So today is the anniversary of the day that My Little G was born, two years ago. His birth story is nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact that he was born. My beautiful, wonderful, perfect second son who from the moment I saw his face, I knew would be another great love of my life.
I remember lying there in the operating room (yes, I had a c-section) feeling the pressure in my belly and knowing that one of the most amazing things was about to happen to me and my family, again. And it did.
His teachers at Parents Day Out go on and on about how cute he is and how he likes to dance and loves to do his little art projects. Here at home he loves to play with his crayons (that he got for Easter) and stickers. Oh man does he LOVE stickers! I let him have a piece of paper and he covers it with crayon squiggles and stickers. And yes, I have found a few on the wall and the floor, thankyouverymuch.
He’s always been a good sleeper and continues that trend with a good 11 hour sleep at night and a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoons. His favorite foods include blackberries, pasta, yogurt drinks, cereal, dried apples, raisins, cheese and of course any type of sweet that I may be offering. And he is willing to try just about anything and often asks for a “bite” off of my plate.
His favorite toys right now are Matchbox cars, blocks or big Legos and he carries his two fleece blankets and “Meow, meow” around a lot during the day. He also has a lot of fun with sidewalk chalk lately and at the playground he seems to like the slides the most. He loves to laugh at the family hamster in his cage and when “Hamsty” gets going on his little wheel I so enjoy hearing G chuckle as he watches.
My little guy’s smile can light up any room and does every time he flashes it here at our house. He’s a happy child and a sweet, sweet boy and I am lucky to be his mother and be able to spend every day with him.
To My Gavin,
I hope you have a wonderful day today and a great little party on Saturday. You are a bright light in our lives and so many people love you and celebrate your life today. I love you so much and always,
Just some of my favorite pics from the last year…
Awww! This is super sweet! Happy Birthday little G!
My computer is driving me nuts cos I can’t see any of your pictures!
What a sweet post about your precious boy. He sounds like a little doll! What a lucky mommy you are. My boys are growing up but I still treasure the memories of their first words, etc.
What a great post for your birthday boy!!
Hey Elaine! So little did I know that somehow my Reader ate up your blog. I know, it probably doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t to me either.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Gavin! You are adorable and you make my heartmelt. You an dmy son are at the same age and this is such a fun and enjoyable time right now! Keep making your Mama proud and we can’t wait to see how much you’ve grown next year!
Aww, what a great post Elaine! Happy birthday to your handsome, sweet and talented Gavin.
Hope you guys have a great weekend.
Happy Birthday to Gavin! He and my son, who is 7 today, share the same birthday. Anyway, he seems to be such a cutie and I loved your post.
Happy Birthda to Gavin! The photos, with all his blonde cuteness, are beautiful.
he is so dang adorable! Happy birthday little G!
he is so dang adorable! Happy birthday little G!
Happy Birthday, Gavin! Elaine – your family is so cute! I love having little boys in my life too! Have a good birthday party on Saturday.
Awww, happy birthday to him!
Happy B-day Gavi! We’ll see you in the morning for your party!
Happy Birthday Beautiful Blondie!
Have a great weekend
Happy Birthday G! He’s so cute.
Happy birthday little guy! He is so cute and reminds me of my little guy. Your whole story reminds me of my little guy because that’s how I feel about him. Only he’s my only one and not my second. Not yet anyhow!
What a sweet, sweet post!
He is so adorable!! And I loved reading about him
Happy Birthday, Gavin!!
Happy Birthday to your little guy!
Awwww! Happy Birthday to your little guy!
Happy Birthday Little G!! Hope you guys have a fun weekend celebrating!!
Happy, happy birthday to little G!
Happy Birthday Little G!!! He’s so sweet Elaine!! We definitely need to try to meet sometime soon – I wanta squish those cheeks!!!
Aww so sweet! Love the pictures, so adorable! Happy Birthday Little G!
happy Birthday Little G!!!! I hope you got everything you wanted and more! Such a special age!
What a great tribute to your sweet boy.
Happy Birthday, G!
What a sweet birthday tribute. Happy Birthday handsome little guy.
AWWW! Happy birthday you adorable little man!!!
Oh G, you melt my heart dude, melt it clear into a puddle of gooey mess!
Happy Birthday!
Elaine, great tribute and those are some mad photo skills!
He is SUCH a little cutie! Happy Birthday to him!
Happy Birthday to your sweet little man!! He is SO cute!
Happy Birthday, Little G! You are so huggable!
Happy Birthday Gav we are so sorry to have to miss the birthday party!! I hope you have a great time!
Hi Elaine
Happy birthday to your gorgeous little man.
Lots of love
“His birth story is nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact that he was born.” THAT made me tear up – such sweet words!
Happy birthday, little man! It’s hard to believe he’s now TWICE the age he was the first time I met you guys. He sure is a sweet guy. And very photogenic – so many adorable shots of him!
Awwwww…What a sweet post Elaine.
I loved learning more about little Gavin.
There was one thing in this post that made me green with envy.
The part where you mentioned his incredible sleep patterns.
I feel certain there must have been a type-o.
You wrote he sleeps for 11 hours…bahahaha…we know that can’t be right. Right?
He couldn’t sleep that long and still nap for 2 to 3 hours.
Tell me it isn’t so.
so fun to look back at pictures… just can’t believe we are already at TWO! *sigh*
And that boy really does love his cake!?!?!? Too cute.