Towel-Folding, it’s an art

There is A LOT of talk about mothers and motherhood in my life right now.

First, because I am one.

Second because I’m a part of this “little” it’s actually a pretty big show called “Listen To Your Mother.”

Third, because I have an essay published in Only Trollops Shave Above the Knee: The Crazy, Brilliant and Unforgettable Lessons We’ve learned from Our Mothers.  I know, it’s a mouthful.



In my essay I talk about towel-folding being something that my mother taught me.  Sounds kind of simple, right? But there is a message in there somewhere.  Much like with many things we read and write these days. Or any day.  There’s always a take-away.  Even from a thing like your mother teaching you how to fold towels.

There are many other great essays in this book.  Funny ones, heartfelt ones, some that will make you cry tears of laughter.  Some that will most certainly make you think of your own mother.

And sure, my mom taught me a SLEW of other things but when I thought about what to write for this anthology I kept picturing the towels. I’m not sure why, but I did.  Maybe because I think of her every time I fold my own towels and have FOR YEARS.


This photo relates to my story too.


You’re completely intrigued by my essay about laundry now, aren’t you? I mean, who could blame you? SUCH an exciting topic! I KNOW!!!


But seriously, it is part of this brilliant book from Blue Lobster Book Co. and Crystal Ponti, who has been a wonderful cheerleader and amazes me how she put this anthology together.

The book comes out today! Get your hard copy or kindle edition HERE!

I am truly very excited to be a part of this book for so many reasons.  There are many amazing writers in this group and well, because it is about Motherhood and it’s almost Mother’s Day, I kind of think everyone should have a copy.  I will be giving it to several of the mothers in my life… 🙂

P.S. Here’s a sample tweet if you’re willing to share on Twitter about the book: “Which way do YOU fold towels? I bet it is the way your mother taught you… #OnlyTrollops”


Now, go ahead, tell me something you learned from YOUR mom! 


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