* Some strangers packed up all our stuff yesterday. But according to my husband, they were nice strangers. The boys and I are staying away from the chaos that is packing up a home and we are currently living with our good friends until our departure on Friday. Our oldest boys are good friends and thankfully they are getting some good quality time in before we leave. They are going to miss each other. Oh and playing Wii bowling together too…
* I bought a HUGE thing of chocolate covered raisins at Costco today. I SO shouldn’t have done that.
*I’m getting my hair done on Wednesday morning before we skip town. I’m leaving my favorite salon behind and I need a Summer cut. My hair has gotten longer than I’ve had it in a while and although I like it (and Tim lurves it!) it’s really WAY to hot for all this hair on me. WAY. TOO. HOT. oh and HUMID too.
* My girlfriend and I went to see “The Proposal” last night. And all I have to say about that is Ryan Reynolds is YUMMY. Yep yep, he is!
* I keep thinking about where all of our furniture and other stuff is going to go in the house in Louisiana. Like ALL the time. I’ve been decorating it in my head since we decided we liked it. That’s just the way I am. My biggest conundrum is the living room. It’s HUGE and could almost be divided into two rooms. I’m looking forward to figuring it out though.
* The baby wakes up at about 11 p.m. every night. In my body. Maybe she’s going to be a night owl like her mother. Great.
* Speaking of the baby and pregnancy, as of today I’m down to double digits on my little counter on the sidebar. 99 days until baby is due. Woah.
* I’m kinda looking forward to the drive to Louisiana on Friday. What’s wrong with me? Maybe it’s the fact that it means I’m closer to getting to our new place and getting my life back to some sort of normalcy. Oh and my MIL is riding with me and the boys and she’s fun to talk to and in this case, a life saver, so it’s all good!
* This kid is really cute. Despite is bossy-ness and TOTAL Grumplestiltskin attitude yesterday afternoon.
That’s all I got.
He’s an awfully cute little cranky thing!
Good luck with the move and with all of the decorating!
I remember those night owl moments of pregnancy. I used to stand there and rock them back to sleep so I could sleep myself. LOL.
I think the decorating thing would keep me up at night….. it’s one of the things I stress about.
Ryan Reynolds is very, very yummy!
I want to see that movie. Besides staring at the yumminess…was it good?
You could always take pictures of your new living room and ask us what to do
I’m going to see “The Proposal” tomorrow night with my BFF… can’t wait!
The procrastinator that I am… I can’t decide whether or not to get my hair cut before we leave for vacation.
BTW, we leave for vacation in 5 days.
Girl, I love me some wii bowling.. I’m addicted when we go to our friends house.. I’m like.. wanna play? wanna play? Like a dern kid.
Chocolate covered raisins are one of my many favorites too. YUM
Good luck with the bossy toddler, mine is a little sassy pants herself too.
Have a great day sweetie!
Have a safe drive to Louisiana! Love you all!
Jackson has been doing the cranky thing lately too…maybe it’s the heat.
Have a safe drive to your new home!
I CANNOT believe there are only 99 days left! Crazy!
That is one seriously adorable kid.
I can’t believe that it’s really time for you to go!
Travel safe
He is pretty cute! Good thing he has that to work in his favor! lol
Chocolate covered raisins… YUM! I love me some chocolate covered raisins!
Good luck with your move & the decorating!
He is cute. Short hair is the way to go year-round for me. Yea for double digits!
ryan reynolds is yummy isn’t he??
and congrats on being in the double digits – whoo hooo!
I stumbled on your blog – what cutie kids! I enjoyed reading.
Mmmm, choclate covered raisins – that would be gooood right now! So would a hair cut, I feel shaggy! I can’t believe your big day is almost here.
I’m trying to grow my hair back out but I know I will end up caving and getting it cut.
Your little G is just so adorable. Love that pic!
hope all is going well! Have a safe trip!
have a safe drive to LA! we are going to miss you around here…
oh and i got all exciting thinking you had just linked to claudia’s mystery blog…
but no.
I <3 Ryan Reynolds. I need to see that movie!
ANd that is one cute little dude!
You had me at Ryan Reynolds….yum.
what a cutie!
and never underestimate the power of a good hair cut
Seriously, it is crazy that this time last year you still had 99 days left of your pregnancy!