “classic pregnant” look (where it’s all belly). That’s totally you, too.
You look awesome!
And….I mailed your book today!
Oh your bump is adorable!
Gorgeous flower!
Gorgeous mama with a gorgeous baby bump!
And gorgeous baby blanket!
What a fun tribute post!
You look great. Your booty isn’t big. It’s just normal size. You’d look odd with a concave booty, after all.
Thanks for the tribute. I’m glad you like the blanket and the toys.
That is a wonderful belly! Love baby bumps. But dude, 16 months pregnant? YIKES!
You look CUTE! I perfect, tiny baby belly.
I’m so glad that even though your bald friend isn’t the host you still participated.
I think your 16 week belly shot is fab. I never looked nearly so cute pregnant. Do you have one of those bella bands? I wish they were out when I was pregnant.
You are so cute. I wish I was that cute at 16 weeks. Love maternity clothing. I actually had a pair of maternity pants that I wore when I wasn’t even preggers LOL. They were so comfy.
The belly looks great Elaine! And your Rose shot is awesome!
You look great! I am loving the belly shot.
Look at that precious baby bump, how cute. Loved how you took the photo too…
Sweet stuff! And you look beautiful! Revel in your preggyness. It goes by so quickly when you look back on it.
No need to be missin’! I’m here! And Ill be back soon…
Now as for you…
LOOK at you ROCKIN’ your silhouette!! You look fantastic…I hope you know how beautiful you look, even as you head into Texas Summer, and all the sympathy it will bring you during your pregnancy…
Enjoy every minute!!
I love your baby bump, Elaine! You are seriously adorable
I think you look cute as a button. I love the belly bump! And the blanket is gorgeous.
I completely respect your refusal to wear maternity shorts. I, too, refuse to wear shorts while preggo. Only capris or skirts. Come to thik of it, I hate shorts while not preggo. I guess I’m just weird. There’s something about knees that just aren’t attractive.
Holy moly, Elaine….YOU ARE PREGNANT! Like SHOWING pregnant!!!
That is so awesome! Love the baby bump! And can’t wait for May 21st to find out if you are decorating the nursery in pink or blue!!
I love your belly shot!
You are so cute!!
I was big right off the start too and it made me worry how big I would end up…I am still worried but not as much.