I’m about to let you see my car. Don’t you feel so privileged?!
Please don’t “unfollow” me or “unfriend” me or any of that stuff when you see the back seat floorboard, k?
Pinky swear?
(wait, how do you do that over the internets??)
Anyway, just please don’t.
I mean, it’s BAAAAAAD…
It’s possible that there are small woodland creatures living down there somewhere. Or a few “goldfish”. HA HA HA! Get it? Goldfish (you know, the cheesy variety).
I crack myself up.
Anyway, here’s the car. The one I have a love/hate relationship with. I may or may not start begging my husband at one point during this vlog.
And I’m not the only star of the show this time (perhaps I’ve covered the third prompt as well…)
Check out Vlog Talk – it’s pretty awesome!

i never thought i’d want a mini van… but now with two kids it sounds wonderful!
It’s not weird of you to say you want a minivan – I begged for one too! I love how Gavin just kept popping in every part of the car – adorable! I can’t believe you fit 3 car seats across there – that’s a pretty cool feature!
I am going to say YES you are weird for wanting a mini van.
I am definitely raging against the mini van at this stage. 

To each their own, right?
Gav is totally cute.
I fell ya, sistah! I also want a minivan because although I only have one child now, I know it could turn into 2 or 3 and I want to avoid exactly the situation you have going on! Great video. Gavin is adorable!
Wow! I never knew my minivan driving self was the envy of so many moms
Cutie boy looks so big! Mah goodness.
I love that you can fit 3 car seats in there! It’s not weird of you to want a minivan. I love mine and will have a really hard time ever downsizing!
I’m in awe that you fit 3 car seats back there! Perhaps this vlog + all the convince your husband you really need a minivan?
When you have more than 2 kids, there is nothing that beats the space that a minivan can offer.
I sure hope you get one.
I thought I would hate having a mini-van but I probably won’t ever get anything else…. until I don’t have to cart around kids anymore.
Gavin is a cutie!
Maybe the reason I only want 2 kids is because I’ll never drive a minivan. I can’t believe you have 3 car seats in the back of the CRV. I have a RAV4 and I know that 2 car seats is a tight fit.
I can’t believe that you can fit three seats in the back. I can’t do that in my Trailblazer.
That blue bag in the back looks very familiar.
And that is the cutest little cast member ever!
PS I’m planning on doing this prompt and the back seat of my car is WAY scarier than yours.
I’m impressed that you were able to fit all 3 car seats across there. It’s been a while since we had that issue- but I remember it being a deal breaker for a lot of cars we were considering.
Oh girl- I started dreaming of a minivan as soon as we got pregnant with our third.
I’d get a minivan, but I wouldn’t be able to drive it without crashing into something. I just cannot handle a large car.
If we have more kids, I’d have to convince my husband to get one, or get myself to driving class again.
I sort of expected him to climb up your back at the end when you were facing the camera so he could be in the shot.
He’s suuuuch a cutie!
Have your husband call me. We couldn’t do three seats in the back of our Explorer!!! We now have a MINIVAN. I’ll talk some sense into him.
Hey Elaine,I love that Gavin wanted to both star in and direct the video.
Watch out Tinseltown!-)
The Epic Adventures of a Modern Mom
Amazing that you can fit all those seats! And yes, that is one cute kid!!
Kate was enthralled with your video! And I’m totally impressed; I never would have thought the CRV had that much room!
I am SO glad to see someone other than myself, with three kids, and a car without a THIRD ROW!! It CAN be done, people, it CAN be done!
However, I am getting ready within the next two months, to sell my poor ol’ jeep (also owned for 6 years) in order to get a larger model, with said THIRD ROW! ahh!
(p.s.- G is SUPER cute! ah!)
Oh girlfriend- how adorable are you?
Your CRV rocks but my minivan? I LOVE!
Oh my goodness I get frustrated with ONE car seat!!
I vote for a mini van!
My daughter says “bye bye” to your son